A day later, the big ship continued to set off for Lujiang County.

Lujiang County is adjacent to Jingzhou, so the defense is relatively strict. Along the way, there are many patrol boats.

Of course, there are more merchant ships.Although Jingzhou and Yangzhou are at odds, anyone is willing to do profitable business.

Originally, Liu Kewei would not encounter any problems in his own territory, but unfortunately things backfired.

The big boat in front of Mi Fang stopped suddenly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Since Liu Ke expelled the Million Allied Forces, it has been a long time since he was found fault.

After finally coming out once, I ran into it?

But Liu Ke didn't rush to make a conclusion, and said: "Go and ask, what happened before."

Immediately put down the boat.

Soon, someone reported the situation. They met a merchant ship from Jingzhou ahead. For some reason, they did not give in. Mi Fang was negotiating.

If the ship is out of order, it is excusable, so Liu Ke was not impatient and waited patiently for the news.

"Husband, are you going to be okay?" Xiao Qiao said worriedly.

On the boat, there is no sense of down-to-earth, and once something happens, you will feel particularly flustered.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it," Liu Ke said.

"That's right, what are you worried about?" Da Qiao scolded, a woman should be calm at such a time, and even if she can't help much, she can't add to the chaos.

"Or, I'll go over and have a look." Liu Ke said.

"Husband~" Xiao Qiao shouted evasively.

never mind!

Liu Ke held Xiao Qiao in his arms, silently waiting for the news.

Mi Fang in front was already furious.

"Is it really blocking the way? The river is so big, do you have to feel sorry for me?"

This time the guards were related to Mi Fang's future, so he had to be nervous, the whole journey was fine, and he was almost at Lujiang County, yet someone blocked the way?

"Listen to the big boat ahead, give way!"

The river here is very gentle, so the speed of the boat is not fast.

Mi Fang seemed to have heard a big joke, there is such an arrogant and unreasonable person?

"Why should the government's big boat give way to you?" Mi Fang said.

"I'm upstream and you are downstream, why can't you give way to me?" It turned out to be a heavily armed girl who answered.

No wonder the brain circuit is so fresh and refined.

"Unreasonable!" Mi Fang said viciously.

However, this sentence did not have any deterrent effect, but instead made the girl even more arrogant.

"If you don't give way, I will run into it!"

"Little girl, aren't you afraid of hurting your parents and family?" Mi Fang threatened.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing this sentence, the girl became even crazier.

"Bump it!"

"But miss..." A servant wanted to dissuade.

The girl directly pulled out her sword, pointed at the servant and said, "He insulted my father! Do you want to try, is my sword sharp enough?"

As a result, the distance between the two ships continued to narrow.

"Crazy woman, do I really think I'm afraid of her failure?" Mi Fang became furious, "Break her boat!"

"But general, the lord is right behind... Isn't it good for us?" A sergeant reminded.

"Why, I need you to teach me how to do things? My lord doesn't like to bully others, but this bitch, who is bullying whom?" Mi Fang said.

The big ship also began to speed up.

Mi Fang secretly thought: My sister-in-law is very strong, and the other party made a mistake first, so she shouldn't be blamed. After the boat sinks and saves people, this crisis will be over.If you handle it well, you might even be rewarded.

The two ships collided suddenly, with a click, and the deck shattered.

The body types are not in the same class.

Moreover, Yangzhou's shipbuilding technology is already very good.

The girl's boat suddenly hit a big hole. At the critical moment, a guard took out a ladder, and the girl took the lead and boarded the big boat.

Then everyone followed suit, most of them being strong servants.

Seeing this, Mi Fang drew out her sword and said, "Okay, let me tell you why you are so courageous. It turns out that they are a group of gangsters. Come and take them down!"

"Jiang Bandit? Miss Ben will treat him for once today!" The girl raised her eyebrows and pointed her sword at Mi Fang.

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