In the end, Li Ru was carried away.

As for why the Japanese left him, Li Ru also had a guess in his mind, that is to make up for the loss.

If the Japanese want to shorten the gap with the Central Plains, they must have talents who are familiar with the Central Plains. I am afraid that the Japanese will try their best to take away a few craftsmen.

Li Ru is the first point.

Thinking of this, Li Ru couldn't help but smile narcissistically: I didn't expect that Li Wenyou, who is a bereaved dog, is still valuable in the eyes of Japanese people!

However, Li Ru will not give in.

Along the way, Li Ru tried to escape three times, but was captured by the Japanese.

This time it wasn't just punches and kicks, Li Ru's leg was directly broken.

"Are you running again?" Fujiwara said viciously.

After threatening, Fujiwara changed his tone and said: "We can give you whatever the Han Chinese government can give you. I don't think you are a good thing. Why don't you go back to Yamatai with me? When the time comes, Her Majesty the Queen will be happy, maybe I will reward you as a noble, and with your own fief, what else can you not get?"

Li Ru couldn't run anymore...

Three days later, he was carried aboard.

Looking at the small fishing boat, Li Ru couldn't help laughing:

I was wishful thinking and wanted to use the power of the Japanese to take revenge. I, Li Wenyou, was the biggest joke in the world!

From the very beginning, Li Ru took a wrong step. If he took refuge in a foreign race in the frontier fortress, he might still have a chance.

As for the Japanese, the mud cannot support the wall.

"The general asked me to ask you how we can safely return to Yamatai," Fujiwara said.

Li Ru looked up at him, but said nothing.If it is on land, he can still think of a few ways. As for the sea, it is completely luck.

"Hmph!" Fujiwara snorted coldly, and left directly. Now even he doubted whether he should take this wooden man back, not mentioning the dangers encountered along the way, and wasting food.

However, in order for Yamatai to become powerful, it is necessary to learn the ideas and crafts of the Han people.

Look at the giant ship on the sea, and look at the invincible cavalry on the battlefield...

One day, there will be Yamatai as well.

Therefore, as long as this knowledge is brought back, the general will not fail.

This is how Fujiwara persuaded Himyue, and Himyue was persuaded, so Li Ru was able to live.

In order to avoid being hunted at sea, Himyue decided to divide his troops into two groups.

Along the way, they encountered many fleeing Japanese, and gathered a team of almost ten thousand people.

Such a bloated escape team must have been discovered by the officers and soldiers, so Himyue dared not put all his eggs in one basket.

"Everyone, let's all live in peace, see you in Yamatai!" Himey said.

"Accept the general's auspicious words!" Fujiwara said.

This time, Himyue and Nan Shengmi went one way and took away the craftsmen, while Fujiwara took Li Ru to go the other way.

However, the reality is skinny, Gan Ning has already sealed off this large sea area, and a hundred large ships are swinging around.

Fujiwara had just set off for half a day when he encountered a large ship following him.However, he did not choose to surrender, but made the last dying struggle.

He broke into pieces and ran away.

There are hundreds of fishing boats, and two or three large ships.

Ding Feng was dumbfounded. As one of the chief officers of the Chishui Army this time, he has been watching the movement on the coast and found the boats hidden by the Japanese, so he waited here.

The Japanese caught it, but the Japanese were too cunning.

For this reason, Ding Feng took a telescope and screened step by step, trying to find out the main characters of the Japanese.

Huangtian paid off, and found Li Ru's ship in no time.

Because the Japanese are all bald, but Li Ru has long hair.

Therefore, Ding Feng chased after him, and Fujiwara had no choice but to surrender when he saw this.

"I am a Japanese nobleman, you can't treat me like this!" Fujiwara raised his hand.

Ding Feng ignored it and ordered to be tied up.


Someone fell into the water at this moment.

When Ding Feng saw it, he thought it was a Japanese who wanted to escape, but he didn't expect it was a Han Chinese who couldn't swim.

"Haha, it must be a guilty conscience, let's choke him a few mouthfuls of sea water!" Ding Feng said.

After a long time, under the signal of Ding Feng, the sailors jumped down to rescue.

After being salvaged, the Han man kept coughing. Judging by his attire, he was still a Confucian scholar.

"Could it be the dog-headed military advisor of the Japanese?" Ding Feng wondered.

However, the scribe who was rescued said nothing.

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