There are two forces in Nanyang County, one is Zhang Xiu and the other is Liu Bei, both of them are tough.

"Then what's the point of you being the governor?" Yuan Shu sprinkled salt on Zhang Xiu's wound.

Zhang Xiu said patiently: "This is my business, just say you agree or disagree."

Yuan Shu thought for a while, and now he has only [-] people. If he continues to fight, he may not be able to keep the [-] people. Now he occupies two counties in Yuzhou, and Runan is three counties. The goal of expanding the territory has been achieved. up.

"it is good."

The three signed an armistice agreement, non-aggression.

Liu Bei also got several counties and was very satisfied, after all, he only had one Xinye before.

"Do you want to join our alliance?" Zhang Xiu asked Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu is not stupid, it is good to have Yangzhou as a backer, why should he join them?It was rejected cleanly.

As a result, Yuzhou showed a three-legged confrontation and stabilized for the time being.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The situation in Yuzhou has temporarily stabilized, and Dian Wei is still stationed on Yuan Shu's territory, deterring Xiaoxiao.

Yuan Shu was worried that Liu Ke might misunderstand, so he specially sent his younger brother Yuan Yin to meet Liu Ke with a gift. Liu Ke readily accepted it without showing any dissatisfaction.

After all, Yuan Shu paid for it, and the customer is God.

The reason why Yuan Shu was frightened was because he was afraid that he would inadvertently prevent Liu Ke from liquidating Zhang Xiu.

However, how could a little Zhang Xiu fall into Liu Ke's eyes?

Liu Ke might as well put more attention on the people's livelihood in Yangzhou, which is the foundation of his foothold.

Now Yangzhou's economy is developing rapidly, and its spiritual culture is gradually following up. There are more and more literate people.

Liu Ke suppressed the plan for a long time, and put it on the agenda again, that is to establish the first newspaper belonging to Yangzhou.

In the past, public opinion was in the hands of the aristocratic family, and later became a scholar. Now Liu Ke is going to take action in this regard.

Restriction by law alone is not enough; reasonable guidance is also needed.

Such guidance begins with the establishment of a newspaper.

Papermaking has matured, printing has also matured, it can be said that everything is ready.

It's not been a day or two since Liu Ke wanted to run a newspaper. He had this idea a long time ago, but he was always too busy.

The importance of newspapers is self-evident.

As for who to entrust this matter to, Liu Ke also has several suitable candidates in mind.

One of them is his father-in-law Cai Yong, who must have enough knowledge and status. With him as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, he must have credibility.

However, Cai Yong is already working in the Ministry of Rites and is busy with official duties, so Liu Ke is too embarrassed to ask him for help.

The first newspaper is very important and cannot be lost, which will affect the reputation of Yangzhou.

The second candidate is Gu Yong. Gu Yong is still young and has a strong ability to accept new things. In comparison, his reputation is not as good as Cai Yong, but he is in charge of Taixue. Reporting to him is also reassuring.

Originally, Liu Ke was ready to hand over the matter to Gu Yong, but Xu Shu recommended a more suitable candidate, and this person was Sima Hui.

Sima Hui's reputation is no longer inferior to that of Cai Yong, and he is also a well-learned Confucian.

After Cai Yong became Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Taixue suppressed the private schools so much that they couldn't lift their heads, which violated Liu Ke's original intention of competing and supporting each other.

Therefore, the appointment of Sima Hui has become one of the means of balance.But Sima Hui was unwilling to take up the official position and declined several times, and Liu Ke was unwilling to force it.

Now the position of editor-in-chief of the newspaper is divided into half by the official and the non-governmental nature, so Sima Hui is perfect for it.

Moreover, Sima Hui would be willing to take on the role, after all, no one wants to be pressured by an old friend all the time, right?The reason why he refused to be an official was because he was used to the landscape life and was not suitable for officialdom.

Liu Ke decided to visit Sima Hui in person.

To be honest, Taixue Liu Ke has visited several times, but it seems that he has never been to the private school.

Liu Ke circled a garden for Sima Hui's private school, so he didn't pay attention to it anymore. He was deeply moved when he came this time.

When Sima Hui heard that Liu Ke was visiting, he went to the door to greet him in person.

The two walked and chatted very harmoniously.

When talking about private schools and Taixue, Sima Hui changed his cautious character, and said carelessly: "Dongyang Hou, you have to decide for me! The smartest student in the private school was exchanged to Taixue, but that old man Cai Bojie was only willing to change An ordinary student."

Is this Zhuge Liang?

Indeed, there has been a lot of brain drain in private schools in the past two years.

For example, Cui Zhouping, Xu Shu and others have graduated as officials, while Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong have been exchanged to Taixue.

"Whoever Mr. Shui Jing has his eyes on, just tell me directly." Liu Ke said with a smile.

"Lu Xun is a good kid." Sima Hui said bluntly, without turning a corner.

"Okay, that's the deal, as long as Lu Xun doesn't object." Liu Ke said.

"Dongyang Hou promises a thousand gold, don't go back on it." Sima Hui said happily.

How could you go back on your word?

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