Liu Ke also breathed a sigh of relief. If the cold war continues, he might not even want to talk to Lu Su.

After returning home, Liu Ke told Zhao Yu about it, and Zhao Yu regretted it.

"I would have known that I would join Master Lu's camp."

"Don't make trouble!" Liu Ke said.

"I'm making trouble?" Zhao Yu said angrily.

"No, Yu'er is the best." Liu Ke immediately changed his tone and said tenderly.

"You know best, but you still have to think about it yourself. I don't care, and I can't control it anyway." Zhao Yu said helplessly.

Liu Ke smiled, and then went to Taixue to visit some seedlings.

For example, Zhuge Liang, such as Lu Xun, they are the future of Yangzhou, and they cannot be led astray by traditional civil servants.

Lu Xun is a shy child, different from Zhuge Liang's straightforward and generous.

"Greetings, Marquis of Dongyang!" Lu Xun said cautiously.

"There's no need to be too polite." Liu Ke said with a smile.

The three visited Taixue together and chatted for a long time.

"Hou Dongyang's thinking is very interesting, why not publish a book?" Zhuge Liang suggested.

"Yes, if it's Dongyang Hou's book, it must be very popular." Lu Xun said.

Does writing a book take time?Once time is spent, isn't there no chance to go out and wander?

Zhuge Kongming, you are not undercover for a civil servant, are you?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke's defeat of the Japanese did not cause turmoil among the princes.

Thousands of Japanese people are nothing to worry about.In the hundreds of thousands of battles in the Central Plains, even the waves are not counted.

It has been a while since Cao Cao moved his capital to Chang'an, and it is very peaceful.

However, he did not dare to relax at all, and worked hard to get revenge one day.

"My lord, it's time for you to rest." Sima Lang cupped his hands.

Cao Cao raised his head and glanced at the memorials on the table, there was still a thick stack.

"My lord, there are endless memorials, and the body is more important." Sima Lang said.

"What Dongyang Hou can do, I can do too." Cao Cao said.

"My lord, the Marquis of Dongyang has a cabinet to help handle government affairs. It's really hard for you to do it yourself." Sima Lang said, "Why don't you form a cabinet too."

However, this proposal was ruthlessly rejected by Cao Cao, saying: "As the lord, how can you give up power for the sake of convenience? Look, Dongyanghou will suffer a lot in this matter sooner or later."

Sima Lang didn't take it seriously. He still knew a little about the situation in Yangzhou. The establishment of the cabinet was entirely a word from the Marquis of Dongyang.Abolishing the cabinet is just a matter of one sentence.

However, Sima Lang would not argue with Cao Cao because of this matter. Seeing that Cao Cao was obsessed with government affairs, he quietly resigned.The reason why he stayed here late at night was just to discuss Cao Cao's appointment as prime minister, which had already been discussed.

In the early morning of the next day, Sima Lang yawned, but saw Cao Cao in high spirits. He seemed to have inexhaustible energy.

At the court meeting, Emperor Xian affirmed Cao Cao's contribution in the recent period. In order to reward him, he canonized Cao Cao as prime minister.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After Cao Cao received the decree, he glanced left and right and saw no objection, so he returned to his original position.

"Look at the seat!" Emperor Xian said.

Cao Cao frowned. Among all the steps, there seemed to be no such agenda.He couldn't help but glanced at Sima Lang, the latter gave him an apologetic look, Cao Cao knew what was going on, and couldn't help but sneered.

Pride?Such a childish trick!

"Your Majesty, no! The prime minister is only your minister!" Sima Lang stood up and said, Cao Cao is not good at talking, and the subordinates must stand out.

"Prime Minister Cao has worked so hard and devoted himself to the great Han Dynasty. What is this kind of preferential treatment?" Dong Cheng said.

This Dong Cheng is Empress Dowager Dong's nephew, and has a little relationship with Dong Zhuo, but he is Emperor Xian's father-in-law, so he escaped liquidation.

"This Prime Minister is different from Dong Thief, and has never lacked awe of His Majesty." Cao Cao said.

After Dong Zhuo was involved, Dong Cheng didn't dare to answer easily. He was afraid that Cao Cao would find him unhappy, so he cut him off directly. Then who would he turn to for reasoning?

This world is just talking with big fists.

Cao Cao rejected Emperor Xian's offer and suggested: "In today's world, only the Marquis of Dongyang can have this honor. Your Majesty might as well confer the title of Marquis of Dongyang as Situ."

After Wang Yun's death, the position of Situ has not been settled.

Emperor Xian couldn't figure out what was going on in Cao Cao's mind, but could he not agree?


Anyway, it's just a matter of one sentence, and the rest is Cao Cao's work.

Thinking of Dongyang Hou, Emperor Xian couldn't help being sad, he hadn't contacted him for a long time, but Wannian often sent letters.

And Emperor Xian's reply to the letter had to go through layers of investigation, and he simply replied: everything is fine.

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