"One thousand gold, to send the beggar, I will return it directly." Lu Su said disdainfully.

"Haha, Zijing, it's your fault. Mosquito legs are also meat." Guo Jia laughed.

"Oh, it seems that Fengxiao has received a lot." Liu Ke joked.

"I spent two thousand gold to buy wine." Guo Jia said calmly.

"I always feel that the ethos of the Inspectorate will be spoiled by you." Liu Ke shook his head.

"Don't worry, my lord. My family has no money. Even if I'm investigated for corruption, I won't be found." Guo Jia said confidently.

Is this what we are talking about?

However, if Liu Bei's money is not taken for nothing, Liu Ke intends to turn a blind eye.

"You can't do it, I received five thousand gold." Jia Xu stretched out five fingers.

"Bragging, Jian Yong is shrewd, and he gives gifts according to his closeness with the lord." Guo Jia said.

So smart, why didn't you see that you are a master who takes money and does nothing?

"You can take Liu Bei's money as you like," Liu Ke said.

Then, Xu Shu said weakly, "Master, I just returned ten thousand gold."

"..." Guo Jia.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ten thousand gold is enough for an ordinary person to live for a lifetime.If it works well, it can even make a rich man.

Nowadays, ten thousand gold households in Dongyang City are not uncommon, but they are all real estate.

"Don't feel wronged, I won't make love anyway." Liu Ke said.

First trick Liu Bei and see who will pay Yangzhou officials to do things in the future. Liu Bei is a lesson from the past.Even if money is given, Yangzhou officials will not help you.

Lu Su shook his head helplessly. They are all lawless masters, and he can't control them even if he wants to.

"My lord, it's better to be less joking about things like this in the future, and the wind of corruption must not grow." Lu Su advised, while glaring at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia had no choice but to back away in embarrassment, and let the matter go, and no one would mention it again.

As for Jian Yong, Liu Ke didn't bother to care about him.If Liu Bei wants to survive, the only way is to hand over Xuzhou, and Liu Ke will not agree to any amount of compensation.

Liu Ke knows how much money the Xuzhou government has.Liu Bei wants to spend millions of gold, unless the ground is scraped three feet, only the people of Xuzhou will be injured.

Therefore, no matter whether Jian Yong has real skills or rhetoric, there will be no results.

However, how could Jian Yong leave so easily, jumping up and down, it's a pity that no one paid attention.

After a long time, Jian Yong also understood a truth, without strength, he can't play any role at all.

After Xuzhou's defeat, its strength dropped greatly, while Yangzhou's losses were minimal, and the gap between the two became wider and wider.

Is it true to go back and let Liu Bei wash his neck clean?

Jian Yong was not reconciled.

After Jian Yong's torment, Liu Ke remembered a person, and that was Guan Yu who was locked in the prison.

Liu Ke still admired such an outstanding person as Guan Yu, so he took the time to meet him.

"My lord, why did you come in person?" the jailer said in fear.

"Stop talking nonsense, see Guan Yu, and lead the way," Dian Wei said.

The jailer hurriedly led the way, and even wanted to spread a blanket on the ground, but Liu Ke stopped him.Although the ground was wet, he wasn't so delicate yet.

After walking around the door, the jailer brought Liu Ke to Guan Yu's prison.

At this moment, Guan Yu is practicing boxing, exercising his muscles and bones.

The shackles have long been off, but there are iron chains on the feet.


Each of Guan Yu's punches was very powerful, and it didn't look like he had been imprisoned for a long time.

It seems that, apart from the fact that the place to live is a little worse, they are not treated badly in terms of food and drink.

Liu Ke was not in a hurry, and waited until Guan Yu finished punching a set before saying, "Yun Chang has a good attitude."

Guan Yu also withdrew his punches, his hair was disheveled, he was very embarrassed, and he was covered in sweat.

"Thank you Dongyang Hou for your concern. I don't know why you came here this time?"

"Liu Bei's envoy, Jian Yong, has come, but he doesn't mention your matter, brother can't stand it anymore." Dian Wei said carelessly.

A strange color flashed across Guan Yu's eyebrows.

Dian Wei looked unreliable, but he was very clever at critical times.It is inconvenient for Liu to speak directly about this matter, Dian Wei can do it for him, and the timing is very well grasped, direct and not procrastinating.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to drink with you." Liu Ke said, and then ordered the jailer, "Open the door."

The jailer hesitated and said: "Master, the prisoner still has courage, so he can't put himself in danger."

"Not to mention my superior martial arts, with Yun Chang's disposition, how could he harm me at this time?" Liu Ke said.

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