Liu Ke didn't answer.

"Because, in my heart, I hold the whole world!" Cao Cao said, "Yangzhou's strength is known to the whole world. If we don't suppress it, there will be nothing like us weak princes."

"You insist on going your own way and let the people fall into the fire and water of war." Liu Ke said calmly.

"War, how can there be no sacrifices. Only when the world is unified can the people live and work in peace and contentment." Cao Cao said in a cadence.

"When did you Cao Mengde become so great?" Yuan Shu suddenly mocked, he followed Liu Ke to see Cao Cao's disappointed face.

Later, Cao Cao chatted about a lot of irrelevant topics, and Yuan Shu didn't say much.Now that Cao Cao is bragging, Yuan Shu thinks he has the responsibility to stand up.

"What qualifications do you have to stand here and speak?" Cao Cao asked back. He and Liu Ke are both big princes, and Yuan Shu is just a small guy occupying a county.

"I am the governor of Yangzhou conferred by the imperial court. What's the matter, Cao Mengde, do you have any objections?" Yuan Shu said proudly.

Cao Cao almost spat Yuan Shu's face with old blood, when did this happen?

In the beginning, in order to teach Liu Ke a lesson, General He Jin conferred Liu Ke as Yangzhou Shepherd and Yuan Shu as Yangzhou Inspector, so that Yuan Shu could fight for power.

Yuan Shu also sent troops to attack Dongyang, and later lost Jiujiang County.In Yangzhou, he has no territory.

Cao Cao directly carried out the imperial decree and looked down at Yuan Shu from above.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing Cao Cao suddenly take out the imperial decree, Yuan Shu was startled.

Now, Cao Cao holds the emperor in his hands.If he just finds a reason to drop Yuan Shu's position as governor of Yangzhou, it will not be too simple.

"Is Cao Mengde really so shameless?" Yuan Shu thought to himself.

It's a pity that Yuan Shu doesn't have the qualifications to deserve Cao Cao's trouble.

This imperial decree listed Liu Ke's "crimes", and finally persuaded him to step down as Yangzhou pastor and concentrate on taking up the post of Zongzheng.

Yuan Shu couldn't help looking at Liu Ke, this is a big trouble.If you don't accept the imperial edict, you will lose your righteousness, and if you accept the imperial edict, you will be a fool.

Liu Ke said with a smile: "Is this useful?"

Is this gone?

Yuan Shu couldn't help being greatly disappointed. He thought Liu Ke would argue hard, but he didn't expect that there were only these few words.

This is the result Cao Cao wanted, but his complexion was not good, because Liu Ke was looking at him like a fool.

"Marquis Dongyang, do you want to disobey the order?" Cao Cao asked suddenly.

This is to escalate the conflict so that Liu Ke's words can be recorded and spread out.

"You, Cao Mengde, distorted the holy will, and you have already broken your original promise." Liu Ke said.

When Wang Yun took power back then, Cheng Yu killed him.In order to appease Liu Ke's anger, Cao Cao promised to serve Emperor Xian.

However, it didn't take long before Cao Cao began to monopolize power, and he didn't take Emperor Xian seriously.

Liu Ke was well aware of the integrity of the princes, so he didn't criticize him too much, but what he expressed was very obvious. Starting today, Yangzhou has a reason to attack Cao Cao.

"Isn't the Marquis of Dongyang afraid of being condemned by scholars all over the world?" Cao Cao reminded.

"They don't want to be an official, so naturally someone is willing to do it. I have already started to cultivate talents myself, so the so-called scholars should be left to you." Liu Ke sneered.

The so-called scholars are just those who have studied for a few years. Can they really be officials?

Among them, there are many outstanding ones, and of course more are mediocre ones.

If it is a great talent, Liu Ke will naturally use some tricks to trick him. If it is a mediocre talent, no matter what he says, Yangzhou has become a world of its own.

Soon, people will be surprised to find that Yangzhou scholars are different from other places. The younger generation is active and high-spirited, and they carry more burdens.Even brilliant talents from other states will find that the ideas of the two sides are incompatible when they arrive in Yangzhou.

For example, the development of business and the improvement of the status of businessmen.

Cao Cao really wanted to refute Liu Ke's words, but in the end he just said, "The Marquis of Dongyang, don't be arrogant."

"If you have studied for a few years, you can be called a scholar? Today, there are more than [-] academies in Yangzhou, accommodating more than [-] students." Liu Ke said lightly.

Cao Cao's jaw dropped in shock. He knew how expensive it was to study.A family of more than a dozen people may not be able to support a scholar.

Now there are [-] scholars in Yangzhou?

Although Yangzhou is a large state with a population of [-] million, the proportion of scholars is terribly high.

In this era, as long as you can read and write, you can become a knife and pen official.In a few years, Yangzhou will not lack low-level officials.

Cao Cao suddenly felt a little gloating. An increase of [-] scholars means a decrease of [-] labor force. Sooner or later, Yangzhou will be dragged down by scholars.

See, that's the difference in philosophy.Even Cao Cao didn't know how rich Yangzhou is today.

Therefore, Liu Ke has the loneliness of a master.In the past two years, he has made great efforts to govern, and Yangzhou has achieved great development.As long as he puts his mind to it, he can transform wealth into force.

The Allied attack disrupted Liu Ke's rhythm.But never mind, things are getting right now.

"The common people are suffering, suffering from the lords' struggle for hegemony, so I have never had the time to care about you. Now that you have jumped out on your own, don't blame me for settling accounts after autumn." Liu Ke said.

Although Yangzhou's strength is not very good, Liu Ke is still very sure of taking a few more states.

"Dongyanghou, it's good to have confidence. But, have you thought about how to defeat me, Cao Mengde? My servant, Chen Bing has [-] soldiers in Runan." Cao Cao said with high spirits.

"You can't even beat me, and you still want to challenge Dongyanghou?" Yuan Shu sneered.

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