"..." Sun Ce fell silent.

Those young and strong, totaling more than [-], if they are all in the South China Sea, it means that Zhao Yun does not lack the source of troops, and the defense of the city should not be too simple.

So, this is definitely bad news.

"We haven't found out the grain reserves in the South China Sea, but we can be sure that it won't be a problem to persist for half a year." Sun Ce said.

In fact, the food in the South China Sea can support the soldiers and civilians for two years.

Not a single starving person in Yangzhou is no joke.Although Jiaozhou is a little short, the grain storage is still considerable.

"I know." Zhou Yu suddenly laughed and said, "However, this group of people were formerly captives. The biggest hidden danger in the South China Sea is these hundreds of thousands of young men!"

Zhou Yu was so excited that he didn't know how to express it.

After a while, Sun Ce followed Zhou Yu's brain circuit. He actually wanted to incite these hundreds of thousands of people to rebel, and then took the opportunity to seize the South China Sea.

Think about it, there are hundreds of thousands of people, and Zhao Yun only has [-] to [-] people in the city.

"Qin Shihuang practiced well, and the whole country complained. Although the Marquis of Dongyang was superior and only used captives, there must be people who were dissatisfied. The terrain of Jiaozhou is complicated, and it is full of poisonous insects and diseases. The difficulty of building roads can be imagined." Zhou Yu said.

However, in front of them is a broad road, and it is unknown how many prisoners died here.

"Gong Jin, if this matter is accomplished, it will be a great achievement. If there is anything you need to help, just ask." Sun Ce said earnestly.

Seeing Sun Ce's excitement, Zhou Yu calmed down instead.This time the ambush didn't even hurt Zhao Yun's fur.

Therefore, Zhou Yu didn't want to waste the second chance. After returning to the camp, he thought hard and perfected his plan.

First of all, the first difficulty is how to send people into the South China Sea.

Ever since Sun Ce besieged the South China Sea, Zhao Yun had sealed off the whole city, and it was very difficult to sneak into the city.

Zhou Yu finally couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this is because the new princes have no foundation, and they couldn't even make this arrangement well before the attack.

It was obvious that he was going to attack Dongyang Hou, but Zhou Yu had been busy with government affairs for the past two years, so he didn't look out, so he didn't make any arrangements now.

Zhou Yu immediately dispatched scouts to investigate and monitor the four city gates of Nanhai to observe the entry and exit of the defenders.

Three days later, Zhou Yu organized the scout's report into a copy, and chose a time to start.

Nanhai is just an ordinary city, with only a few hundred thousand people, plus the labor force and the army, the population is nearly [-], it is absolutely overcrowded.

Then, lighting a fire for cooking became a problem, and there was not enough firewood in the city, so the people had to go out of the city to cut firewood every day.

Zhou Yu suddenly hated himself a little bit, why didn't he grasp the situation as soon as possible?

The scouts are also stupid, unable to report, and obviously lack of training.

If he had known the situation earlier, Zhou Yu would have suggested that Sun Ce besiege the city.

It’s great to have food, but how to cook without firewood?

Annoyed that he couldn't solve the problem, Zhou Yu had no choice but to continue thinking about how to get in among the common people and then enter the city.

There were nearly [-] ordinary people and young adults who left the city, and it was impossible for them to know each other. This was Zhou Yu's opportunity.But the trouble is, he doesn't know if there is a password or not.

That is, the lack of necessary intelligence conditions.

"Go, grab a few young men and ask them clearly, don't startle them." Zhou Yu solemnly ordered.

Huang Gai, whose injuries were almost healed, went out in person, and soon brought back three captives.

"Do you have any codes to enter and leave the city?" Zhou Yu asked.

"My lord, yes." The captive nodded.

"Report the password." Zhou Yu ordered.

"Heavenly King Gedihu, this is today's signal." The prisoner said.


Zhou Yu keenly captured the key words and asked, "Is the code different every day?"

"Yes, every time we come out, Master Chen Gong will provide a new password." The prisoner replied.

Zhou Yu had a headache again, Chen Gong was already on guard before they started mixing into the team.

The enemy's experience is too rich!

Moreover, Zhou Yu has arrested three people this time, so he will definitely not be able to pass the hurdle of quantitative interrogation.

"Did anyone take the opportunity to escape when you came out to chop firewood?" Zhou Yu asked.

"Yes, after so many days, maybe a dozen or so." The prisoner thought for a while.

Only then did Zhou Yu feel relieved. Next, he asked a lot of questions, got a general understanding of the situation in the city, and gradually perfected the plan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As long as it is defensive, there will be flaws.

There is no unbreakable city in the world, it's just that there is no right way to find it.

Chen Gong knew this truth, so he was always cautious.Today, three more people went missing during the logging labor.He ordered a strict investigation, but no one could provide effective intelligence.

And it was Liu Ba who was in charge of the verification.

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