"What, Liu Bei's army cut off the grain road, and Yuan Shu went out to fight privately, and was surrounded?" Dian Wei seemed to be listening to a scripture.

These few things are big things, but Dian Wei just got the news, he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Is this Wei Shuai's responsibility?

Leading an army alone is definitely not such a simple matter.

Failure to consider any of the situations will lead to defeat.

Dian Wei first trusted Yuan Shu and handed over the grain to Runan, which caused a big problem.Moreover, he also did not guard against Liu Bei in Xinye.

Through repeated reflections, Dian Wei continued to grow.

"This is my brother's test for me!"

Dian Wei was thoughtful.

However, something had to be resolved, and Dian Wei decided to send reinforcements.

Before that, he had one thing in mind, that is to send someone to notify Wancheng.

After watching the scouts leave, Dian Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition to the personnel who were sticking to the camp, Dian Wei took [-] Yangzhou troops and [-] Yuan Shu troops to set off.

And gather the fleeing soldiers along the way.

"Where is Yuan Shu?" Dian Wei kept asking, but the soldiers' answers varied widely.

"Fleeing west."

"It seems to have fled to the north."


Then Dian Wei came to the conclusion that Yuan Shu fled in all directions.

I don't know if it's Yuan Shu's cowhide, or his soldiers' cowhide.

"Liu Beijun is coming, everyone run!"

There was another wave of routs ahead, the number of which was nearly [-].

Dian Wei was speechless, so many people, why are you running, won't you fight back?

Finally, he realized that something was wrong, and shouted: "Everyone is ready, don't let the rout break through the formation! Forcible intruders, kill without mercy!"

It was this order that saved everyone's life.

The defeated army did not dare to rush forward and fled to both sides.

Zhang Fei just rushed over and said, "He nnd, who saw through my scheme?"

The scouts had discovered this reinforcement a long time ago. Zhang Fei expended untold hardships to drive these deserters together just to break through the enemy's formation, but all his previous efforts were wasted.

Now it's just straight up.

Just as Dian Wei wanted to ride his horse out, he stopped abruptly. Now that he went out to fight Zhang Fei, a black man, what should the army do?

Afterwards, Guan Yu led his troops to kill and joined Zhang Fei. Liu Bei was the last to arrive.

Liu Bei gathered his soldiers and horses, immediately blew the horn of charge, and launched a general attack.

Liu Bei's army has a total of [-] people. Are you afraid that [-] people will not succeed?

If you want to blame, blame Yuan Shujun for losing too quickly and thoroughly.

But this is also understandable, Yuan Shujun has been hungry for many days, how could he continue to fight.

Not only Yuan Shujun, but even the Yangzhou Army couldn't get enough to eat. After many days, their spirits had already dropped to a level.

But Liu Bei's army is different, ready to go, has experienced another victory, and has strong morale.There are even peerless generals like Zhang Fei and Guan Yu regrouping, and the reinforcements led by Dian Wei only lasted for a quarter of an hour before collapsing.


Dian Wei chopped down more than a dozen people one after another, his courage was unstoppable, and Zhang Fei also discovered this ruthless man.

The two fought against each other again, dozens of strokes passed, and there was no winner.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

During the fight, Dian Wei felt that the number of his troops was getting smaller and smaller, while Liu Bei's army was getting more and more.

At this point, it's time to break out.

However, Dian Wei was tightly entangled by Zhang Fei.

"Heitantou, don't be a rascal!" Dian Wei shouted angrily.

"How can I call it a rascal?" Zhang Fei said.

As the situation became more and more critical, Dian Wei broke free from Zhang Fei's entanglement with the help of horsepower.

"Follow me to break through!" Dian Wei said.

The breakout operation was only halfway through, and was blocked by Guan Yu.

With Guan Yu in the front and Zhang Fei in the back, Dian Wei fell into a hard fight in an instant.

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