"Do you know the merchant's Youzhou plan?" Mi Zhu asked.

Chen Qun shook his head, but he was sure of one thing, the chamber of commerce was probably hiding something.And such a concealment may cause the Chamber of Commerce to lose control. Thinking of this, Chen Qun broke out in cold sweat.

A few days ago, Chen Qun was still immersed in the joy of [-] million gold, but now it is like a bolt from the blue.

"Changwen, this matter can be big or small, even if the businessman simply invests in Youzhou, you have to figure it out, understand?" Mi Zhu said.

"I understand." Chen Qun said.

The problem with this matter is that Liu Ke knew about it, but they didn't know about it, so the situation was very serious.

Liu Ke has always been kind and friendly, and has never dealt with any ministers. Do you really think he is easy to bully?

He just didn't want to use a knife on his own people.

Mi Zhu and Chen Qun jointly visited Liu Ke and took responsibility.

"My lord, give me three days, and I will investigate immediately." Chen Qun said.

Since the plan has just been exposed, it is impossible to execute it so quickly, so there is sufficient time for investigation.

"Don't disturb any businessman." Liu Ke said.

This undoubtedly increased the difficulty, but Chen Qun complied.

As for how to investigate, Liu Ke doesn't care, he only needs the answer.

"Changwen, you've performed well recently, but if you can't be so honest, won't you plant a few nails in the chamber of commerce?" Liu Ke reminded.

One word awakened the dreamer, and Chen Qun said that it would be done immediately.

Now the power of the government in the Chamber of Commerce is on the surface, which makes it easy for them to avoid supervision and engage in small actions in private.

This will not work.

"If you have nothing to do, just step back." Liu Ke said.

Before Chen Qun and Mi Zhu could take two steps, they were stopped.

"Wait! The Qiao family's credit rating has risen to 5."

"Yes!" Chen Qun cupped his hands and left after speaking.

Liu Ke finally realized that something was wrong, and Qiao Ying deliberately revealed the news.

This Nima is too bad!

After waking up, Liu Ke had no choice but to reciprocate and raise the level of the Qiao family.

It's just that the bunch of things that were said at the time were a bit embarrassing.

Now there are not many honest and kind people, probably this is the price of Yangzhou's development.

Now everyone is looking for benefits, and the means are getting more and more exaggerated. This is absolutely intolerable to Liu Ke.Now we can only wait for Chen Qun's investigation, when the truth comes to light, when the head falls to the ground.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After receiving the order, Chen Qun did not dare to neglect, and began to check carefully.

This matter can be big or small, depending on how Liu Ke defines it.

However, the behemoth of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce is still off track.

A large group that can raise [-] million gold at once is not under the control of the government. This is definitely dereliction of duty.

Therefore, Chen Qun started the serious mode.

If these businessmen don't do business well, is it really going to turn the world upside down?

The first step in Chen Qun's investigation was to investigate the movements of the bank's funds.

Merchants have always kept one hand and will not deposit all their funds in the bank.Because in this way, they were stuck by the government.

However, some clues can still be detected.

Chen Qun led hundreds of arithmetic masters under him to reorganize the bank's account books overnight.

Finally, he discovered an interesting fact. Recently, there have been more businesses going to Youzhou to do business.

Chen Qun plans to mark these merchants one by one, and then prescribe the right medicine to make a breakthrough.

At the same time, the pottery merchant and Liu Shang's caravan arrived in Youzhou, exhausted with unconcealable excitement.

Back and forth again and again, let them earn enough money.

This time, however, the potter felt the difference.The previous attentive county magistrate did not show up, but sent his subordinate chief bookkeeper instead.

If this is the only point, it is not worthy of the potter's suspicion.

"This time, we only need half of the goods." The master said indifferently.

The pottery merchants were very surprised. The tea they transported was very popular in Youzhou. Even if Youzhou couldn't consume it, selling it on the grassland would still bring a lot of income.

Why is it not easy to sell all of a sudden?

"Is the price unsatisfactory?" The potter asked tentatively.

"No, it's not peaceful in Youzhou recently." The chief bookkeeper said.

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