Regarding this matter, Liu Ke held a meeting in Tiance Mansion.

The Tiance Mansion included the generals of the main battle corps, and Liu Ke himself served as the supreme commander of the Tiance Mansion.

"Yuan Shu wants to use troops to conquer Yuzhou. This is what he promised a long time ago. Then, who of you wants to fight?" Liu Ke asked.

Hearing that he was fighting side by side with Yuan Shu, Lu Bu lost his mind.It's definitely not a good job to take care of allies.

Not to mention an ally like Yuan Shu.

"Brother, can you leave it to us?" Dian Wei Mao suggested himself.

Dian Wei was the first peerless general to follow Liu Ke, and the two are sworn brothers.

Liu Ke is very familiar with Dianwei, and letting him lead the army alone, his ability is still a bit weaker. Of course, this difference is compared to Zhao Yun and others.

However, the number of troops sent this time is not large, so Dian Wei can exercise it.

"Have you made up your mind? As the commander-in-chief of an army, it's different from when you go out with me. You have to consider all kinds of issues." Liu Ke said.

"Brother, we know." Dian Wei said.

Now that we've talked about it, it would be impersonal for Liu Ke to refuse again.

And when everyone saw Dian Wei coming out, they didn't intend to continue fighting.

Therefore, it became a certainty that Dian Wei sent [-] troops on behalf of Yangzhou.

"Although this battle is also for Yangzhou, the nature is different, so I don't plan to force the mission to any army." Liu Ke said.

"Then how do you recruit people?" Dian Wei asked in surprise.

"Adopt the principle of voluntariness, that is, select [-] people from the main combat corps to fight." Liu Ke said.

"This method is good." Dian Wei agreed.

"Afterwards, I will reward these [-] people with [-] million gold." Liu Ke said.

Everyone gasped, surprised by Liu Ke's generosity.

"This is mercenaries. Yuan Shu contributes money and we contribute, but there are always various accidents in wars. In such battles, our Yangzhou gains very little, so we can only use high bounties to let us The soldiers volunteered to fight," Liu Ke said.

"My lord, won't we become like that in the future, we will help whoever gives money?" Huang Zhong said.

"Don't worry, there are not many princes in the world now, and there is no chance to be hired. Besides, we will not do things that violate morality. We only fight and do not bully the people." Liu Ke said.

Since it is a prince, it is inevitable to participate in the war.To become a soldier, you must have the awareness to participate in the war.

After the meeting, Liu Ke left Dian Wei alone and had a few words with him.

"Come on, this is just an exercise. If you can't do anything, you can bring your troops back, and you don't need Yuan Shu's money." Liu Ke said.

"Don't worry, brother, we will not embarrass you!" Dian Wei said confidently.

"Take good care of yourself, don't fight with anger," Liu Ke said.

"Yes." Dian Wei said.

Liu Ke didn't want her mother-in-law either, and asked Dian Wei to choose soldiers from the camp.

To be on the safe side, Gao Shun will be the deputy general for this expedition.

Gao Shun's camp is the most stable army in Yangzhou. It has always made great contributions to Yangzhou, but the chances of performance have become less recently.

Therefore, it is just right to arrange Gao Shun as Dian Wei's deputy, and the two get along well.

After Dian Wei came to the army, he posted a notice, and there was an endless stream of people who signed up.

For the sake of military exploits, they are all willing to fight hard, not to mention that there is a good reward.

It only took three days for Dian Wei to select the required manpower.

Then there was a seven-day integrated training. The [-] people came from different troops, so they must be familiar with each other.

Gao Shun was doing all these meticulous work, while Dian Wei was in charge of communicating with the Ministry of War on logistical matters.

In the past, Dian Wei was most annoyed by these trivial matters, but now, as the general of an army, he had to do it himself.

Liu Ke had warned about this matter, the Ministry of War was very efficient and did not embarrass Dian Wei.

After everything was ready, Dian Wei led his army to Runan to join Yuan Shu.

This time, Yuan Shu spent all his capital and went out in full force, leaving only a few thousand old, weak, sick and disabled in his hometown of Runan.

With Yangzhou as the backing, Yuan Shu can indeed sit back and relax.

"Master Yuan, do you have any plans for this battle?" Gao Shun asked suddenly.

This question made Yuan Shu look confused, plan, where did the plan come from?

How nice to push all the way.

"Our biggest enemy this time is Zhang Xiu, and the rest are just mobs," Yuan Shu said.

Seeing this, Gao Shun didn't say much anymore, as he expected.He asked one more question, but he just wanted the two parties to explain the truth.

Therefore, Yuan Shu led an army of [-] to attack Yuzhou, which was claimed to be [-].

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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