Yuan Shu suddenly realized, and ordered the soldiers to transport soil to fill the trench.

During this period, Wancheng sent troops to fight, and the two sides fought in small fights, winning and losing each other.

Three days later, a section of the moat was directly filled.

Zhang Xiu was frightened, so he ordered the soldiers to dig at night.

Yuan Shu got up in the morning and saw that part of the moat that had been filled had been dug through again. He was immediately shocked and angry, and sent Ji Ling to fight.

There was no response from the city.

Yan Xiang said: "My lord, it's easy for us to fill, but difficult for them to dig, why be afraid of them?"

So, the two sides started a competition, digging and filling.

Zhang Xiu finally found out that her stupid method didn't work at all, because digging was time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Not only that, Yuan Shujun also took the opportunity to make well rails and ladders.

If this continues, there will be a battle sooner or later.

"My lord, the enemy camp is very close to us, why not attack the camp." Lei Xu suggested.

As soon as this idea popped up, it lingered in Zhang Xiu's mind, but he didn't want to take such a risk.

After all, setting up camp at such a short distance, without precautions against attacking the camp, is unreasonable.

On this day, Ji Ling came to fight and scolded all eighteen generations of Zhang Xiu's ancestors.

Zhang Xiu was so angry that smoke rose from his seven orifices.

"I heard that your aunt is still a beauty. How about giving me a good time on the day of breaking the city?" Ji Ling teased.

Now Zhang Xiu couldn't take it anymore, and raised his gun to fight, but was stopped by Lei Xu.

"My lord, don't act rashly, you are in danger!" Lei Xu said.

Zhang Xiu was able to be what he is today because of Zhang Ji's promotion. Now that his aunt is being humiliated, how could Zhang Xiu swallow this breath?

So they gathered five thousand troops and planned to attack the camp tonight.

Lei Xu had already had this idea, so he didn't continue to dissuade him.

That night, the clouds were very thick, blocking the moonlight, and the ground was pitch black.

Yuan Shujun's camp was brightly lit, and the target was very obvious.

Zhang Xiu led the army out of the city in the dark, but was not found.

"I'm in charge of the surprise ignition, and you meet me outside." Zhang Xiu said.

"My lord, let me go!" Lei Xu stood up and said.

"No, I have great martial arts skills. Even if I'm found out, I can get away with it." Zhang Xiu said.

Lei Xu opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything in the end, Zhang Xiu had already led the troops forward.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The night was getting dark, but Dian Wei didn't fall asleep.

He was thinking about a profound question, what is the difference between Jiang and Shuai.

Under the influence of Liu Ke, Dian Wei is no longer the big boss he used to be, and occasionally likes to read some books.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside.

Dian Wei rushed out to have a look, and asked, "What happened?"

"General, it's Yuan Shujun who started the fire." A guard replied.

Raid the camp?

At this time Gao Shun also woke up, and when he appeared in front of Dian Wei, he was already fully armored.

"You guard the camp here, I'll meet the enemy for a while." Dian Wei said to Gao Shun.

After speaking, Dian Wei set off with three thousand soldiers and horses.

At this time, Yuan Shu's camp was already in chaos, Dian Wei didn't rush in, otherwise it would be bad if he was regarded as an enemy and beat up.

Dian Wei circled half a circle and came to the place where the fire broke out. Instead of putting out the fire, he looked for traces of the enemy.

Suddenly, there was a shout of killing in front of him.

"Follow me to support!" Dian Wei shouted.

Soon they came to the place of battle, and the leading fierce general, armed with long spears, went on a rampage, and Yuan Shu's army was defeated.

"Little thief, your ancestors are here, come and die!" Dian Wei said.

"This is Zhang Xiu, a rude person, report your name quickly!" Zhang Xiu said.

"That's right for Dian Wei!" Dian Wei slapped his horse and raised his knife, and went straight to Zhang Xiu.

Zhang Xiu didn't have time to think, so he raised his gun and fought with Dian Wei.

Dangdang Dangdang!

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