-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When talking about the future development of the newspaper, Liu Ke put forward a suggestion, that is, to set up a business information section in the newspaper.

However, it was because of this suggestion that it caused a greater backlash. Sima Hui blew his beard and stared, spit flying everywhere, and almost sprayed Liu Ke with blood.

"Marquis Dongyang, you can pay for the words of the sage, how can you join forces with businessmen?" Sima Hui resolutely objected.

In the eyes of traditional scholars, a businessman is still a villain.

"Mr. Shui Jing, the times are advancing, and people are equal." Liu Ke said.

Sima Hui gave Liu Ke a white look, and said, "Marquis Dongyang, you know better than me whether people are equal or not. A saint cannot be tarnished!"

"This is an ordinary newspaper and will not tarnish the saint." Liu Ke assured.

"Putting together the words of businessmen and sages, isn't it defilement?" Sima Hui resolutely objected, "If Dongyanghou insists on doing this, please find someone else to be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper!"

Sima Hui was already much more enlightened than Furu, and even he couldn't accept it. It seemed that it was really difficult for Liu Ke to open up the situation.

After hundreds of years of fermentation, the sage's thoughts have been deeply ingrained, and the development of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce is just a matter of a few days.

If it weren't for Liu Ke's strong support, the merchants would not be able to develop.

In the eyes of tradition, businessmen are always profit-seeking existences, while saints are indifferent to fame and fortune, and the two are naturally opposite.

"Mr. Shui Jing doesn't need to get angry. If the newspaper wants to make a profit, it must have rich content." Liu Ke said.

"That's why the old man said from the very beginning that there is no charge for newspapers, so that's the end of it?" Sima Hui said.

What logic is this?

Liu Ke is very helpless. This kind of thing cannot be explained clearly at all. The two people have different ideas, and there will be no result after arguing for days and nights.

However, this kind of thing cannot be enforced yet.Sima Hui represents a stubborn force, which has a great influence in Yangzhou.

Therefore, Liu Ke felt that it was necessary to clear up these obstacles so that Yangzhou could develop better.

"The sage's words can only feed people spiritually, but they won't really stop people from starving. If everyone doesn't have enough to eat, what's the use of the sage's words?" Liu Ke said.

Sima Hui suddenly fell into deep thought.

"Moreover, it is the greatest injustice that the words of the saints are mastered by the aristocratic family and become a tool to rule the people. Why are the people born to farm for you and let you delve into the words of the saints?" Liu Ke asked rhetorically.

"Dongyanghou means..." Sima Hui said in surprise.

"The words of a sage can be superior, but they must not hinder the development of other industries." Liu Ke said.

This is already a showdown.

Sensing Liu Ke's determination, Sima Hui couldn't help but let out a long sigh.While Liu Ke established the college, he was also developing other industries.

"Let the world judge whether it is merit or demerit," Sima Hui said.

"Okay, you and I will make a bet once and publish two newspapers to see if the one purely sage's speech is more popular, or the one that combines all kinds of knowledge." Liu Ke said.

Sima Hui thought for a while and felt that he would not lose, so he agreed to the bet.

"Marquis Dongyang, if this old man wins by chance, he will follow the old way to start this newspaper in the future."

"Okay." Liu Ke agreed.

As soon as Sima Hui left, Zhou Buyi came in.Sima Hui was in a hurry, and I'm afraid he had to go back and prepare his trump card.

"Teacher, the start-up funds have been obtained."

Liu Ke nodded, and then told Zhou Buyi about the bet with Sima Hui.

"Teacher, you are at a big loss this time. Mr. Shui Jing must have attracted a large number of readers with his own comments." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Usually you are very smart, but when it comes to critical moments, why do you suddenly become stupid?" Liu Ke taught, "We are a comprehensive newspaper, and we can also publish Mr. Shui Jing's high-spirited speeches!"

Well, teacher, you are so bad!

Zhou Buyi could imagine the scene where Sima Hui painstakingly made annotations and then made Liu Ke cheap. Such a scene must be very joyful.

"Teacher, isn't it okay for us to bully the elderly like this?" Zhou Buyi whispered.

"Now is my era, and it will be yours in the future. You have to work hard!" Liu Keyu said earnestly.

Zhou Buyi was extremely excited!

"By the way, don't slack off on the content of the business section, first pick some twists and turns and bizarre business stories to attract attention." Liu Ke instructed.

"Yes!" Zhou Buyi wrote it down.

"Don't be too sensitive about your identity as a merchant, Liu Shang and pottery merchants are fine," Liu Ke said.

Both Liu Shang and Tao Shang are the second generation of officials, one is the son of Liu Yao, and the other is the son of Tao Qian, so set them up as models.

"Understood!" Zhou Bu doubted.

Liu Ke still agrees with Zhou Busu's ability to do things.The last time the Allied forces besieged Yangzhou, Cao Pi almost fell out with Zhou Buyi, because Zhou Buyi wrote an article, the story Cao Cao and Yuan Shao had to tell.

This article spread wildly in the underground world of Yangzhou, and imitated articles can still be seen to this day.

Of course, the Masters hated it.

"If you can't do this well, I'll confess you. You wrote the article smearing Cao Cao." Liu Ke said casually.

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