Unexpectedly, Cai Yong shook his head.

Kong Rong made a note in his heart: "How about giving the position of governor to Bo Jie directly?" Cai Yong is the son-in-law of Dongyanghou, and Cai Yong took over as governor of Qingzhou, so it is impossible for Dongyanghou to ignore it.

"No, remember not to force this matter, otherwise it will have the opposite effect." Cai Yong said, this son-in-law is soft but not hard.

Kong Rong could only sigh.

"Wenju, you are still too eager for this matter, and lost your mind because of financial subsidies. Your original intention is for the people, I know, but you can't be hindered by magic, you know?" Cai Yong exhorted.

"Taught!" Kong Rong cupped his hands.

"It's a good story to abdicate to let the virtuous. If this matter becomes serious, it will become that my virtuous son-in-law spends money to buy an official." Cai Yong said.

Kong Rong thought about it carefully, and realized that it was really the case, and he was immediately ashamed.

"That's not the case. Dongyang Marquis Wenzhi's martial arts are all number one in the world..."

After Kong Rong came out of Cai's Mansion, he couldn't help feeling very emotional. He was really useless and couldn't do anything well.

It's still this kind of abdication to let the virtuous... don't want to give benefits for nothing.

On the way, Kong Rong suddenly met an acquaintance.

It turned out to be Mi Heng!

At the beginning, Kong Rong and Mi Heng met and hit it off very well. The two boasted about their business, and Mi Heng called Kong Rong "Zhongni Immortal".

This sentence is very powerful, and he praised Kong Rong for inheriting Confucius' thoughts and talents.

Kong Rong also replied decently, "Yan Hui was born again." Yan Hui was a disciple of Confucius and one of the five great sages of Confucianism.

The two met each other very late, and became friends who forgot their years.

But the world is so big, Kong Rong stays in Beihai, and Mi Heng travels around the world, and they rarely see each other.

Now that we met by chance, how could we let it go?

At this moment, Mi Heng also found Kong Rong who had been observing him for a long time.

The two greeted each other, and went to a restaurant to drink together.

"Why is my brother in Dongyang City?" Kong Rong asked.

"The world is so big, Yangzhou is the richest, and in Yangzhou as a whole, Dongyang is the richest. I have been in Dongyang for more than a year." Mi Heng said.

"I remember my younger brother was very active, why did he suddenly calm down?" Kong Rong asked curiously.

"Dongyang City is filled with all kinds of life, no matter how you look at it, you can't finish it." Mi Heng sighed.

Kong Rong also felt that the prosperity of Dongyang far exceeded his imagination.Otherwise, he would not insist on handing over Qingzhou to Liu Ke. Even if Qingzhou develops to one-tenth of Yangzhou, that would be a huge wealth.

"Your brother is so talented, why don't you seek an official position in Yangzhou? Could it be that the Marquis of Dongyang doesn't know pearls and jade?" Kong Rong said.

"No, no, Dongyanghou gave me a chance, but I refused. At that time, I never thought that Dongyanghou would be so powerful." Mi Heng said with emotion.

In order to change the subject, Mi Heng said: "Brother, why are you here?"

Kong Rong smiled wryly, and said: "I'm afraid that my brother will make fun of me, so I'll invite Marquis Dongyang to be the governor of Qingzhou."

Mi Heng smiled and said: "Brother, you came at a bad time. If the Marquis of Dongyang is free in two years, maybe he will accept Qingzhou."

Kong Rong was puzzled.

"Dongyanghou is a very strange person, and as a result, the atmosphere of the whole Yangzhou has been distorted by him." Mi Heng said.

"How do you say that?" Kong Rong asked curiously.

"The whole Yangzhou is reading the books of sages and sages, but it is full of commercial atmosphere." Mi Heng concluded.

"Isn't this messing around?" Kong Rong asked in astonishment.

"No, no, the more the Marquis of Dongyang struggles, the richer the people will become. This is what I can't understand." Mi Heng said.

Mi Heng stayed in Dongyang all the time just to figure out the relationship, however, he was always vague and couldn't grasp the point.

"As long as the people live and work in peace and contentment, that's a good thing." Kong Rong said, he is more open-minded, otherwise he would not become friends with a madman like Mi Heng.

After eating and drinking enough, Mi Heng wanted to say goodbye.

Kong Rong stayed and asked, "Why is my brother leaving so soon?"

"I want to walk more, Dongyang City has a population of over one million, interesting things happen every moment, I can't miss them." Mi Heng said.

"Is there any good way to know more about Marquis Dongyang?" Kong Rong said.

"Just persevere." Mi Heng said, and he left after finishing speaking.

Kong Rong couldn't help but sigh.

So Kong Rong stayed in Yangzhou and visited Liu Ke every now and then, which made Liu Ke very annoying.

"Dongyanghou, I know this will mess up your plan, but for the sake of the people of Qingzhou, I can only be cheeky and beg you!" Kong Rong said sincerely.

Lu Su on the side couldn't help but speak, and said: "My lord, in fact, as long as we make a good plan, Yangzhou's finances can fully support it."

"Zijing, you said this yourself, I didn't force you!" Liu Ke said, and then added, "Although you are in charge of the official department and not the household department, don't push everything to Zizhong. "

"..." Lu Su was speechless.

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