On the way, Zhao Yu said bluntly: "Actually, they don't want to embarrass you."

"It's just for fun, what's the matter?" Liu Ke asked in surprise.

"The majestic Marquis of Dongyang travels, surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan, how bad it is to spread the word?" Zhao Yu said.

"What's the matter? I don't care about things, you guys are just worrying about them. Wouldn't you like to be happy together?" Liu Ke said.

"Hmph, next time you just come out with them." Zhao Yu said.

Liu Ke didn't want to get entangled in this matter anymore, so the topic stopped there.

Dongyang City is still the same bustling, full of traffic.After the defeat of the Allied Forces, Yangzhou regained its tranquility, and its business took on new opportunities.

"Peace in the world is so desirable." Cai Yan sighed.

Liu Ke had a deep understanding of Cai Yan's sentimentality, and said with relief: "Take your time, it will come true one day."

"Well, can my husband promise to be my concubine, and I won't charge into the battle anymore." Cai Yan said.

This seems a little difficult.

"Okay, I won't take the risk unless it's absolutely necessary." Liu Ke promised, now that he has a family, it's better to use more brains in combat.

"I'm afraid you'll forget about it when you're on the battlefield." Zhao Yu said dissatisfiedly.

The two big mountains are pressing together, is there an agreement?

But Liu Ke also had a shield, so he couldn't help but raise the volume so that the second general Heng Ha could hear him.

"Even on the battlefield, I can't be alone."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, with us here, no one can hurt brother." Dian Wei said.

"And I, if you want to hurt the lord, first step over my corpse." Xu Chu said.

Zhao Yu couldn't help but hum the second general, so he glared at Liu Ke angrily.

Liu Ke had no choice but to concentrate on shopping.

The shopping is said to be shopping, without buying messy things.As the top dignitary in Yangzhou, if someone brings everything to your door, why would you go out and buy it?

The clothes and jewelry of Zhao Yu and Cai Yan are already the best, so they are also lack of interest, purely to accompany Liu Ke and watch the fun.

"I heard that there is a Drunken Immortal Building in Dongyang River, how about we go and have a look?" Liu Ke suggested.

The so-called Dongyang River is the artificially dug moat outside the city.

"Zuixian Tower is a brothel, could it be my husband..." Zhao Yu said immediately.

To be honest, Liu Ke hasn't enjoyed life for a long time, and he doesn't even know the situation of Zuixianlou. He just heard Guo Jia say something, thought it was a restaurant, and decided to go and have a look.

As a result, it hit the muzzle directly.

Seeing Liu Ke's expression, Zhao Yu immediately understood that Liu Ke must have just heard the name, so he said: "Then go and have a look, you can rent a painting boat."

"I heard that many literati like to go to Zuixianlou to scribble their pen and ink." Cai Yan also expressed his interest.

Today, Dongyang City has become a cultural sanctuary, surpassing Chang'an and Luoyang, and is the place where scholars gather the most.

After making up their minds, everyone went out of the city.

For a painting boat, the rent for an hour has reached [-] gold, which is absolutely sky-high.

How could ordinary scholars come here to play?

Dian Wei went to ask the steward of Zuixian Tower, and all of the hundreds of boats were rented out.

"Hurry up and get one, you kid, or your shop will be smashed!"

The steward was stunned all of a sudden, and the world was clear, someone threatened him in the boundary of Dongyang City?

"Don't be rude when you come to evil." Liu Ke said, "How about a hundred gold?"

The steward was surprised, there were quite a few noble sons who spent a lot of money, but this was the first one who was so handsome.Moreover, there are strong guards around him, all of them carry knives, and they are easy to mess with at a glance.

"Today is Taixue's holiday, so the space on the ship is tight, I'm very sorry. Young master, please wait for a moment." The steward left in a hurry.

Then a painting boat was dragged back, and a young man jumped off with an unhappy tone.

"How do you manage things? You promised to lend me a boat for a day, but why did you go back on your word? Could it be that you look down on me and other private school students?"

Occupying a painting boat by himself, this young man knows how to enjoy it.

However, his one sentence ignited the conflict between the private school and the students of the Taixue, making the steward in a dilemma.

The steward had no choice but to explain one by one, but the young man smiled and said:

"Such a big Zuixian Tower has no reserved space for dignitaries, isn't it going to close down soon?"

Although the young man's mouth was venomous, but he pointed out the lack of management of Zuixianlou, which made Liu Ke look at him with admiration.

This kind of management concept, which is common in later generations, is rare now.

The shrewd steward immediately remembered it in his heart, and said with a smile: "Thank you for reminding this young man, you can use the boat for free for two days in the future."

Liu Ke smiled, it is not unreasonable for Zuixianlou to become bigger.

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