Kong Rong could see clearly from the city wall that Ma Dai's troops had broken through the formation of the Japanese.

The Japanese were like paper, and they were in chaos in an instant.

Kong Rong couldn't help thinking that when he was defeated, it was almost the same, but the situation was reversed.

"How did General Ma come so quickly?" Wang Xiu was extremely puzzled. The battle had just started, and the reinforcements arrived.

"The Marquis of Dongyang made a clever plan and asked me to lead the army to Beihai." Ma Dai said, originally thought it was a soy sauce task, but he didn't expect to actually meet the Japanese.

I'm afraid Dongyang Hou already knew where the Japanese were, and he delayed until now in order to catch them all.

"The Marquis of Dongyang uses soldiers like a god, and his reputation is indeed well-deserved." Wang Xiudao.

Everyone thought that Dongyanghou would not move his troops. Who would have thought that he would secretly send reinforcements?

If all this is in Dongyang Hou's calculations, then the Japanese are nothing to worry about.

What's more, the [-] Qingzhou soldiers led by Ma Dai gave great encouragement to the guards and soldiers, and it was no problem to stick to it for seven days.

"I'm afraid Dongyanghou wants to wipe out all the Japanese." Wang Zifa said, suddenly a little unhappy, after all, Dongyanghou didn't inform them of this plan in advance.

If Ma Dai hadn't been sent here, Ju County would not have been able to defend it on the first day.

There are [-] people in the city!

The innocent Liu Ke had to take the blame.

Japanese people also have to eat, so at noon it was calm and everyone lived in peace.

On the contrary, Qingzhou soldiers returned to their hometown and chatted with the defenders.

In this regard, Ma Dai did not stop him. After all, he was not his soldier. After returning to Chang'an, he would hand it back to Cao Cao sooner or later.

The combat intensity in the morning was not weak, and the Japanese were not so relaxed and casual.Therefore, everyone believes that the attack in the afternoon is likely to be cancelled.

However, the tenacity of the Japanese exceeded everyone's expectations, and they began a more intense onslaught.

Fortunately, Ma Dai was there.

There is a lack of strong generals in Ju County, so they look soft and unbeaten at all.

As soon as Ma Dai came, the atmosphere of combat was stimulated.

Moreover, as long as you are human, you will have a heart for comparison.

The bravery of Qingzhou soldiers also stimulated the defenders. Everyone is from Qingzhou. Why are you so good?

The intensity of the battle was too much for Ma Dai, but he managed to defend it in the end.

This is a huge win.

He failed to take Juxian all day long, but instead lost troops and generals, and Himyue was already furious.

"Is this Han person still trustworthy?" Himi asked.

Of course this person was referring to Li Ru. The reason why the Japanese attacked regardless of casualties was Li Ru's request.

"General, we have no way out. If we can't take this city, we have no way to explain to our subordinates." Nan Shengmi said.

Himey closed his eyes deeply.

"If the enemy hadn't had reinforcements, the city would have been taken today." Fujiwara sighed.

Everything was fine at first, but suddenly an enemy army came out!

"Baga!" Himeyue drew his sword and split a table to vent his anger. The matter has developed to the point where he has no way out.

"Report, General Niu Li of the city has applied for the battle!" A Japanese scout reported.

The sun has gone down, and you are still playing?

Fujiwara explained: "I'm afraid General Niu Li of the city is going to fight, and he wants to single out with the generals in the city."

I'm afraid it was Li Ru's instigation again.

But it doesn't matter anymore, it's good to be able to make meritorious service, even if you can't, you can kill the prestige of the defenders in the city.

"Go." Himyue didn't stop him.

So, Dushi Niuli rode a horse and came to the city of Ju County, babbling a lot of words that the defenders couldn't understand, but he knew it with his butt, it must be some curse words.

"That stupid big guy, who can't even ride a horse steadily, actually came to challenge him. He really doesn't know what to do." The defender laughed.

Ma Dai was also inspecting the city wall, and seeing the riding skills of the urban cattle, he couldn't bear to look directly at him.Ma Dai has been living in Xiliang, and if he wants to fight against aliens, he must practice good riding skills.

Seeing Urban Niu Li's funny appearance, Ma Dai didn't want to fight at all, he was too bullying.

Dushi Niuli cursed and cursed, no one paid any attention to him, so he had to back away.

That's it for the first day.On the second day, the Japanese offensive became even more brutal, with no regard for casualties.

If the casualties of the Japanese were around [-] yesterday, but today the casualties do not reach [-], they will not go down the city wall.

It was this momentum that made the defenders in the city miserable.

All are injuries for injuries, lives for lives.

"Brothers, the Japanese suffered heavy losses. Once they invade the city, they will definitely retaliate. For the sake of the people, you all follow me to kill the enemy!" Wang Xiu said with all his strength.

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