If the Japanese gather a large army, there will still be [-] troops in Liu Ke's headquarters.

In fact, if the Chishui Army is included, Yangzhou dispatched a total of [-] troops, because the Chishui Army's mission is different, they are responsible for cutting off the retreat of the Japanese.

For example, find the place where the Japanese parked their ships and destroy them.

At that time, the Japanese will become the turtle in the urn, and Liu Ke can do whatever he wants.

As a result, Liu Ke was sitting in the headquarters, and battle reports continued to come in. Of course, all of them were good news.

In just three days, the Japanese lost three thousand-man teams.

Liu Ke held a meeting on the matter.

"The Japanese are different from our army, and their communication is backward. Guess what, they will agree on where to gather." Liu Ke said.

The division of troops in ancient times was different from that of today. Once the troops are divided, they cannot be commanded.

So Liu Ke guessed that the Japanese must have agreed on a time to gather together.

Otherwise, how to command the messy army?

Once they gather, it's time for Liu Ke to launch a thunder strike.

Liu Ke left an army of [-] and did not fully dispatch it to increase the speed of encircling and suppressing the Japanese because of this consideration.

Xu Shu looked at the map along the coast and fell into deep thought.His thinking is the same as Liu Ke's, thinking that the Japanese will definitely gather in the coastal areas.

Because after the Japanese entered Qingzhou, they had no foundation, and they had no plans to govern.

So the only thing they can rely on is the retreating ship.

"My lord, our army will approach the seaside first, and then wait for the opportunity to move." Xu Shu said.

Because the Japanese are all fishing boats, there are too many places to hide.

And Liu Ke sent scout troops to the place where the Japanese landed, but did not find any ships.

It is incredible that the Japanese can consider the step of transferring ships.

Now that the coast is so big, by the time the scouts run around, the battle will be over long ago.

"Yuan Zhi, the army must be like a tiger when it is dispatched, how can it be missed?" Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke thought it made sense, so he decided to wait another two days.

During this period, Kong Rong personally visited Liu Ke.

"Dongyanghou, this disaster in Qingzhou is thanks to your generous rescue." Kong Rong cupped his hands.

"It's everyone's responsibility to encircle and suppress alien races. As a clan member of the Han family, it's nothing more than beating up the Japanese." Liu Ke said.

Easy to say?

Kong Rong felt very ashamed. He himself did not make any achievements, which led to Qingzhou being invaded by Japanese pirates.

If he had encircled and suppressed the thousands of Japanese people earlier, the Japanese people would not have felt that Qingzhou was weak and deceptive.

"Dongyanghou is young and promising, so I can't do it, alas." Kong Rong sighed, "I don't know what Dongyanghou will do next? Just tell me what is useful to me."

Liu Ke really didn't dare to use Kong Rong, this guy had an army of [-], but he was so cowardly.

It would definitely not be a good thing for Kong Rong to participate.

"Kong Inspector don't have to worry, as long as he sticks to the city, that is my greatest support." Liu Ke said.

"Understood, Dongyanghou, don't worry, starting today, I will not lose another city in Qingzhou." Kong Rong vowed.

Now the Japanese are being chased and fled everywhere. If you lose the city again, it really can't be justified.

"To protect the city is to protect the people. Governor Kong must strengthen his defenses when he returns. Don't let the Japanese take advantage of it." Liu Ke warned.

"Definitely, definitely!" Kong Rong said.

The fighting power of the Yangzhou army is indeed unparalleled in the world. As soon as they came out, the Japanese were scattered.

Kong Rong felt much more at ease now, and promised: "As long as the Marquis of Dongyang helps Qingzhou to tide over the difficulties, I will submit to the court again!"

"Kong Cishi's words are serious." Liu Ke cupped his hands and sent Kong Rong away.

After Kong Rong left, Guo Jia commented:

"Kong Rong is indeed a modest gentleman."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The story of the Japanese people spread wildly.

After all, Liu Ke has already sent troops to Qingzhou.

Cao Cao didn't feel much at first, but Kong Rong's memorial made him very annoyed.

Now there is another person who is more annoying than Kong Rong, and that is Dong Cheng.

"It's a disgrace that my great Han Dynasty was invaded by the little Japanese. It has never happened in hundreds of years of history!"

Dong Cheng roared in the court hall.

Emperor Xian was also filled with righteous indignation.

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