This is just the cruel side of the Japanese people.

"There are a total of [-] people in the city! They are all our brothers and sisters. For their sake, the Japanese must not be allowed to cross the city."

"Soldiers, can you do it?"

When I look at you and you look at me, the soldiers are all hesitant, obviously not confident.

Seeing this, Kong Rong yelled, "I will accompany you, I am on the city wall!"

"Die for the lord!" A sparse voice shouted.

Unknown players from Qingzhou, Wang Xiu and Wang Zifa could only stand up and take charge of the defense.

Wang Xiu was very dissatisfied with the reaction of the soldiers, not only because of Kong Rong's face, but also because of the subsequent defense of the city.

If there is fear of the Japanese, the next battle will be impossible.

"Soldiers, stand firm for seven days, Dongyang Hou's army will definitely come!" Wang Xiu shouted, "Can we fight to the death and not retreat in seven days?!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

Seeing this, Kong Rong finally breathed a sigh of relief. He suddenly understood that he should not only give the soldiers a reason to fight, but also give them hope.

Few men can fight bravely without hope and knowing that they must die.

Jing Lan pushed slowly, but no bow and arrow came.

The Japanese did not have well-trained archers, and it was too irrational to shoot at the Han army.

Therefore, after Jinglan reached a certain distance, a towering pedal fell and rested on the city wall.

"Fire the arrow!" Wang Xiu ordered.

Countless arrows shot out.

The Japanese braved the rain of arrows and stepped on the pedals to rush up the city wall.

At the same time, the ladder was also set up, and the Japanese came in like a tide.

"What's wrong with the Japanese, they were so desperate to attack on the first day?" Wang Xiu couldn't help but complain.

Suddenly, he had a terrible idea in his heart, did the Japanese also know that Dongyang Hou would come to help in a few days?

Since this idea popped out of my head, I haven't gone down.

Coupled with the siege equipment such as ladders and wells, Wang Xiu immediately became angry.

There are Han people acting as demons!

If it was just a stupid and cute Japanese, it would be impossible to do this step.

Wang Xiu drew out his saber, rushed forward, and killed a Japanese man himself.

The blood that flowed out was also red.Blood spattered on Wang Xiu's face, but he was unmoved.

The Japanese rushed up the city wall in a steady stream, and the situation was precarious.

"Zifa, press the reserve team quickly." Wang Xiu said nervously, this wave of troops was reserved by him, and waited until the Japanese were exhausted to change defenses. Unexpectedly, it will come in handy now.

As a result, [-] defenders were suddenly crowded on the city wall of Ju County, plus three or four thousand Japanese, and more than [-] people participated in the fight.

Kong Rong was restless. He was a war scum, and he couldn't play any role in such a situation.

"My lord, please find some vulnerable people." Wang Zifa begged.

"Common people? What are you going to do? Zifa, the situation hasn't fallen to the point where the common people go to war, right?" Kong Rong said in horror.

"My lord, don't worry, it's just a little trick, it won't hurt the common people," the prince said.

Kong Rong believed in his subordinates and immediately led them to do it.Kong Rong was very prestigious in the city, and soon brought thousands of people, all of whom were old, weak, sick, and disabled women with children.

Wang Zifa was very satisfied, and said: "Everyone, now the soldiers are fighting desperately, can you cheer up the morale of the soldiers?"

Looking at the people who were still confused, Wang Zifa was the first to say a few words of praise in Qingzhou dialect, such as you are very brave

So the people followed suit one after another.

When the soldiers on the city wall heard their native language, they seemed to gain a lot of strength out of thin air.

"For the sake of my parents!"

The Juxian defenders fought desperately and fought the enemy on the city wall.

The Japanese also muttered to boost morale, but it was of no use, and their heads were almost crooked.

"Good job, Zifa!" Wang Xiu praised.

It is difficult to boost morale just by shouting slogans, but the people are in the city, and you can see their weak bodies at a glance.

As a man, the pillar of the city, can he not fight to the death?

The defenders of Ju County were so brave that they slashed and killed the Japanese people frantically.

However, there are too many Japanese people, and they keep coming up.

Moreover, the Japanese also arranged a law enforcement team under the city. Once the Japanese were timid, they would be killed, forcing the Japanese to regard death as home.

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