Liu Bei nodded, the risk to himself was relatively small, so he said: "With the talent of the head of the country, what is this little thing?"

Dong Cheng chuckled, took out a document, and said, "Uncle Huang just needs to sign on it and wait for His Majesty's imperial decree."

Liu Bei opened it, and secretly scolded Dong Cheng as an old fox. Once he signed it, he would be on a boat of thieves.

But don't sign...

"For His Majesty, I hope Uncle Huang will show his determination!" Dong Cheng urged.

After thinking for a while, Liu Bei gave in. Now he is trapped in several small cities in Xinye, and if he wants to turn around successfully, how can he do it without spending a little money?

Dong Cheng picked up the document and put it away, and said with a smile: "From now on, I will be my own."

With this smile, his cheeks hurt again, and he became a little hideous.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With Liu Ke intervening to promote his ideas, Qiushou's next agenda became dull.

In addition to eating and drinking, it is to connect with feelings, or to implement some plans.

Cao Cao originally wanted to use this incident to expand his influence, but Liu Ke intercepted him.If I had known this, I might as well not hold it.

The effect is not without, but Liu Ke achieved greater results, making Cao Cao overshadowed.

However, since the princes have been invited to come out, it cannot be stopped suddenly, so the autumn hunting still has to go on.

There is a special hunting ground in Chang'an, but Xuchang does not.

However, the forest is still very lush in this era, and finding a hunting spot is not a problem.

Although there are so many troops, there are actually only so many people participating in the hunt.

He has no status at all, not even qualified to hold a bow.

Changshui Xiaowei Zhong Ji was one of the many guards. He looked at Cao Cao's frame thoughtfully.

"Marquis Dongyang, how about showing your hand?" Cao Cao laughed.

Liu Ke is no stranger to hunting.It's just that Qiushou is different. In order to let the princes hunt their prey, tens of thousands of soldiers drove the prey around.

Therefore, Liu Ke suddenly lost interest.

Just like playing house, what's the point?

Seeing that Liu Ke was unmoved, Cao Cao smiled and said, "It seems that there is no prey worthy of the Marquis of Dongyang's attack."

"Brother Meng Dexian still understands me." Liu Ke said, not shy at all.

Cao Cao had long been used to Liu Ke's straightforwardness, so he didn't continue to say anything.

With Liu Ke around, he doesn't even have the courage to hold a bow, otherwise, wouldn't it be a joke?

Neither Liu Ke nor Cao Cao made any moves, but Zhou Buyi and Cao Pi had a great time and kept getting prey.

The hunt continues until the sun goes down and continues at night with a grand feast.

Zhou Buyi hunted and killed an antelope, so he came here to claim the credit.

"Teacher, what do you think?"

"Peel the lamb and roast it directly, let's roast the whole lamb with one hand!" Liu Ke said.

"Okay!" Zhou Buyi said happily, this time, he brought a lot of seasonings.

As the sky gradually dimmed, countless bonfires lit up.

Emperor Xian sent someone to invite Liu Ke to the dinner, but Liu Ke did not refuse.

As soon as he entered the arena, he saw Dong Cheng with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He did not expect that he would also be present today.

"The head of the country is very interested." Liu Ke greeted.

However, Dong Cheng thought that Liu Ke was humiliating him and deliberately wanted to embarrass him, so he snorted coldly and did not speak.

Liu Ke didn't bother to talk about it, so he found his seat and sat down, then Zhou Buyi brought up his roasted whole lamb, and the master and apprentice ate it up.

Cao Pi seemed a little afraid and didn't like to join in the fun, so he didn't attend.

"The Marquis of Dongyang still brought his own food, is it because he is afraid of being poisoned inside?" Dong Cheng said.

Cao Cao's complexion suddenly collapsed, very ugly.

Dong Cheng's words also attracted the attention of the princes, and some people who were already eating and drinking had dull eyes.

Liu Zhang was so frightened that he vomited. If he had known earlier, he would not have come to participate in the autumn hunting. How about staying in Yizhou?

Who knows how much he ate just now.

"Master, it's better not to make some jokes." Cao Cao said after drinking a glass of wine.

Liu Ke drank the same gulp, and said, "The head of the country is so powerful, it directly spoils everyone's interest. Aren't you afraid of hitting the sap?"

Dong Cheng turned his head and looked, and sure enough all the princes looked ugly, only then did he realize that he had offended not just one person.

Offend the audience as soon as you open your mouth!

Dong Cheng originally wanted to point out Liu Ke's maverick, but he didn't integrate into the occasion, how could he have thought that such a picture turned out to be?

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