Even with dry mouths, the soldiers shouted: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Such power and influence startled Cao Cao's army on the slope, and their faces collapsed.Not only because of the sacrifice of nearly half of the troops, but also because of the confusion about the next battle.

Is there still a need to fight on?

Even if there is no war, I feel that I will die in the next second, and I rely entirely on my will.

However, the Yangzhou Army still has spare strength.

Desperation is spreading, and Cao Cao can feel it.The situation would have been even worse if it hadn't been at night.

The corpses all over the ground are shocking enough.

"Soldiers, I am very happy that you have lived and died for me, Cao Mengde. Today's battle will not only determine your fate, but also mine." Cao Cao said.

"You are not only for me, but also for His Majesty, and even for the world!"

This is the advantage of holding righteousness in hand, you can just pull the tiger's skin at will.

For His Majesty, for the sake of the world, one can rejuvenate people's fighting spirit, although the increase is not satisfactory.

Liu Ke is different, he implements the benefits to everyone.

Those who are alive get promoted, and those who die get rich.

"Generals, can we still kill the enemy?" Liu Kehe asked.

"Can! Can!"

Only five or six people answered, but all of them were peerless warriors.

Lu Bu, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Tai Shici and others replied in unison, they knew that the Lord was about to make the final charge.

With them and the lord there, is there an unbreakable formation in the world?

The role of leadership is absolute.

As long as they charge at the forefront, the soldiers behind will follow if they die.The so-called leading by example refers to this moment.

Liu Ke took the lead, cut into Cao Cao's army, and killed all directions. On his left and right were Dian Wei and Xu Chu, and the three directly opened up a bloody road.


"Follow me to kill the enemy!" Cao Cao raised the Yitian sword and said.

On Cao Cao's side, the momentum is much weaker.

The first to stop Liu Ke was Cao Chun, the young leader of the tiger and leopard cavalry.

"Dongyanghou, please enlighten me!" Cao Chun led the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry over.

The battles are bloody and brutal.

Liu Ke beheaded six Tiger and Leopard Riders, and faced Cao Chun head-on, with a sudden blow.

Cao Chun quickly blocked it, only to feel a huge force coming, and he flew out.

He is the leader of the tiger and leopard cavalry, so needless to say about his riding skills, at this moment he is actually off the horse.

Just one blow, as if it contained a mighty force.

Cao Ren rode over and caught Cao Chun.

"Brother!" Cao Chun cried with trembling hands.

Cao Ren gave his younger brother a distressed look, and his heart ached.

Is Cao Chun not brave enough?

No, he faced Dongyanghou directly and didn't retreat, what he hated was his own incompetence.

"I'm not reconciled!" Cao Chun said angrily, watching Liu Ke slaughter his subordinates, hatred surged up, as if to swallow him up.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is the most brave in the world, and we are just mortals." Cao Ren persuaded.

Also not reconciled, there is Cao Cao, whose defeat has already appeared.

"Zhicai, you go first, and then I will follow." Cao Cao said.

Xi Zhicai has no strength to restrain a chicken, so it is not wrong for Cao Cao to let him go first.

"I will advance and retreat with the lord, how can..." Xi Zhicai refused.

"You are just a burden here, so hurry up!" Cao Cao shouted.

His arms couldn't twist his thighs, so Xi Zhicai hated himself for not learning a little martial arts, and for drinking and drinking, his body was hollowed out.In the end he gave in.

Liu Ke saw someone in Cao Cao's formation retreating, so he immediately chased after him.

"Marquis Dongyang, why don't you and I stop fighting here?" Cao Cao said.

Liu Ke sneered, saying such things only if he can't win the fight, is it true that everyone is a three-year-old child?

Liu Ke didn't answer, Cao Cao knew that the matter could not be reached.He sighed, took out the gong, and struck it himself.

When Cao Cao's army heard the sound of Ming Jin's retreat, they were relieved and fled one after another.

"This battle is over." Cao Cao retreated on horseback while calling for money.

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