"All the affairs of Youzhou are under my control." Liu Yu said.

In Liu Yu's eyes, although Gongsun Zan was competitive, he still made great contributions to fighting against aliens and guarding the frontier.

But Yuan Shao is ambitious, so he is not a good bird at first glance.

Yuan Shao was so angry that Liu Bei was angry with him in the south, and Liu Yu was angry with him in the north. Why are the clan members of the Han Dynasty like this?

"Retract the troops and return to the camp!" Yuan Shao ordered.

This is half of Youzhou, Yuan Shao can't just give up like this, so he asked the counselor to quickly come up with an idea.

"We might as well clean up Liu Yu together!" said the examiner. Before staying in Jizhou, he had no chance to show off, and now he just had a chance to show off.

Guo Tu has always been at odds with the judge, and said sarcastically: "My lord just doesn't want to fight Liu Yu, so I asked everyone to find a way. You have received so much salary, have you used it to feed pigs?"

These words reached Yuan Shao's heart.

The judge was furious. Didn't Guo Tu beat around the bush and call him a pig?

"If you have the ability, do you have an idea to try?"

"Just try it!" Guo Tu coughed and suggested to Yuan Shao, "My lord, we should train the new army now. Why rush to seize Youzhou? Gongsun Zan is eager for quick success, and often goes outside the Great Wall to rob wealth. Liu Yu recently started a mutual market to buy the hearts of foreigners, so there will definitely be conflicts between the two."

Yuan Shao actually listened to it, and immediately discussed with Liu Yu to withdraw.As a result, Liu Yu actually sold [-] war horses to Yuan Shao at a low price, and the matter was exposed.

Look, Liu Yu has benefited a lot from the trade with foreign races.

Gongsun Zan rushed back to Youzhou in a hurry, but found that the matter had been easily resolved. Before he could thank Liu Yu, he was reprimanded by Liu Yu.

You are the general of Youzhou, responsible for guarding the frontier, why are you running around all the time?

In the final analysis, Liu Yu still spoke in favor of Yangzhou. After all, Yangzhou was besieged by princes from all walks of life without any fault.

Just because of being strong and rich is simply ridiculous.

So, with Liu Yu's efforts, Youzhou returned to its original situation.It's just that Gongsun Zan suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Yangzhou. In order to recover the losses, he intensified the plundering of foreign races, which intensified the conflict with Liu Yu.

Nonsense, as soon as the front foot traded with a foreign race, the back foot was robbed by Gongsun Zan.

What do foreigners think of Liu Yu?

It has to be said that when Gongsun Zan was away, Liu Yu was able to stabilize the situation in Youzhou because of this trade.It not only benefited the Youzhou family, but also made the prairie people give up robbery.

For the prairie barbarians, I gave you more than you robbed, why did you rob?

For the aristocratic family, through serious trade, you earn more, and smuggling, is that a fool, right?

Moreover, Youzhou's finances have also been supplemented, killing three birds with one stone.

However, Gongsun Zan is a rule-breaking existence, a bit of an eyesore.Liu Yu prevented Yuan Shao from entering Youzhou just to prevent him from pointing fingers.

Now, everyone is not ready, and Hebei has returned to calm.

Yangzhou is still attracting the attention of people all over the world, and under the siege of millions of troops, it has achieved the first step of turning the tables.

Today, only Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Liu Yan are left. Two of them attacked Jiaozhou and Yangzhou, and only Cao Cao's army remained.

In the past few years, Cao Cao has also had unlimited scenery.Yanzhou Mu Liu Dai died coincidentally. He captured Yanzhou easily, and later welcomed Emperor Xian, and captured Chang'an and other places with Liu Ke's help.

Can Cao Cao turn the tide when the three of Yuan Shao are split and defeated?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The danger of Guangling was lifted, and Liu Ke spent a lot of money.

The first is the arrows. The [-] arrows that Guo Jia said at the beginning are almost used up. There is a big gap from the expectation, and there are very few arrows that can be recovered.

In addition to buying the armor and weapons sent by Yuan Shao, it is worth millions of gold.

Still, it's all worth it.None of the infrastructure in Guangling County was destroyed, and all of them were completely preserved.

If the damage is serious, it will cost more than one million gold to rebuild.

"Get ready, we will set off for Runan." Liu Ke said.

"Runan Yuan Shu can still persist, our army can rest for three days before setting off." Liu Ye said.

It might be true that Runan insisted, but Liu didn't want to wait until then.It is the greatest blessing to be able to control the battle outside Yangzhou.

"Yangzhou has its own rules and efficiency." Liu Ke replied to Liu Ye.

This sentence has a profound meaning, Liu Ye thought for a long time before he fully understood it, and became more and more admirable to Liu Ke.

Liu Ke left all the second-line troops behind and set off with only one hundred thousand main battle corps.

In order to prevent Liu Bei from making a comeback, there must be no fewer defenders in Guangling.

Cao Cao's long-term siege, coupled with Liu Ke's sudden attack, now only has [-] troops left, and Liu Ke sent [-] troops, which is enough in number.

The North Route Army was defeated, and the Yangzhou Army was marching towards Runan.

These two news were like a bolt from the blue.

Cao Cao's head was getting bigger, and he ordered to stop today's siege.

"Yuan Benchu's accomplishments are more than failures, so you shouldn't trust him!" Cao Cao said, pounding the table with his fist.

Xi Zhicai had expected the situation to change a long time ago, but unfortunately he did not expect that Yangzhou would persuade Yuan Shao to rebel, and he succeeded.

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