After leaving Gongsun Du's study room, Gongsun Kang was very handsome.

A mere Marquis of Dongyang, he hasn't taken it seriously yet.

Now that the Marquis of Dongyang killed the envoy of Liaodong, what kind of death method should he choose for him?

Gongsun Kang felt very troubled.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liaodong County originally belonged to Youzhou, but after Gongsundu occupied it, it became independent.

After Gongsundu's continuous expansion, he occupied a total of five counties, known as Pingzhou, and he also called himself Pingzhou Mu.

The five counties are Liaoxi County, Liaodong County, Xuantu County, Lelang County, and Daifang County. Among them, Liaodong County and Lelang County are the main territories of Gongsundu, and Xiangping is the seat of Liaodong County.

Liu Ke landed in Liaodong County, otherwise he would not have been discovered so quickly.

Since there was going to be a war, Liu Ke naturally couldn't be merciful and went directly to Gongsundu's base camp.

"My lord, some people have spied on the camp recently. I'm afraid our army has been discovered." Ding Feng said.

"Understood, send out scouts to keep an eye on the main roads, especially in the direction of Xiangping." Liu Ke said.

"Understood." Ding Feng said.

At the moment, there are [-] sailors and [-] cavalry in the camp, enough to defend a camp.

Liu Ke didn't believe that Gongsun Du didn't have three or five enemies.As long as there are other enemies, it is impossible to gather an army of [-] to come.

It is estimated that there are about [-] troops.

After the transportation is completed, Liu Ke's army can reach [-], and there is no need to be afraid of the [-] Liaodong Army.

Two days later, the scouts came to report and found the traces of the Liaodong Army, which numbered [-] cavalry.

All are cavalry.

"Thirty thousand? Gongsun Du thinks highly of us." Ding Feng smiled lightly.

"I'm afraid, this is just the former army, and there will be follow-up troops." Tai Shi said kindly.

It is impossible to dispatch only [-] troops. They are probably here to explore and monitor.

Liu Ke fell into deep thought. He was wondering if there was a way to lure the enemy to attack and eat up the [-] troops first.

However, it turned out that Liu Ke's idea was superfluous. As soon as the Liaodong Army came, they started fighting.

That's right, they directly clamored to destroy the Yangzhou Army.

"Haha! This person really doesn't know what to say." Ding Feng laughed.

"My lord, the last general invites you to fight!" Tai Shi said kindly.

Ding Feng stopped laughing, he actually forgot to go to the battle, he was overtaken by Tai Shici, he immediately regretted, and hurriedly said to Liu Ke: "My lord, the last general invites you to fight!"

"Let's go, let's meet the commander-in-chief of this army." Liu Ke said.

The tone of the battle was established at once, just kidding, with the same number, the Yangzhou Army has never been afraid of anyone.

Therefore, Gongsun Kang's battle was very successful.

The two armies faced off.

"This is Gongsun Kang, ask Marquis Dongyang to come out and call me!" Gongsun Kang shouted.

However, Liu Ke is not in the mood to deal with such bastards.

"Ziyi, go meet him for a while!"

Ding Feng sighed all the time, if he had said earlier, he would be the one to fight, regret it!

Tai Shici rode his horse forward and said: "Dongyang Hou's general, Tai Shici is here, who will come to fight with me?"

"Just a general, you are not qualified, let Dongyang Hou come out, I know he is inside, do you want to be a turtle?" Gongsun Kang said.

"Look at the gun!"

Tai Shici shot directly, and Gongsun Kang quickly blocked it.


With just one click, Gongsun Kang knew that he was not an opponent, and the huge power came from his arm, making him miserable.

"Hey! Thief, I won't fight you, you are not qualified enough!"

After finishing speaking, Gongsun Kang retreated quickly, and a general rushed out from behind him.

"Someone is here to meet you! Yay, I'm going to die!"

Tai Shici tightened his grip on the horse's belly, and with a tacit understanding, the horse galloped forward quickly, and knocked the Liaodong general off the horse with one blow.

The man rolled on the ground several times, Tai Shici returned to his horse and pinned him to the ground, the corpse twitched twice, and soon fell silent.

"Damn it!" Gongsun Kang was furious, why did he have to go to war if he had no ability, now he was fine, not only lost his life, but also made the Liaodong Army lose face!

Low morale.

"Who is going to kill him!" Gongsun Kang shouted.

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