Liu Ke can understand this matter. After all, everyone is doing business. Of course, wherever there is money to be made, they can go there, which is not too much.

"After traveling for a long time, some big businessmen were received by Liu Yu, and Youzhou Shepherd Liu Yu is a simple and honest old man who is very tolerant to the people in the territory and respects businessmen just like the lord.

However, Liu Yu respected him even more, and there was no restriction except the law.Therefore, Youzhou is a treasure land for Yangzhou businessmen.Therefore, they plan to establish a second base in Youzhou. "Chen Qun said.

Liu Ke finally understood that the three caves of the cunning rabbit are almost the same.

However, Liu Ke still couldn't help being angry. Did you work so hard to make money for you to spend it in other states?

Among them, the transfer of property will cause Yangzhou to lose a lot. Don't they have any b numbers in mind?

For Liu Ke, this is a kind of betrayal.

However, for businessmen and even aristocratic families, this is nothing more than normal.

For example, Xun You works in Yangzhou, but Xun Yu hangs out with Cao Cao. This is the rough method of the family.

The same is true for businessmen, especially the big businessmen in Yangzhou. They have developed, but they don't have enough sense of security in their hearts, because Liu Ke's deprivation of their wealth is just a matter of one sentence.

No matter how much assurance Liu Ke gave, they would make the next arrangement.

This is how the "Youzhou Project" was born.

Since it was the retreat prepared by the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce, it would naturally not tell Liu Ke.If it hadn't been discovered by accident, Liu Ke would have been kept in the dark.

"Is that all?" Liu Ke asked.

Because this involves the life and death of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce, Chen Qun dare not speak nonsense.The way he got the information was not limited to the head of the Zhu family. A total of three businessmen confessed the matter and became the government's informants.

Their statements were consistent.

"There is another thing, that is, Youzhou is not stable, and there are princes like Gongsun Zan, so the merchants decided to subsidize Liu Yu to clean up Gongsun Zan." Chen Qun said.

Liu Ke couldn't help laughing, what kind of thing is this?

Has the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce expanded to this point?

If it's a trivial matter, Liu Ke may not care about it, but this is already a battle between left and right in a state.

Back then, when the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce was first established, it was just a baby who only knew how to do business.

In the past few years, Liu Ke has raised him into a giant.First, [-] million yuan was raised to help Xuzhou develop its internal affairs.Then he funded Liu Yu and waged a large-scale war.

This time, Liu Yu dispatched [-] troops.

Youzhou is just a poor place. When Liu Ke flew to Youzhou to help Liu Yu resist the invasion of the grassland, Liu Yu was a very weak prince with only [-] to [-] troops.

Later, Liu Ke felt sorry for Liu Yu's difficulty in guarding the frontier, so he left behind thousands of heavy cavalry armor.

With thousands of heavy cavalry, Liu Yu was able to stabilize the situation and secure the position of Shepherd in Youzhou.

However, now, two hundred thousand troops have been raised!

It is self-evident what role the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce plays.

It is not an easy task to support [-] soldiers in a half-state, let alone a place as bitter and cold as Youzhou.

Therefore, the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce has created another miracle.

"How much money has the chamber of commerce invested in Youzhou?" Liu Ke asked.

"About ten million gold." Chen Qun said.

"Ten million gold, aren't they afraid of losing everything?" Liu Ke sneered.

Yangzhou's army burns the most money, and [-] million gold will definitely not be able to support Yangzhou's army.But other places are different, poor and low consumption.

"With the mutual market, they won't lose too much money." Chen Qun said.


Just earn it back, Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce has such confidence.

The premise is that there is Liu Ke's support.Once Liu Ke gave up his support, they would be nothing.

"Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce can still save it. After all, they raised [-] million gold for me, and only gave Liu Yu [-] million gold." Liu Ke laughed at himself.

"My lord, I think that the officials should punish me severely!" Chen Qun said murderously.

"Has the investigation been clear? How many merchants have participated in this matter?" Liu Ke said, Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce has more than [-] companies, and they cannot be killed with a single blow.

"Twenty-three families." Chen Qun said.

"Get rid of the leaders, and those who are too thoughtful cannot be kept," Liu Ke said.

"My lord is merciful!" Chen Qun said, "One more thing, what if Liu Yu wins?"

Once Liu Yu wins, it will be the victory of the Yangzhou merchants, and Liu Yu must have made some promises to them.

Wouldn't it be a pity to just kill him like this?

Liu Ke was taken aback, he didn't expect Chen Qun to ask this question.

At present, Liu Yu raised [-] troops, and Gongsun Zan would be lucky if he could scrape together [-] troops.

Liu Yu has a great chance of winning, otherwise how could the Yangzhou businessman place a bet.

Moreover, Liu Yu is a friendly force, and Gongsun Zan is a hostile force.To help Liu Yu deal with Gongsun Zan, in the view of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce, it is politically correct, even if it is discovered by the government, there will be no problem.

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