The Tiger Guards consisted of [-] men, commanded by Zhao Yun, with school lieutenants Chen Heng and Zhang Ying.Fan Neng was killed in battle.

The Yangzhou Cavalry Army has [-] troops, and the commander is Tai Shici.

The Chishui Army, [-] men, was commanded by Gan Ning.

Among them, the establishment of the Tiger Guards has not changed, but has been supplemented with personnel.Because commanding [-] people is already the greatest honor for a general.Unless it's wartime, it's just pushing an inch.

Therefore, Zhao Yun resolutely did not expand the army, and Tai Shici did the same, but changed his name to distinguish it from the Dongyang Army.

Gan Ning's army expansion is inexplicable, because in his opinion, [-] navy troops are enough.The number of times you can participate in the battle is already very small, so why raise so many people for nothing.

However, Liu Ke forced the navy to become independent, naturally to prepare for the future navy.

Fan Neng was the first supreme general to die in battle in Yangzhou. Liu Ke ordered him to be buried generously, with a pension of up to [-] yuan.

The remaining [-] people belonged to the Dongyang Army, which was also commanded by Liu Ke himself.

The Tuqi Battalion, with [-] troops, was commanded by Lu Bu.

Shesheng Battalion, [-] people, commander Huang Zhong.

Guard battalion, [-] people, commander Dian Wei.

In the camp, [-] people, commander Gao Shun.

Mixed battalion, [-] people, commander Zhang Liao, deputy general Zangba.

As for Xu Chu, he is directly responsible for personal protection of Liu Ke.

As a result, the number of troops in Jiaozhou reached [-], [-] officials, and a population of [-] million.

The number of troops in Yangzhou reached [-], [-] officials, and a population of [-] million.

In later generations, this is definitely not a healthy figure.But in order that the territory will no longer be threatened, Liu Ke has already put it all together.

It is definitely not a simple matter to support so many people, and the local defenders have to serve as the important rules of the farm.

Liu Ke felt that the burden on his shoulders was getting heavier.

As for the number of officials, it may be confusing, but if you compare historical data, you won't be surprised.

In the historical Shu Kingdom, there were "[-] households, [-] men and women, [-] armored officers and [-] officials".

The number of Liu Keyang's troops is a little exaggerated, but because of his existence, the productivity has long been drastically different.

Just like now, with the promotion of corn and sweet potatoes, almost no one will starve to death, and more people will be born, which effectively increases the population.

Liu Ke expanded his army crazily, and the number of troops reached [-], which caused panic among the princes.

After Sun Ce got the news, he looked up to the sky and sighed. Recently, he sighed a lot.The same goes for Zhou Yu. He knows the concept of a [-] army best.

Now Jingzhou has raised [-] people, and Zhou Yu is taking care of all the eating, drinking, and messing around. If the increase triples, he will definitely go crazy.

And Dongyang Hou expanded so many troops at once, who would dare to provoke him?

Don't talk about provoking, it is difficult for Jingzhou to protect itself now.

"In three years, Jingzhou will expand its army to [-], otherwise it will definitely defend against the attack of the Marquis of Dongyang." Zhou Yu clenched his fists and set a small goal for himself.

Today, Jingzhou only has a population of over [-] million, and it is absolutely impossible to expand the army to [-].

Therefore, Zhou Yu can only lay his hands on the aristocratic family, and must complete the rectification within one year.

"I'll do it for the wicked!" Sun Ce said murderously, this was the only thing he could carry for Zhou Yu.

Jingzhou will usher in another bloody storm.

Cao Cao was speechless. After Cao Pi came back, he described the prosperity and war potential of Yangzhou in a long speech.

Cao Cao is still very unfamiliar with what "war potential" is, and now Liu Ke has taught him a lesson directly with actions.

An army of [-], what a concept, it's nothing more than throwing whips to stop the flow.

Therefore, Cao Cao was very sad, and couldn't help but look to the west. Xiliang was the base he had to seize, otherwise, how could he resist?

Fortunately, Liu Zhang only borders Jiaozhou, which has only [-] horses.Liu Bei was frightened and stupid. Yangzhou has [-] soldiers, and Dongyang Hou said outright that he wanted to destroy Xuzhou.

Liu Bei was so terrified that he couldn't sleep well, and there was no one around him who could give advice.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Everyone, do you have anything to say about Yangzhou's actions?" Liu Zhang said.

"You can send an envoy to repair it with the Marquis of Dongyang." Huang Quan suggested.

This is indeed a sound strategy, but Zhang Song disagreed, saying: "The Marquis of Dongyang is jealous, so I am afraid it will not be easy to persuade. But the prestige of the former master cannot be tarnished, so how can he bow his head so easily? Our army is located in Yizhou, the terrain is remote, and it is easy to defend. It is difficult to attack, and Jiaozhou has only [-] soldiers, so there is no way we can wait."

"According to Mr. Zhang, what should Yizhou do?" Huang Quan asked back.

"Make friends with Sun Ce and form an alliance with him." Zhang Song said. Originally, Zhang Song did not agree to make friends with Sun Ce, but was persuaded by his friend Fazheng.It's a pity that Fazheng is just a small county magistrate now, and his words are useless.

There must be a battle between Sun Ce and Dongyanghou, and being friendly with Sun Ce means becoming an enemy with Dongyanghou.But Yizhou had no choice but to surrender directly to the Marquis of Dongyang.

There are still difficulties in reconciling with Dongyang Hou, but the alliance with Sun Ce will definitely go smoothly, because it is a timely help.

These are two completely contradictory opinions.

"Master Zhang, do you want Yizhou to become a place of war?" Huang Quan reprimanded.

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