"This is the second thing I want to say." Sima Lang said unhurriedly.

"What did Boda teach me?" Cao Cao asked.

"The Marquis of Dongyang has always had rules in his affairs. Has my lord ever thought about protecting Yanzhou?" Sima Lang asked back.

Cao Cao is ready to completely abandon Yanzhou, but no matter what, Yanzhou is a big state, how can it be possible to just give up?

Among them, great perseverance is required.

If he can keep Yanzhou, no matter what Cao Cao is asked to do, he is willing.

Sima Lang had already seen the answer in Cao Cao's eyes, and he continued: "When the Marquis of Dongyang defeats Xuzhou, he will definitely threaten Yanzhou. Because the lord is the leader of the allied army, the price must be paid for defeat. Even if there is an armistice agreement, it will not be guaranteed. It will not be the target of Dongyanghou."

"Continue." Cao Cao was fascinated.

"When Dongyang Hou's army approaches Yanzhou, our army will hang white scarves on the city wall. After Dongyang Hou sees it, he will definitely feel guilty, and Yanzhou will be safe by then." Sima Lang said.

In the end, it was just an accidental injury.

Cao Cao fell silent for a while. After all, he was just sacrificing his reputation for a while.

However, the problem has not been resolved...

"My lord, I know this will make you feel wronged, but for the sake of the world, what is this little grievance?" Sima Lang said, "As long as our army takes Xiliang and expands the Western Regions, it is not without strength. "

Cao Cao closed his eyes, as if he was thinking and making a decision.

"Even if you raise an army, your sacrifice will be in vain." Sima Lang pointed out Cao Cao's weakness.

"Okay, I'll wait!" Cao Cao said, and he set a small goal for himself, to pacify Xiliang within three years.

After Cao Pi rushed to Chenliu in a hurry, he changed into filial piety clothes and rushed all the way to Chang'an.

At this time, he didn't know what to say, but was very sad.

Not only because of the passing of grandfather, but also the relationship between father and husband.

Cao Cao personally went out of Hangu Pass to meet Cao Song's coffin without alarming anyone.He suppressed the matter and only prepared in the mansion.

The funeral has always been very low-key, Cao Cao did not notify any of the ministers, even if there were uninvited flatterers, they were kicked out by Cao Cao.

"Zihuan, after the funeral is over, go to Yangzhou and continue your studies," Cao Cao said.

Cao Pi felt the indifference from it, and couldn't help saying: "Father, the child wants to keep his filial piety!"

Cao Cao said firmly, "No, leave this matter to Zijian."

"Second brother is just a five-year-old child..." Cao Pi argued, but seeing Cao Cao's unquestionable eyes, Cao Pi gave in.

Now, Cao Cao wants to preserve Yanzhou wholeheartedly, only then will he have the capital to turn the tables.

After mastering the three states of Sizhou, Yanzhou, and Liangzhou, Cao Cao will not fall behind too much.If he can control the Western Regions, Cao Cao will have the capital to pursue the world.

Therefore, Yanzhou is still very important.

Today, there are only three forces that can threaten Yanzhou.One is the Marquis of Dongyang, and Cao Cao has a three-pronged approach. According to the nature of Marquis Dongyang, he will definitely not attack Yanzhou.

The second force is Yuan Shao. Now that Yuan Shao is focused on Hebei, and Yanzhou borders the forces of the Marquis of Dongyang, Yuan Shao must have no intentions.

The third one is Yuan Shu, it's not that Cao Cao looked down on him, Yuan Shu is really incapable of attacking Yanzhou.

Therefore, Cao Song's funeral can only be handled in a low-key manner.

"One day, I, Cao Mengde, will return as king!"

Chapter three hundred and twenty eight

Cao Mengde handled the funeral in a low-key manner, which was the best signal that he wanted to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Jian Yong, who was counting on Cao Cao to come to disrupt the situation, suddenly lost his plan.

How can this be good?

A series of plans failed, and Jian Yong was very decadent.

The same goes for Liu Bei, who was still wearing hemp and mourning a while ago, just to explain to Cao Cao that this matter has nothing to do with him, and the murderer is Dongyanghou!

Now that Cao Cao is not here, Liu Bei has become someone else's son in vain, not to mention how unlucky he is.

"Xianhe, what else can we do?" Liu Bei asked.

Even though Jian Yong came up with so many bad ideas, Liu Bei still trusted him, because there were no available talents around him, which was sad.

"My lord, I really can't think of it." Jian Yong covered his face with his hands.

"Is this fate?" Liu Bei sighed.

"There is no unparalleled road, my lord, things will turn around." Jian Yong said.

"That's right, our army will stick to it and wait for a turning point!" Liu Bei said.

Today, people in Xuzhou are panicking.For three days in a row, deserters appeared.Although not much, only one or two hundred, this is definitely not a good sign.

As a last resort, Jian Yong came up with another idea, saying: "My lord, this is not going to work, we might as well spread the news that after the Marquis of Dongyang enters the city, he will definitely massacre the city for revenge!"

"This...isn't that good? Besides, as the Marquis of Dongyang, it's impossible to do such a thing." Liu Bei said.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you do it cleverly so that no one will find out. Besides, it's just a rumor, and the lord has to come out to refute the rumor in person, so as to confuse the fake with the real." Jian Yong said.

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