Under Kong Rong's repeated recommendations, Liu Ke took over the position of governor of Qingzhou.

What can Cao Cao do?I can't beat it again and again, so I might as well sell one, and Xuzhou Mu and Qingzhou Mu will distribute it to Liu Ke.

This time Cao Cao also sent five thousand troops, gaining a lot of glory and having the capital to brag about.

Now Liu Ke is aiming at Yuzhou, and he has touched the middle of Sun Ce and Cao Cao's forces.

It is impossible for Cao Cao to remain silent.

Yuzhou is a small place, with an area only one third of that of Yangzhou, Jingzhou and other big states, but its geographical location is very important.

"My lord, it is very unwise to send troops at this time," Sima Lang said.

"To deal with Dongyang Hou, can we use force?" Cao Cao asked back, paused for a while before saying, "It must be outsmarted."

Zhou Yu was able to fool Liu Bei into sending troops, but Cao Cao didn't have such a thug.

Now, Cao Cao finally understands the importance of his younger brother. Liu Ke has a Yuan Shu, and Sun Ce has a Liu Bei. Does he want to go into battle shirtless?

Thinking of his little brother, Cao Cao suddenly thought of a person, that is Zhang Xiu.

Wancheng, where Zhang Xiu is located, is the seat of Nanyang County, and its geographical location is very close to Chang'an and Luoyang.

Xinye also belongs to Nanyang County and belongs to Yuzhou.After Sun Ce took the land, due to the agreement, he handed it over to Liu Bei to rule.

Yuan Shu used to be the prefect of Nanyang, so he never forgot about this place.

Cao Cao supported Emperor Xian, and his only advantage was to grasp righteousness.Among the many forces, Zhang Xiu was the only one who did not make a clear statement.

If Zhang Xiu wants to seek refuge with Dongyang Hou, he must give up the interests of Wancheng.

Cao Cao finally smoothed out his thoughts, and said: "Prepare the decree, let Zhong Yao go to Wancheng, and canonize Zhang Xiu as the governor of Yuzhou."

Once Zhang Xiu accepts the canonization, it is tantamount to being labeled as Cao Caojun.Even if he didn't win over Zhang Xiu, it would still make Dongyang Hou suspicious.

This strategy is like a stroke of genius.

Sima Lang admired him very much, and said, "My lord is wise!"

On the other side, after Liu Bei retreated and returned to Xinye, he was very confused at the moment.

According to the agreement, he can leave Jingzhou and go to Yizhou.

"Yizhou Liu Zhang is short-sighted, how can he be worthy of Xuande's followers?" Zhou Yu said.

Liu Bei thinks about it too. When he was the governor of Xuzhou, he was so beautiful.

"Mr. Xuande is still young, why don't you fight hard? Yuzhou is your shelter!" Zhou Yu said.

"But Marquis Dongyang..." Liu Bei hesitated.

"There will only be three forces competing in Yuzhou, namely Xuandegong, Yuan Shu, and Zhang Xiu. The Marquis of Dongyang will not aggressively attack Yuzhou. Otherwise, the Marquis of Dongyang will not be able to bear it if our alliance revives." Zhou Yu said.

"Didn't Zhang Xiu take refuge with Dongyanghou? Although Yuan Shu was defeated, with the support of Dongyanghou, he will definitely make a comeback." Liu Bei said, he is not stupid and will not be fooled by Zhou Yu.

"If I were Cao Mengde, I would definitely use Zhang Xiu as an entry point and intervene in Yuzhou's affairs." Zhou Yu vowed, "Our goals are the same in dealing with Dongyanghou."

Liu Bei thought for a while, if he joined forces with Zhang Xiu, would he still be afraid of Yuan Shu?

"If Duke Xuande agrees to stay in Yuzhou, Jingzhou will recognize Duke Xuande's status. No matter how many territories you conquer, you will manage them yourself. Moreover, we will provide support secretly." Zhou Yu said.

"What kind of support?" Liu Bei asked.

"Not to mention property and armaments, we can also secretly send elite soldiers in disguise to help you," Zhou Yu said.

Liu Bei's heart was moved at once. Since the Marquis of Dongyang could send soldiers to join the battle, it is of course no problem for Jingzhou to do some tricks secretly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will take Yuzhou?"

"Mr. Xuande was joking. Even if you take Yuzhou, you will join us in dealing with Dongyanghou, won't you?" Zhou Yu laughed, wishing that Liu Bei would take Yuzhou so that Dongyanghou could settle again.

The target is of course Yuzhou.

It's just that this time is different, Jingzhou will send troops to help Liu Bei, and Cao Cao will also be prepared.

It is better to use Yuzhou as the battlefield, it is better than fighting in Yanzhou or Jingzhou.

Liu Bei wouldn't think so far. He just wants to have a territory now, and Yuzhou is just right.

"I can agree to this matter, but the premise is that Zhang Xiu continues to be an enemy of Yuan Shu."

"Okay, keep waiting. Cao Cao's envoy will arrive in Wancheng soon. If Cao Cao didn't have such foresight, there is no need to fight this battle. We might as well surrender to the Marquis of Dongyang." Zhou Yu said confidently.

The turmoil in Yuzhou was predictable.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Yuan Shu was ambushed, he fell into a slump and collected the remnants of the army. In the end, there were only [-] soldiers left.

"Liu Xuande is a despicable villain, sooner or later his head will be cut off!" Yuan Shu said furiously.

This time, [-] troops were lost, and he lost face in the Yangzhou Army. Yuan Shu felt the darkness of the world.And all of this was Liu Bei's fault.

Who would have thought that a force that was dependent on others would suddenly launch an attack?

What's more, this time, he was accompanied by the Yangzhou army, which made Yuan Shu feel confident.

Due to various reasons, Yuan Shu was defeated and had to retreat and take a rest.

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