It's more than presumptuous, it's simply shameless.

How could such a strategic goal be easily disclosed to other princes?

However, Liu Ke is really not afraid at all, because Xu Shu had already explained it during the imperial examination.

"Take Xuzhou within three years." Liu Ke said brazenly.

Zhou Yu estimated that after Liu Bei's defeat in Xuzhou, it was already the limit to be able to gather [-] troops, and he was powerless to resist.Unless, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao help regardless of the loss, but this is absolutely impossible.

The final result was that Liu Bei was isolated and helpless, and the Marquis of Dongyang added another state.The Marquis of Dongyang, who sits on three continents, has enough power to make people despair.

The reason why Liu Ke stated his strategic goal, selling a good one, was to prepare for the next sentence.

"I hope that Jingzhou will not interfere in the affairs of Yuzhou, otherwise, Yangzhou will send troops to Yuzhou depending on the situation."

Zhou Yu felt very uncomfortable when he heard this.Now Jingzhou's development path, only Yuzhou and Yizhou, gave up Yuzhou, is it possible that they want to attack Yizhou?

But if it doesn't develop at all, isn't it waiting to die?

Liu Ke's eyes were calm, but there was a force that made Zhou Yu compromise.

Sun Ce looked at Zhou Yu, who nodded with difficulty.

"Okay, I agree to this." Sun Ce said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke made a promise to Jingzhou, so Zhou Yu believed that Jingzhou should respond to maintain the last friendship.It was the last thing he could do.

This also means that in the next three years, Zhou Yu will not have any rest time. In order to make up the gap with Yangzhou, he has too many things to do.

In this way, Jingzhou soldiers withdrew from the battlefield, and Liu Ke completely defeated the alliance.

Jia Xu led the army to come in a hurry, only touched the end.

"Meet the lord!" Jia Xu said earnestly, and made a request to return to Dongyang.

Liu Ke knew that Jia Xu had completed her mission to eliminate dissidents.Now a gentle civil servant is needed to stabilize the wounds after the war in Jiaozhou. In this way, Jiaozhou will become Liu Ke's real territory.

Governing a state is definitely not an easy task.It is even more difficult for the people of a state to return to their hearts.

Jia Xu had already spoiled Jiaozhou, so Liu Ke agreed to his request without much consideration.

So, everyone returned to Yangzhou jubilantly, and held a grand celebration banquet.

Today, the entire Dongyang City is hosting a banquet, it is so extravagant.The people of Dongyang are qualified to be so arrogant.

The merchants organized activities on their own, and the market did not increase the price because of this, but automatically reduced the price by [-]%, just to give Liu Ke face.

"Everyone, I, Yangzhou, stand firm in front of millions of troops, and will be even more brilliant in the future. Cheers!" Liu Kexi said with a smile.

"Cheers!" The crowd cheered.

In the main hall, there are a total of more than one hundred people, all of whom are from the ruling class of Yangzhou. Because of the adjustment of their positions, Liu Ke summoned all the prefects from all over the place.

Therefore, the staff is so neat for the first time.

"My lord, I offer you a toast!" Dian Wei was the first to stand up and said, and there was still a long queue behind him.

Seeing each of them holding a big wine jug, Liu Ke felt a little timid, and said, "Let's talk about it first, I will have a cup for you and a jug for you."

"One cup is boring, how about a bowl?" Dian Wei bargained, and he was the only one who could bargain in front of Liu Ke.

Liu Ke agreed, and the long wheel battle began.Liu Ke and the military commander both walked for a round, while Guo Jia had already led the civil servants to wait for a long time.

"Let me take it easy." Liu Ke said cheekily.

However, Guo Jia only gave Liu Ke the time to eat a chicken leg.

In the end Liu Ke couldn't take it anymore, so he had to sell Xu Shu out, saying: "Yuan Zhi is a great hero, you can't let him go."

If Xu Shu hadn't found a breakthrough, the battle would not have been so easy, and the first step was often the hardest.

Moreover, everyone knew that Xu Shu was the first group of people to join Liu Ke's camp.Now that he has made great achievements as soon as he was a teacher, everyone is happy for him.

So, after a toast, Xu Shu was already dizzy.

"Everyone, the amount of alcohol you can drink is limited, it's really too bad." Xu Shu waved his hands.

"Yuanzhi, you are blocking wine for the lord, so you can't say you can't do it." Guo Jia laughed.

It's the feeling you can't deny.

Liu Ke couldn't help but feel sorry for Xu Shu for three seconds. He has a strong physique and digests alcohol faster, but he doesn't dare to compete with these drunkards.

In the past, the wine was low in alcohol content, so they drank it directly as water.Later, Liu Ke's brewing formula was published, and they restrained themselves for a while, and they are almost used to it now.

In the final analysis, there were too few entertainment activities in ancient times, and there was nothing to do except drink and eat meat.

To drink in a civilized manner, Liu Ke taught the generals to play dice, and now they are sitting in groups of three or four, preparing to deal with the unlucky ones, and the audience is full of shouts from Dianwei Lubu and others.

Guo Jia feels uncomfortable in the camp of civil servants.

"Feng Xiao can go if he wants to play, why worry about it?" Lu Su said.

"Today is different from the past. My lord wants to divide the civil and military affairs, so I can't take the lead in destroying it." Guo Jia said.

"You're joking, how could my lord be so clear?" Lu Su laughed, Liu Ke has always been informal.

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