Zhang Xiu's attitude is very important. If he votes for Cao Cao, the battle will still have to be fought, and Liu Ke will have to consider whether to send more troops to Yuzhou.

"What does Fengxiao think?" Liu Ke asked.

"Actually, whether my lord agrees or refuses, it will not have any impact on Yangzhou. Even if Zhang Xiu takes refuge in Cao Cao, it is impossible to sit back and relax. As long as we exert pressure, Cao Cao will definitely be involved in the situation in Yuzhou, and Liangzhou is in our With the help of the army, we can continue to grow. Cao Cao can’t take advantage of the ups and downs. Moreover, Yuzhou can also become a training ground for us.” Guo Jia said.

Training?Seems to work.

"Let Zilong give Zhang Xiu an ultimatum to expel Cao Cao's envoy," Liu Ke said.

After Zhao Yun received the order, he submitted the document to Wancheng.

When Zhang Xiu saw it, he knew that the fact that he was both right and wrong had been brought to light.I am restless in my heart, which side should I turn to?

"My lord, we already had a quarrel with Yangzhou. After this incident, the estrangement has deepened, and it is impossible to integrate into Yangzhou." Lei Xu said.

Only then did Zhang Xiu realize that he was forced into a dead end.Because he was not firm enough, he was used by Zhong Yao.

"Oh, I regret it!" Zhang Xiu sighed.

In the end, Zhang Xiu refused to expel Cao Cao's envoy.

"Report, Zhao Zilong is asking to see the lord!" the messenger said.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiu sighed, came to the city wall, looked at the heroic Zhao Yun below the city, and said: "Junior Brother, even as a brother, I never thought that things would turn out like this."

"Senior brother, we are destined but not related." Zhao Yun also sighed.

Did Cao Cao really benefit Zhang Xiutian?

Of course not, it's just a vacant job as the governor of Yuzhou.Cao Cao, who is in charge of the court, basically came to such a position with his mouth open.

Zhang Xiu lost in the psychology of being greedy for petty gains.

"Brother, brother, I never knew what price Yangzhou would offer." Zhang Xiu asked curiously.

Zhao Yun really wanted to say that being able to join Yangzhou is actually the greatest reward for you.However, this seemed too arrogant, so he changed his words: "My lord will not treat anyone who is sincere in dealing with you badly. Look at Cao Mengde, half of Sizhou was brought down by Yangzhou."

Zhang Xiu couldn't help but sigh.

"After today, we are enemies. On the battlefield, life and death meet each other." Zhao Yun said.

How did things turn out like this?

"Zilong, I also need to find a future for my brothers. I don't need to talk about the previous things. In fact, I really don't want to be your enemy." Zhang Xiu said.

"I've said everything I wanted to say, and I'm leaving!" Zhao Yun said.

Looking at Zhao Yun's leaving back, Zhang Xiu felt uncomfortable, which meant that he was going to make an enemy of the giant Yangzhou.

In this regard, he had no choice but to ask Cao Cao for more benefits to make up for it.

"Yingchuan County in Yuzhou has always been under Cao Gong's rule. Can you elect Lei Xu as the prefect of Yingchuan?" Zhang Xiu asked tentatively.

Zhong Yao sneered and said, "I am a small messenger, how can I have the right to arrange such a thing? You can apply to the lord."

Looking back, Zhang Xiu suddenly realized that he had become the governor of Yuzhou, and he could not command other places except Wancheng.

Even Cao Cao's forces in Yuzhou couldn't listen to him.

"Zhong Yao, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Zhang Xiu threatened.

"Without the lord covering you, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow, haha!" Zhong Yao laughed, not paying attention to Zhang Xiu at all.

At this moment, don't mention how aggrieved Zhang Xiu is.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Only then did Zhang Xiu realize how difficult it was to take refuge in Cao Cao's army.

In order to help Yuan Shujun, the Marquis of Dongyang dispatched [-] troops at any rate.

After Cao Cao gave a governor of Yuzhou, he had nothing left.Not only that, some areas in Yuzhou belong to Cao Cao's territory, and these territories will not listen to all the governors of Yuzhou.

What's more serious is that the threat of Yuan Shu's army is still there.

"What should I do?" Zhang Xiu was restless.

"My lord, at this point, we can only take one step at a time." Lei Xu said.

Now Zhang Xiu is entrenched in Wancheng. If he is alone and helpless, he will be wiped out soon.

Zhong Yao didn't dare to force Zhang Xiu too much, so he brought a batch of food and weapons.

However, for Zhang Xiu, it was far from enough.

In order to avoid suspicion, Zhao Yun has already returned to Yangzhou, and Dian Wei is still in charge of the army.

Not only that, Liu Ke also increased his troops.

Today, there are [-] Yangzhou troops in Yuzhou, plus Yuan Shu's [-] troops, for a total of [-] troops.

If Cao Cao does not act, it means that Zhang Xiu will have to face the [-] army alone.

Zhang Xiu lived in panic every day, worrying about Liu Ke's liquidation, after all, he rejected the olive branch extended by Yangzhou.

At the most difficult time, Liu Bei appeared and wanted to form an alliance with Zhang Xiu.

Zhang Xiu was overjoyed, and went out of the city to meet Liu Bei, and was attracted by Liu Bei's temperament as soon as they met.

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