Then I thought about it again, did Chen Deng take refuge in Yangzhou?

Xuzhou is really leaking everywhere, and Yuan Shao dare not expect extravagance for victory.Therefore, Yuan Shao was very interested in Liu Ke's emissary, so he signaled Guo Tu to bring him in.

"Meet Yuan Gong!" Xu Shu bowed.

"What's the matter with Marquis Dongyang, let's talk about it quickly." Yuan Shao said impatiently.

Xu Shu didn't think about it either, and directly shocked Yuan Shao's heart, saying: "Jizhou joins Yangzhou's camp. After the victory in the battle, my lord will help Yuan Gong capture Yanzhou."

Yuan Shao's pupils shrank, he was really frightened by Liu Ke's generosity.

However, Yangzhou has such capabilities.

"The Marquis of Dongyang can't take care of himself now. Even if he wins the northern battlefield, he still needs to deal with the troubles in Jiaozhou. Don't you feel ashamed to say such big words?" Yuan Shao said calmly.

"Master Yuan probably doesn't know yet, but my lord has trained [-] soldiers and horses in the counties south of the Yangtze River, and the army will be formed in three months." Xu Shu said.

Yuan Shao was taken aback. Although the combat power of the new army was definitely not as strong as the current Yangzhou army, it still had [-] troops.

How is this fight going?

"My lord, how can our army lose its trust in the world?" Feng Ji dissuaded him. It was Feng Ji who planned Jizhou for Yuan Shao at the beginning, and Yuan Shao was able to gain a foothold among the princes.

So the words of the season still carry a lot of weight.

Yuan Shao thought about it for a long time...

How could Xu Shu make Yuan Shao come to an unfavorable conclusion?

"First, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan plotted against each other, and Jizhou was at stake. Second, the initiator of the alliance was Dong Zhuo's former subordinate, and Dong Zhuo was everyone's common enemy. How can you say that Yuan Gong broke his promise?" Xu Shu said, in fact, it was just nonsense.

As long as the benefits are sufficient, Yuan Shao doesn't care about his reputation, just like when he captured Jizhou, he didn't give half of it to Gongsun Zan.

Of course, one is the benefit of getting it, it is impossible to give it up, and the other is drawing a big cake, there is still a difference.

"Emperor Xian is in Yanzhou, does the Marquis of Dongyang have that determination?" Tian Feng said sharply.

"Don't worry about this, as long as my lord sends troops to Yanzhou, Cao Mengde will definitely move his capital to Luoyang or Chang'an." Xu Shu said.

Yanzhou has no natural dangers, but Luoyang and Chang'an have them.

Tian Feng only asked one question, and didn't say anything more, because Dongyang Hou's reputation was there.

Feng Ji always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"If our army repents and does not help Duke Yuan attack Yanzhou, we can compensate you with [-] armor and weapons," Xu Shu said.

Yangzhou's armor and weapons are definitely good things.

Cao Cao trained [-] new troops with Yangzhou armor and weapons, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

Yuan Shao was already very moved.

"As long as our army gets the benefits, how about handing over the armor and weapons first?" Feng Ji said.

"Yuan Tu, you are overthinking. How could the Marquis of Dongyang turn his back on what he said?" Guo Tu said, and then whispered to Yuan Shao, "My lord, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After this battle, no one in Hebei is your opponent."

Yuan Shao finally made up his mind and said, "I promise to retreat, but I have to wait for the delivery of armor and weapons in Yangzhou."

I'm afraid this is a fool, right?

Brazenly handing over weapons and armor, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan were not blind.

"Okay, but our army can transport weapons and armor only after Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan are defeated. Besides, Duke Yuan will urge them to march," Xu Shu said.

The two sides discussed some details and finally made a decision.

After Xu Shu left, Feng Ji reminded: "Master, don't be fooled, Cao Cao is the leader no matter what, what reason do you use to attack him?"

Only then did Yuan Shao come to his senses, why did he not mention Yanzhou? It seemed that he was more considerate.

Chapter two hundred and seventy seventh

After Xu Shu returned to the barracks, he immediately reported to Liu Ke.

This thing is too easy, right?Yuan Shao is willing to be a second or fifth child?

"No matter what, our army has no losses." Guo Jia said.

Indeed, now the allied forces are sticking to their tortoise shells, motionless, unable to strike at all.

As long as Yuan Shao gets Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan to move, then Yangzhou has a chance.

At the same time, Yuan Shao was also holding a meeting.

"Xuande is fattening up recently." Yuan Shao sarcastically said, ever since Liu Bei couldn't find Li Shang to confront him, Yuan Shao didn't give him a good face.

Liu Bei is used to it, with a calm face.He already regretted it, so he shouldn't have surrendered in front of Yuan Shao. In this way, Li Shang could be preserved.

Even if he is really Li Ru, so what?

That was also the hero who helped Liu Bei capture Xuzhou. Unfortunately, Liu Bei woke up too late.

"What is Master Yuan Shao doing?" Liu Bei asked with a cold face.

"Since everyone has no intention of fighting again, how about retreating?" Yuan Shao suggested.

As soon as it exited, it was earth-shattering.

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