"Don't miss it!" Lu Bu said.

"It's rare to meet once in a hundred years." Tai Shi said kindly.

"We want to see it." Dian Wei said.

"I want to go too!" Xu Chu said.

Originally, Zhang He and Gao Shun wanted to make a speech, but Liu Ke stopped them and said, "There are enough people, we can't go too many."

After speaking, Liu Ke left the formation with the four generals and rushed away.

Guo Jia hopped his feet angrily. When he conquered Jiaozhou before, his body was weak, and Liu Ke didn't take him with him.After two years of training, Guo Jia's physique has improved, so this time he recommended himself to Jiaozhou for a visit.

As a result, even Yu Wen couldn't catch up, and the war ended.The only excitement, now I can't look down on it.

It is not unreasonable for Liu Ke to bring four people, because his mount is a consonant moon-watcher, and it can travel thousands of miles a day.But Dian Wei and others are blood-sweat horses, who claim to travel thousands of miles a day and travel fast.

Even so, when they rushed to the South China Sea, they were still one step too late, and Zhao Yun had already set off.

Originally Zhao Yun said that he doesn't need his subordinates to accompany him, he can go alone, Chen Gong ordered him to bring fifty bodyguards, otherwise no one will collect the body when he dies.

Now, even Liu Ke has gone, how can the defense force of fifty people be enough?

Chen Gong had no choice but to send [-] light cavalry to follow, and ordered [-] infantry to lead the formation. After a lot of busy work, he finally discovered a problem, Liu Ke was more capable than Zhao Yun.

I don't know how this kind of atmosphere grows.

In short, Chen Gong was extremely busy.

But Liu Ke didn't care. After asking about the route, he went straight to the place where the two were engaged in a fight.

And Zhou Yu has been sending people to monitor Nanhai's every move. The scouts reported that Nanhai sent [-] troops, which shocked him.

How did the promised battle turn into the current situation?

The main force had already withdrawn, and Zhou Yu couldn't come up with more manpower.

"My lord, Zhao Yun broke the rules first, so it's better not to go." Huang Gai persuaded.

"You underestimated Zhao Zilong too much." Sun Ce said calmly and insisted on going.

"Military Master, hurry up and persuade my lord." Seeing that Sun Ce would not be persuaded, Huang Gai had no choice but to let Zhou Yu go out.

"My lord, if you really want to go, please take the last five thousand troops with you," Zhou Yu said.

"This is my business, how can I bother you?" Sun Ce said.

"You are our master, your affairs are our affairs." Zhou Yu said.

In the end, Sun Ce couldn't resist, so he had to agree.

After Huang Gai accompanied Sun Ce to the battle location, Zhao Yun, dressed in white and on a white horse, waited for a long time.

"Zhao Zilong, why did you disobey the rules and send a large army here?" Huang Gai asked.

"When did it happen?" Zhao Yun really didn't know, and then said with certainty, "There is absolutely no such thing."

"Let me just say, how did a good duel turn into a conspiracy." Sun Ce laughed.

My lord, you are still too young!

Huang Gai couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Maybe it's your subordinates who made the decision without authorization and deceived you?" Huang Gai insisted on this matter. After all, there was more than one scout who saw it with his own eyes.

Before Zhao Yun could speak, Sun Ce became impatient and said:

"Stop rambling, Zhao Zilong, are you ready?"

Really hasty!

"No hurry, wait for Zhao to figure it out." Zhao Yun said, it is impossible to underestimate the matter of Yangzhou's reputation.

Besides, what Huang Gai said doesn't look like a lie.Zhao Yun didn't understand this matter, and he didn't feel at ease.

Could it be that Chen Gong really dared to do tricks without telling him?impossible……

Suddenly, five riders came galloping, as fast as lightning, and Liu Ke was the leader.

"It seems that the battle has not started yet, and we are not late." Liu Ke stopped and said.

Now both sides have been sluggish.

"Meet the Marquis of Dongyang!" Sun Ce clasped his fists and said.

Liu Ke returned the gift, the dispute between the two is for the world.If Liu Ke and Sun Ce were not princes, they might be able to become friends.

After learning the whole story, Liu Ke said: "I'm afraid I caused it. It's really a crime. I will witness this battle. Regardless of winning or losing, both sides can leave."

A hammer is fixed.

Even Huang Gai couldn't tell if he was here at this moment.

The reputation of the Marquis of Dongyang is known all over the world.He said so, even if there are millions of people in Yangzhou, Sun Ce can leave calmly alone.

Of course, the premise is to be able to defeat Zhao Yun.

"I can trust Marquis Dongyang, so it's settled." Sun Ce said, and then looked at Huang Gai.

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