-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The New Year passed by in a hurry.

In order to settle the incident in Xuzhou, Liu Ke led his army to the expedition.

The [-] troops rushed towards Xuzhou in mighty force, and Liu Bei's heart exploded.

"Report, open the gates of Xiapi to welcome the Marquis of Dongyang!"

"Report, Langye County has fallen!"

"Report, enemy general Gao Shun, conquer Donghai County!"


Soon, Liu Bei was numb.This was all to be expected, but it was still uncomfortable.

Today, only the part near Yanzhou remains in his territory.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is approaching menacingly, do you have a plan to retreat from the enemy?" Liu Bei said weakly.

Sun Gan lowered his head, not daring to speak.Zhang Fei intended to fight, but he knew that his elder brother would definitely disagree, so he simply acted dumb.

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Liu Bei said to himself, "With an army of [-], the Marquis of Dongyang really thinks highly of me."

Indeed, Liu Ke has been fighting in Kyushu for so long and sent [-] troops for the first time. Even if Liu Bei is defeated, he can brag about it for a lifetime.

"This is to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys!" Liu Bei said sadly.

If the Marquis of Dongyang only came with [-] horses, Liu Bei might not be invincible.If [-] people come, as long as they hold on for a while and wait for reinforcements, opportunities can still be created.

Now, the little Xuzhou has dispatched [-] soldiers and horses.

Liu Bei thought that there was no way out, let alone someone else?

"My lord, we still have a chance, don't be discouraged, until the last moment, who knows the outcome?" Jian Yong said.

One day later, Liu Ke assembled an army of [-] troops and surrounded Xuzhou City.

The enemy fled watching the wind, which is the effect Liu Ke wanted, otherwise, if he sent [-] troops, would he be full?

Yangzhou will send [-] troops, and the logistics personnel will exceed [-], using a million manpower.

Now, there is only one hard bone left in the whole Xuzhou.

Liu Bei has only [-] horses, how should he resist?

"Congratulations, my lord, Xuzhou is just around the corner!" Chen Deng congratulated.

"Don't flatter me, is there anything more practical?" Liu Ke asked.

"What do you mean... more realistic?" Chen Deng was puzzled.

Don't blame Chen Deng, even the old man who has followed Liu Ke for a long time may not understand.

"For example, is there a secret passage leading to the city, or someone in the city opened the gate or something." Liu Ke said.

Chen Deng's whole face collapsed at once, and he said embarrassingly, "My lord, you don't need these, Xuzhou City can take it with a single effort."

"Slippery." Liu Ke said with a smile.

Chen Deng didn't know if it was a compliment or what, but he accepted it with a smile.The Chen family's chance is to attack Liu Bei this time, otherwise, the next time they come out, I don't know when they will have to wait.

Therefore, with Chen Gui's unremitting support, Chen Deng finally had the opportunity to be by Liu Ke's side.But he can't keep up with Liu Ke's thinking, and there seems to be a gap between the two.

"Military division, have you noticed it? Do you have any good suggestions?" Chen Deng summoned up his courage and asked.

"Actually, this is the change brought about by the rapid development of Yangzhou." Guo Jia said.

Now, Chen Deng was even more puzzled.

"In my opinion, when Yuanlong arrives in Yangzhou, don't be in a hurry to become an official. It's better to go to Taixue to study for two years." Guo Jia suggested.

This question...Chen Deng didn't know how to make a choice.

Give up being an official?

How much perseverance does this require?

The Chen family risked their lives to seize Xiapi, not to let him enter Taixue.

Guo Jia didn't urge either.Whether Chen Deng can stand out after entering Taixue is still a question.

If you want to be a small official, Chen Deng's current conditions are enough, but you can't be promoted when you become a prefect.

Coming out of Taixue is different, and there are more opportunities.Guo Jia will stop when he clicks, it depends on how much understanding Chen Deng has.

After besieging Xuzhou City, Liu Ke held a meeting without any fuss. The first sentence was: "Tomorrow we will directly attack the city, who will be the vanguard?"

"Let me come!" Dian Wei Mao suggested himself.

Seeing Dian Wei's voice, everyone stopped talking, and Lu Bu, who was about to move, also retreated.

For one thing, Liu Ke was kind to Dian Wei, and generally would not reject his request.Secondly, Xuzhou City has [-] horses, so it would be strange to be able to defeat them on the first day.

The next day, the Yangzhou army began to attack the city without any warm-up.The strength of both parties is known without any temptation.

Catapults and ballistas lined up, and the tall well rails were also ready to go.

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