Chen Deng was questioned not once or twice, so he didn't care much anymore.Now Chen Gui has no job because of his frailty and sickness, and Chen Deng also plunged into Taixue.

An aristocratic family, without anyone being an official, will soon decline.

For example, Liu Shang, when Liu Yao was in the country, he had a lot of glory, but now he can only go to sea to do business. Fortunately, his elder brother Liu Ji gave his strength and became the champion of the second imperial examination, and the family gradually got rid of the predicament.

Pottery merchants were not so lucky. They had a great reputation in Yangzhou, but they were never taken seriously by the aristocratic family.His brother Tao Ying was also in Taixue. Unfortunately, he was not talented and failed the exam.

In fact, Chen Deng was also struggling in his heart. What if he failed the ranking?Do you seek help everywhere through connections, or continue to struggle in Taixue?

No matter which choice he chooses, it will attract gossip, so Chen Deng has no other way to go. If he wants to be upright, he must win the imperial examination.

"Are you afraid?" Chen Deng said.

Gu Tong seemed to have heard a big joke, and said, "Am I afraid of you?"

"I can't tell. As long as I perform normally, the top three are just in my bag." Chen Deng said arrogantly.

"Just your shabby math?" Gu Tong said.

It hit Chen Deng's tears all of a sudden, and other grades are easy to say, but Chen Deng has only been in contact with mathematics for two years, and he has made up a lot recently, but mathematics has still become his weakness.

"Thank you for your reminder." Chen Deng said.

Seeing more and more people gathered around, Gu Tong didn't dare to continue to speak harshly. After letting Chen Deng leave, he also left.

However, Chen Deng was still worried, and decided to make up for it during this period of time, so who should he turn to for help?

Chen Deng encountered a difficult problem. It is not that there are no mathematics teachers in Taixue, but Chen Deng has already figured out their teaching methods. If he wants to go further, he must find another way.He thought of Zhuge Liang, a young genius in Taixue.

Zhuge Liang is well-known in Taixue, and has repeatedly pointed out the mistakes of the mathematics teacher.

Because before that, Zhuge Liang was a student in a private school, and he was exchanged to Taixue for no reason. In order to vent his anger, he specifically picked on the mistakes of the teacher, and even picked out one by one.Zhuge Liang didn't dare to provoke the teacher of Chinese studies, so he could only bully the teacher of mathematics.

Mathematics is a new knowledge advocated by the Marquis of Dongyang. Even some teachers have not studied mathematics for a few years, so Zhuge Liang's arithmetic is higher than that of the teacher, which is not too surprising.

So Chen Deng decided to visit Zhuge Liang.

"I can't agree." Zhuge Liang refused. At this time, he was already fifteen or sixteen years old, and he was handsome and handsome.

"Why?" Chen Deng was puzzled.

"I promised my teacher who taught me arithmetic not to spread it outside." Zhuge Liang said solemnly.

"Kong Ming, who did you study under?" Chen Deng was very puzzled. He knew all the teachers in the Taixue, and no one was so talented.

"Well... a secret." Zhuge Liang said.

Chen Deng thought of Xu Shu, Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu are good friends, it is normal for Xu Shu to teach a friend some knowledge.And Xu Shu's arithmetic is amazing, and it is rumored that it came from Dongyang Hou.

"Kong Ming, just do me this favor, okay?" Chen Deng begged.

"If you say no, you can't, and I can't break the rules." Zhuge Liang insisted.

However, Chen Deng did not give up, and continued to stalk Zhuge Liang, which annoyed Zhuge Liang very much.

"Kong Ming, as long as you recommend me, I won't embarrass you. Look, if I win the No. [-] exam, wouldn't I owe you a favor? Then I will be your backer!" Chen Deng said.

As soon as the word "backer" was mentioned, Zhuge Liang became excited. Now his elder brother Zhuge Jin is the governor of Qingzhou, and his friend Xu Shu is a member of the cabinet. It will not be worse than Cui Zhouping.

But it's still far behind someone with a bad personality.

"I just want to ask you a question, if the teacher who teaches you math has a conflict with me, who will you help?" Zhuge Liang said.

Chen Deng was dumbfounded by one sentence. If he said to help Zhuge Liang, wouldn't he offend the teacher?But if you choose to help the teacher, you don't even know who the teacher is!

So the answer is obvious, Chen Deng said: "Of course it is to help Kong Ming!"

swish swish

Zhuge Liang wrote vigorously, and quickly wrote the receipt, saying: "Okay, let's sign it."

The corner of Chen Deng's mouth twitched, why did it feel like a bond of prostitution?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As the imperial examination was approaching, students could travel more freely, and many courses were stopped to give review time to those who participated in the imperial examination.

Zhuge Liang took advantage of the loophole in this rule and slipped out with Chen Deng.

"Kong Ming, where are we going?" Chen Deng asked in doubt, the time left for him is running out, and every day cannot be wasted.

"Of course I'm meeting your mathematics teacher, but let me declare first, whether he is willing to teach you or not depends on your luck." Zhuge Liang said.

"Thank you Kong Ming!" Chen Deng cupped his hands.

Then they came to Zuixian Tower and boarded a painting boat.

Chen Deng was surprised, how could the mathematics teacher stay in such a place?

"It's Kong Ming, come in!" A slightly immature voice came from inside.

Zhuge Liang opened the curtain and walked in, followed by Chen Deng.

"Kong Ming, you know I'm very busy, so ask me out this time, what's the matter?" A boy who was a few years younger than Zhuge Liang asked.

"Zhou Buyi, let me introduce you a very spiritual apprentice." Zhuge Liang said generously, and then pointed to the stunned Chen Deng.

Is this the so-called math teacher?

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