Facts have proved that Liu Ke is overthinking.

After half a month, Zhou Buyi handed in the first volume of fairy tales, and the efficiency was very fast.

"It's dry, without content, and add some pictures." Liu Ke urged, "By the way, use vernacular."

In the past half a month, Liu Ke also sorted out the "Three Character Classic", and he changed the following dynasty issues for a long time, and it was barely usable.

Now, the originally empty Liu Mansion can also hear the sound of reading aloud.

It's like a child shouting at the top of his voice... like howling ghosts and wolves.

For this reason, Liu Ke criticized Cai Yan, saying: "The child is not fully developed, how can he be so loud, what should he do if his voice is broken."

"I know I'm wrong." Cai Yan said.

After Liu Youyi knew that Liu Feng had started enlightenment, he happily came to investigate and gave many gifts.

The whole family is very kind.

Seeing that everything was on the right track, Liu Ke gradually felt relieved.

Yangzhou is the same.

Half of Liu Ke's [-] million gold has already been borrowed, and everyone is busy.

The efforts of the businessmen at the bottom finally alarmed the bosses at the top.After all, the weathervane of this era is very important.

Liu Ke's every move, they have to figure out, what is the meaning of this?

The activity of businessmen drove the economic development of Yangzhou.

Taxes have risen again and again, and with merchant halls, merchants dare not do whatever they want.Once tax evasion occurs, not only will they be severely punished by the government, but they will also be included in the dishonest list of the Merchant Hall.

Without credibility, it is a fatal blow to businessmen.Who will do business with you in the future?

Therefore, Yangzhou's tax revenue has tripled.

Because the trade with the states has restarted, the hoarded goods have been sold in large quantities.

Of course, Liu Ke also has worries. He has always wanted to exempt the agricultural tax, but unfortunately it has been delayed year after year, and it still hasn't been completed.

The losses after the Yangzhou war need to be made up, and the expansion of the army also requires a lot of money.

Before you know it, the new year is coming.

Liu Ke secretly summoned the crowd, without ambiguity, said condescendingly:

"I decided to attack Xuzhou next year."

"Okay, let Liu Bei pay with his blood!" Lu Brown said.

"We can't wait!" Dian Wei said.

"Our army is ready to go." Zhao Yun said.


The generals were ready to move, and they all expressed their opinions in support of Liu Ke's decision.

After defeating the allied forces, some people continued to speak out and directly attacked Xuzhou.

It is not easy for Liu Ke to delay until next spring.

Now the rear has stabilized, and there have been no major losses due to the Allied offensive.

The expansion of the army has also been completed. After several months of running-in, all the troops are very familiar with it.The weapons and equipment of the main battle corps have been updated.

It can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

The offensive plan is scheduled for the end of February next year, and the Ministry of War has enough time to prepare food and grass.

"There is no problem with the Ministry of War." Xun You stood up and said.

In the past, Lu Su was in charge of preparing food and grass, but now Xun You took over.

"The Household Department will do its best to support it." Mi Zhu said in a personable and authentic manner. Mi Yue gave birth to a son, and the position of the Mi family is very stable.

"Very good, everyone is ready, give Xuzhou a thunderous blow, and take Xuzhou within a month after dispatching troops." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke did this for his own purpose, which was to frighten Xiaoxiao.The reason why the allied forces are arrogant is because they think they can defeat Yangzhou.Liu Ke is now trying to make them realize the reality that Yangzhou is a behemoth they can't afford to mess with.

Moreover, control the war in other states.

This time Yangzhou did not suffer too much damage, but that doesn't mean it won't happen next time.

Liu Ke will not tolerate such a thing happening again, so he is going to kill Liu Bei Jinghou.

"What do you think about the strength of the troops going to battle?" Liu Ke asked suddenly.

"One hundred thousand troops is enough, please leave it to me!" Zhao Yun said.

"Our army is going to fight too." Tai Shi said kindly.

So, everyone asked for a fight with your words and my words. If you miss this kind of opportunity, there will be no more.

"My lord, don't you want a thunderbolt? How about dispatching all the main battle corps?" Guo Jia suggested.

Three hundred thousand troops?You are afraid to scare Liu Bei to death!

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