A few days later, the Qiao family hosted a charity dinner and invited Liu Ke to attend.

This method is one after another, and women are really unreasonable.

"Just go, really thought I was afraid of you?"

Liu Ke went to the banquet as promised, and within a minute of showing up, he was invited to the attic.

"Patriarch Qiao is really good at it!"

"The Marquis of Dongyang has won the prize, but it's just for the sake of business, he's just playing tricks." Qiao Ying said with a smile, this time she didn't wear a veil, showing her alluring face.

But Liu Ke has a good memory, and he recognized it at a glance.

"Aren't you afraid of backfire?" Liu Ke said.

"Our Qiao family dare not do things that offend Marquis Dongyang. There are only three things to do. If Marquis Dongyang doesn't come this time, I will give up." Qiao Ying said.

"Actually, I made it very clear from the very beginning. The Qiao family cannot intervene in the newspaper office." Liu Ke said.

"Why? Can't the Marquis of Dongyang give us a chance?" Qiao Ying said bitterly.

"Which point did you read on the newspaper?" Liu Ke asked suddenly.

Qiao Ying was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Liu Ke to ask such a question.

"Actually, newspapers have a huge market. It is only in Dongyang City now, and it will expand to other states in the future. The most important thing is to show respect for you."

That is, flattering?

"You see the question is still too superficial. The newspaper office is not only a sharp tool to make money, but also a pawn that I use to play games with the family. Isn't the Qiao family afraid of being smashed if they intervene rashly?" Liu Ke said.

This is not alarmist talk, once the aristocratic family finds that they are gradually losing their voice, they will definitely fight back.They can't do anything to Liu Ke, but it's hard for others.

Moreover, once Liu Ke opens this hole, the family can also create their own newspaper, and the chaos can be imagined.

Qiao Ying rolled her eyes, finally sighed, and said: "Actually, the situation of Qiao's family is not very good, otherwise, I would not take the risk of disturbing Dongyang Hou and intervene in the newspaper office. Many merchants guessed the leak last time." It was made by the Qiao family, and they gradually cut off contact with the Qiao family..."

tuk tuk -

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Qiao Donghui reported: "Marquis of Dongyang, Patriarch, the donation for the charity dinner has come to fruition, a total of two million gold."

"Understood." Qiao Ying whispered, and Qiao Dong left directly.

Two million gold was raised in one dinner party, and the other princes would definitely be speechless when they found out.

If it was an ordinary dinner party, it would be nice to be able to raise one hundred thousand gold, but this time Liu Ke appeared on the stage, and the increase skyrocketed to twenty times.

Everyone wanted to show off in front of Liu Ke.

"Actually, there are business opportunities everywhere, it's just that you didn't grasp the opportunities well." Liu Ke said.

"I also ask Marquis Dongyang to give me some pointers!" Qiao Ying toasted a glass of wine.

"It's very simple. Although you can't intervene in the affairs of the newspaper, you can advertise in the newspaper." Liu Ke said.

"Advertising?" Qiao Ying was very surprised, she had never seen such a novel method.

"It's just repeatedly mentioning Qiao's products between the lines in the newspaper. The more people who read it at that time, the more they will know about Qiao's." Liu Ke said.

Qiao Ying suddenly became interested.

"Take the two million gold as the advertising fee of the Qiao family, and leave the specific matters to my disciple Zhou Buyi." Liu Ke said.

"Thank you Dongyang Hou!" Qiao Ying said happily.

Then the piano sounded in the attic.

"Actually Miss Qiao, you don't need to come to me every time you encounter difficulties." Liu Ke said.

"Dongyang Hou's words are wrong. You are the god of Yangzhou, and you can easily solve the troubles that others can never solve." Qiao Ying said.

"Didn't you find a problem? The more you are like this, the less people propose marriage to the Qiao family." Liu Ke said.

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly...

Qiao Ying was also silent, not knowing how to refute.All along, she didn't think about this question carefully.In other words, Qiao's status as the head of the family dissuaded most people.

But is that really the case?

In the past, there were indeed people who proposed marriage to the Qiao family. After all, the Qiao family had a great career. Once the marriage proposal was successful, it would save decades of struggle.

Since meeting Dongyang Hou, these people began to disappear.

Even rumors began to spread outside, saying that the Qiao family was Dongyanghou's concubine.

If someone else brought it up, Qiao Ying thought she was capable of dealing with it, but it was Liu Ke who brought it up.

Qiao Ying was at a loss for a moment.

This is also the reason why Liu Ke has not been to the appointment, which affects the reputation of the girl's family.

"I made Dongyang Hou laugh..." Qiao Ying said.

Qiao Ying was very good-looking, and Liu Ke felt his heart flutter the moment he saw it, but everything depended on fate.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The champion of the first imperial examination was Xu Shu, the second was Liu Ji, and now it is finally the third.

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