Cao Cao had no choice but to look at Liu Ke for help.

Maintaining order is the job of the boss and the second child.

"Ahem, you two, it's fine if you want to fight, can you be more civilized?" Liu Ke said.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan's eyes turned to Liu Ke one after another, and they still attached great importance to Liu Ke's opinion.

Not to mention the [-] Yangzhou iron cavalry present at the moment, Jizhou and Youzhou have coastlines.

Liu Ke wants to deal with them, it should not be too simple.

It is knowing this that they are so honest.

"Marquis Dongyang, what do you mean by that?" Yuan Shao asked.

"It's very simple, you each send out five thousand troops to fight in the field." Liu Ke said.

The corner of Cao Cao's mouth twitched, hey, hey, what does this mean, brother, we are here to persuade you to fight!

Would Dongyanghou be so childish?

Cao Cao woke up suddenly, the Marquis of Dongyang wanted to weaken the power of the princes!

This way is good.

So Cao Cao echoed: "Hou Dongyang's idea is good, just look at it, it's just for the fun of autumn hunting."

In one sentence, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan were made to look like clowns.

Unfortunately, the two of them were so angry that they didn't see it.

"Just wait and see how I deal with you!" Yuan Shao said.

"It doesn't matter who cleans up who!" Gongsun Zan said.

The two began to select elite soldiers, and they really wanted to fight!

Yuan Shao has Yan Liang and Wen Ugly, which is not false at all.

Most of Gongsun Zan's troops were frontier soldiers, and they fought bravely and recklessly, which is certainly true.

Suddenly the sound of drums shook the sky.

To the sound of drums, the two sides are ready.

"Today, either you die or I die." Yuan Shao said.

"Damn, is that what you are?" Gongsun Zan said disdainfully. Although Youzhou and Jizhou had about the same strength, there was still a difference in elite level.

Yuan Shao wanted to rely on [-] troops to determine the outcome, how could this be possible?

Although Gongsun Zan did not intend to lose.

"Both of you, don't go on stage. As I said, if you want to avenge the princes, if one of you dies, it will be difficult." Liu Ke said.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan were very unhappy, but had to agree to Liu Ke's arrangement.

As the rhythm of the drums quickened, Gongsun Zan's army took the lead in charging.

No bells and whistles, just go straight to war.

"Reckless man!" Yuan Shao said.

"Coward!" Gongsun Zan said.

Boom boom boom!

The two armies came into contact, with mutual casualties.

The battle lasted for an hour, and blood flowed like a river.

This is not just a battle of spirits, but also a matter of face.

The princes are watching, if you don't behave well, is it going to be a joke?

There are less than [-] people who can stand in the arena. However, the lords of both sides have no intention of withdrawing their troops.

This battle has suffered heavy losses, because they need to pay for the face of the lord.

"How about a draw?" Cao Cao couldn't help but said, evenly matched, it will be difficult to tell the winner if the fight continues.

"A draw, if you two still want to continue, you can play again." Liu Ke said.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan also came to their senses, continue to consume for the princes to see?Only fools do that.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Ming Jin withdraws his troops.

Did not stop, each went back to their respective homes.

A crisis was resolved just like that.

However, the conflicts between the princes continued and could not be stopped.

"End the autumn hunting." Liu Ke said.

Cao Cao thought for a while, and quickly agreed. The contradiction could no longer be concealed. If he continued the autumn hunting, there would definitely be more casualties.

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