Himyue was silent, and after a while he said, "What can you do?"

"Let's land from Qingzhou!" Nan Shengmi suggested.

Himeyue looked weird, wouldn't it be good to go straight to Huanglong?Don't be shy.

"One year ago, Her Majesty the Queen was sent to the Han Dynasty, and the government in Qingzhou was very weak." Nan Shengmi said.

As for how it was discovered, of course the people were massacred, and there were no officials.

"As long as we land in Qingzhou, we will soon be able to occupy Qingzhou. Qingzhou has the weapons and equipment we need." Nan Shengmi said.

The four words of weapons and equipment moved Himyue.

Yamatai is very poor. Except for the warriors, the others are farmers. They have no decent weapons at all, and most of them carry hoes and sickles.

It is still a low-end and backward bronze product.

If you can get the weapons of the Han Dynasty, you can strengthen your own strength.At that time, go directly to the south, and the chances of winning are a little higher.

For these, Himiko didn't care, she didn't know about the military formation at all, and completely handed it over to her younger brother Himeyue.

So Himeyue has no objection, and the matter was easily settled.

The next step is to summon warriors from all over the world. When they heard that they were going to rob, everyone acted.

Among them, Ushi Niuli brought [-] horses and was received by Himyue.

The two chattered for a while, full of hope for the future.

Make a fortune together!

Then more and more troops gathered together, reaching an astonishing [-] troops!

God, when did Dongying have so many people?

Himyue was stunned all of a sudden, if he won this war, he would be a great man.

As for the defeat...how is this possible?

One hundred thousand Japanese are absolutely invincible.

Himey is very confident.

Of course, there was someone more confident than him, and that was Himiko, because a divination revealed that it would be very auspicious, that is to say, this expedition would go very smoothly, and she told everyone the good news, which was an oracle.

As a result, the morale of the Japanese continued to rise, so there have been a lot of fighting incidents recently.

Before they set off, a thousand people had already fallen.

Japanese people like to fight.

When the one-sword style and the two-sword style gather together, it is always more powerful than one.

Each school has its own dojo and disciples, from the big ones to the small ones.

Himyue was still not in control, so he simply gave an order and set sail.

Yes, after the last failure, they learned a technique, which is to put sails on the fishing boat, so that they can go faster.

The Japanese are worthy of being a race with a very strong learning ability.

Due to the shortage of fishing boats, only one-third of the troops can be transported at a time. As a vanguard, it is enough.

And this time the general in command is Urban Niuli.

So the Japanese army sailed mightily, and finally landed on the coast of Qingzhou.

The reckless city Niu Li did not wait for the follow-up troops, and directly led the army to attack and surrounded a county town.

Seeing such a majestic city, Niu Li, the city, couldn't help feeling emotional, and said, "This is the capital of the Han people? It's so big, and the city walls are so high, so there must be a lot of gold, silver and jewels, right?"

This is short-sightedness.

Fujiwara sneered and said, "My lord, this is just the county seat of the Han people."

"What is a county seat?" Urban Niu Li was very surprised.

"Besides the villages, the poorest is the county town." Fujiwara said.

Urban Niu Li gasped, is this damn poor?Who are you deceiving?

"This city is so high, how can we climb it?" Urban Niuli pondered the unrivaled problem.

In Dongying, everyone is surrounded by fences and vines. Only those who are rich and powerful will cut down wood and build city walls.With a three-meter-high wooden wall, it is a city with strong defenses, which can last for several months.

Now it is a stone city wall, which is as high as five meters. Wouldn't it take a year?

Can't imagine, can't imagine.

But when he thought of the gold, silver and jewels inside, Dushi Niuli felt a burning sensation in his heart.

It's worth it even for a year.

The blatant behavior of the Japanese people made the county town take precautions, and the city gates have been closed for a long time.

"It's Japanese! How come there are so many Japanese?" The county magistrate gasped.

But after a closer look, there were crooked melons and dates and ragged refugees below, and the county magistrate finally felt relieved.

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