Assuming that all the officials in Yangzhou will be students of Cai Yong in the future, then who should they listen to?

When Liu Ke was around, he would not become a hidden danger. After all, he was very strong, but no one could say for sure what happened in the future.

Therefore, the position of the chief examiner of the imperial examination is better to take turns.

Liu Ke has a group of literati advisers who are very capable, but they haven't gone very far in the field of learning.

For example, Lu Su's ability to deal with things is better than that of Cai Yong and other Confucian scholars, but in terms of qualifications for studying knowledge, he is still too shallow.

"My lord, if you really can't do it, you can do it yourself." Lu Su suggested.

This is indeed a solution, but Liu Ke hopes that his first time will be used to attract Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun.

Liu Ke has been waiting for a long time for them to grow up.The leeks were not cut, which made him very uncomfortable.

However, Guo Jia is still reliable and provided a talent.

"My lord, what do you think of Kong Rong?"

Kong Rong is not only the former governor of Qingzhou, but more importantly, he is very knowledgeable and a descendant of Confucius.It is of great significance for him to preside over this imperial examination.

First, it can create momentum for the imperial examinations. The descendants of Confucius recognized the imperial examinations, and Confucius must have also recognized them. How could Confucianism not support what Confucius recognized?

Second, after Kong Rong abdicated, he has been idle in Dongyang City. Liu Ke rewarded him with a big mansion, where he drank and wrote poems all day long.People saw it and thought that Liu Ke had isolated him.Therefore, enabling Kong Rong can stabilize people's hearts.

"Okay, the chief examiner of the third imperial examination is Kong Rong." Liu Ke said with a final word.

After Kong Rong learned of this incident, he was grateful to Liu Ke.He had heard about Yangzhou's imperial examination system a long time ago, and it was a good thing for him to be able to lead such a grand event now.

"Congratulations Wenju!" Mi Heng smiled.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is really eclectic in employing people." Kong Rong admired, he thought he would spend his whole life in an idle job, but he didn't expect that there would be a turning point.

"Wenju, what do you think of Yangzhou's imperial examination?" Mi Heng asked.

"For Confucianism, it is a blessing, and for poor families, it is also a blessing." Kong Rong said.

In this era, it is difficult for poor families to stand out. Tibetan bullies were born in Xuzhou, and because of their status, they were not reused, so they fell into bandits.

When Tao Qian was here, Xuzhou firmly implemented a concept, that is, to reuse the aristocratic family, which led to the expansion of the Xuzhou aristocratic family.

The case of Tao Qian is not a special case, and the same is true for Liu Yu, who stabilized his foothold only after buying a family in Youzhou.

There was also Liu Biao. When he first went to work in Jingzhou, no one cared about him. Later, he married Cai Mao's younger sister. With the help of Cai's power, he gained the support of the Jingzhou family, and then he dominated one side.

"Comparatively speaking, the imperial examination is already very fair." Mi Heng said.

"Zhengping, why don't you think about it? Hou Xiong of Dongyang has a rough idea, don't you think you're still looking down on him?" Kong Rong said.

"No, Dongyang Hou is a dragon among men, I admire him very much." Mi Heng said.

"Then why don't you seek an official in Yangzhou and display your ambitions?" Kong Rong said.

"Because I watched Dongyanghou start his career. He has come to the present step by step. He is like a god. No matter how hard I try, I can't achieve more than him. I just let go of this thought and live happily." Mi Heng said.

Kong Rong didn't know what to say. Mi Heng, who was originally proud and arrogant, was not afraid of anything, but was hit by Dongyanghou?

You Hengxin said: That is because you don't know what I have experienced!

At the beginning, Mi Heng thought that Liu Ke was just a young man selling wine, with a little talent in troubled times.

However, he missed it!

Mi Heng's mood was suddenly complicated and heavy. I don't know why, but he just didn't want to be an official under Liu Ke's tent.

As for the princes of the world, there is no one who is better than Liu Ke. How could Ni Heng have his eyes?

"Zhengping, you might as well take the imperial examination." Kong Rong suggested.

With Mi Heng's talent, the top three in the imperial examination were easily captured.

"Wenju, I am not qualified to take the imperial examination." Mi Heng said.

Due to the increase in the number of people taking the imperial examination, it is now necessary to screen at various levels, and only after passing the state and county examinations can they participate in the imperial examination.

"How can the Marquis of Dongyang care about such a small matter? What's more, you have real talents and practical learning." Kong Rong said.

"You have just become the chief examiner, so don't be selfish." You Heng said, "What's more, you are the chief examiner, so I won't participate."

Now that we've talked about this, Kong Rong has no choice but to give up.

Life in Yangzhou has gradually become more perfect, and life has more fun to pursue.

After becoming the chief examiner, the first thing Kong Rong did was to report his work to the interviewer.

"As the chief examiner, you must be open and fair." Liu Ke urged.

"Don't worry, Marquis Dongyang, I'll bet on the honor of the descendants of the Kong family, and I will do my best to treat this imperial examination." Kong Rong said.

"That's good. You must also be familiar with various matters of the imperial examination. Although you are the chief examiner, you only need to be in charge of Confucianism and policy theory. As for arithmetic, other people will always be arranged to share it for you." Liu Ke said.

"Thank you Dongyang Hou for your love!" Kong Rong said, this matter was the most troublesome, and Dongyang Hou solved it for him with a word.

After all, as a traditional Confucian student, Kong Rong had never studied arithmetic.

"If you need anything, you can find me." Liu Ke said.

"Yes." Kong Rong said softly.

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