Gongsun Zan finally understood.

Therefore, Gongsun Zan used this as an excuse to force the envoy Duan Xun to kill Liu Yu.

Duan Xun looked confused: I just came to seal Liu Yu, not to kill him!

However, Duan Xun knew that if he couldn't do what Gongsun Zan said, then he wouldn't be able to leave Youzhou at all.

Therefore, Duan Xun had no choice but to behead Liu Yu and send his head to Chang'an, where he was robbed and buried by Liu Yu's old official Wei Dun halfway.

Liu Yu was very popular in the north. After his death, the people cried bitterly, which caused a crisis of trust in Gongsun Zan.

Once Gongsun Zan does not handle it well, it will cause a civil uprising.

"My lord, this matter is simple. Isn't it because of his simplicity that Liu Yu won the hearts of the people?" Guan Jing said.

Gongsun Zan understood it all at once, so he conducted a large-scale search of Liu Yu's mansion.

At the beginning, Liu Yu was famous for his simplicity. He didn't change his hat when it was old, but put on a patch before wearing it.

However, Gongsun Zan found a large amount of money in Liu Yu's home, and the statistics reached two million gold.

This is already a wealthy family, and in Youzhou, it is even the top richest man.

Even Gongsun Zan couldn't come up with two million gold.

Not only that, but Liu Yu also has dozens of concubines, all of whom are dressed in very high-end clothes.

Liu Yu's tall image suddenly collapsed, and everyone was caught off guard.

People will sympathize with a simple parent official, but will never feel sorry for a rich man with a lot of money.

How much oil and water must be searched to have a deposit of two million gold?

Even Gongsun Zan was unexpected, but after seeing the bill, he understood that the money was all handwritten by the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce.

The Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce is all good people. If it weren't for their generosity, how could Gongsun Zan obtain such wealth?

Moreover, after reorganizing Liu Yu's army, Gongsun Zan's strength soared, and the number of the army reached [-].

Military spending is also abundant.

With an idea, Gongsun Zan sent a letter between Liu Yu and the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce to Yangzhou in an attempt to cause civil strife in Yangzhou.

Liu Ke was also very speechless after receiving the letter.

The businessmen participating in the Youzhou plan not only suffered heavy losses, but also worried that Liu Ke would use a knife on them.

It's really sad.

"You said, what should I do?" Liu Kedao, originally he thought that killing the chief culprit would be enough, but he didn't expect the situation to be so bad.

Now the situation has changed, the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce has subsidized Gongsun Zan with tens of millions of gold in supplies.

How should I express this breath?

"Severe punishment without mercy!" Mi Zhu said.

"Kill a few people to rectify this trend." Guo Jia said.


Suddenly, Liu Ke felt worthless for Liu Yu.Such an upright person was corrupted so badly by the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce.

Thinking about it carefully, how many officials in Yangzhou can surpass Liu Yu in virtue?

"Feng Xiao, is it time for you, the Inspectorate, to start working?" Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect that Liu Ke was still discussing how to deal with businessmen, and now the topic turned to officials' corruption.

"Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce is capable. After all, I brought it up with one hand." Liu Ke said, "However, Feng Xiao, your ability is not bad. Your task now is to investigate carefully and not let go of any suspicious points."

"Yes, my lord!" Guo Jia said seriously, he can no longer be an idle fish.

What a Youzhou plan...

Maybe Cheng Yu likes this kind of work more.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Yu's death represented the weakness of the Han Dynasty.

Today, only Liu Ke is left among the clan members of the Han Dynasty who are still in office, and Liu Zhang can only be counted as half.

The power struggle is so cruel.

For Liu Yu, Liu Ke has nothing to apologize for.With such an advantage, he was still able to defeat and die, Liu Ke had nothing to say.

However, Liu Bei used this to criticize Liu Ke, disregarding the safety of the Han family, fighting against each other.

If Liu Ke had not attacked Xuzhou, such a thing would not have happened, and Liu Yu would not have died.

Unfortunately, no one paid him any attention.

After Liu Bei yelled, he was embarrassed to find that there was no audience, so he had to hide in Jingzhou for the elderly.

Zhou Yu arranged Liu Bei in Xinye, and talked about the reorganization of the army several times, but Liu Bei refused.

Liu Bei is not stupid, if he handed over the army in his hands, he would be nothing.

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