I have to say that Gongsun Du has great courage!

For a while, Liu Ke couldn't do anything with such a tortoise shell, because all he brought was cavalry, and he didn't have suitable siege equipment.

Using cavalry as siege troops is definitely a luxury.

After the [-] cavalry were assembled, Liu Ke immediately marched towards Xiangping without encountering any attacks along the way.

"Liaodong is so peaceful." Zhao Yun said.

"I always feel that Gongsundu is planning some kind of conspiracy. Liaodong is Gongsundu's stronghold. It's unbelievable for us to let us drive straight in like this." Tai Shici said.

"We have [-] cavalry, all with one man and two horses. We don't have more than three times the strength, so we really can't do anything to us. Therefore, ordinary plots and tricks are useless to us." Zhao Yun said confidently.

"No matter what, we must strengthen our vigilance and send more scouts." Tai Shi said kindly.

Liu Ke thought he was resourceful, but he couldn't figure out what Gongsun Du was thinking.

Two days later, when the army arrived at the city of Xiangping, Liu Ke sent Xu Chu to fight.

"Gongsun Kang, are you Gongsun Paopao? You weren't very arrogant before, why are you hiding and not daring to see people?"

"Old man Gongsundu, are you a coward? You dared to expel our envoys, and now you dare not come out to fight?"

Xu Chu spoke dryly, but apart from being on guard inside the city, he had no intention of leaving the city at all.

"Sure enough, Gongsun Du intends to stand firm and wait for reinforcements," Liu Ke said.

If Gongsundu had reinforcements, it could only come from Lelang County.

"My lord, we might as well find out this support army." Zhao Yun said boldly with fighting spirit.

This is a good idea. The attack on the reinforcements gave Gongsun Du a surprise.

"Send scouts to look for it." Liu Ke said, "In the meantime, let's plunder first."

As soon as this sentence was said, all the generals were very surprised. After all, Liu Ke's proposition is that the people are for the people, and war is for war.

Such a plunder, isn't it good?

Zhao Yun expressed his doubts and said, "My lord, will you slap yourself in the face like this?"

"You are too young. There are many foreign races in Liaodong. What we have to do is to plunder these foreign pastures. Moreover, my idea is to only restrict those who join, and Gongsun Du did not join." Liu Ke said.

Zhao Yun suddenly realized.

"Do you think I'm such a pedantic person?" Liu Ke said.

This point happened to be missed by Gongsun Du.

Therefore, the Yangzhou army wandered around Xiangping and started looting. In just a few days, they attacked seven or eight pastures, taking [-] horses and hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep.

This behavior is shocking.

Not only that, but Liu Ke was still promoting his idea in Liaodong. The reason why the foreign pastures were looted was entirely because Gongsundu did not join the Autumn Hunting Agreement.

Only by joining the Autumn Hunting Agreement can the interests of the people be guaranteed.

Obviously, Liaodong is not included.

Moreover, those who take up arms to resist are not counted as ordinary people!

In Liaodong, the common people are martial artists, who doesn't have weapons?Once he took out his weapons to resist, Liu Ke directly defined it as an army and looted as it should.

All of a sudden, Liaodong was in chaos.

"Damn Liu Dingfang, such a person deserves to be called loving the people like a son?!" Gongsun Kang scolded angrily.

Gongsun Du didn't know what to say...

"Father, we should write Liu Dingfang's viciousness and let all the princes in the Central Plains know!" Gongsun Kang said.

Of course Gongsun Du wanted to do the same, but Liu Ke had a good reason!

Since you don't join the Autumn Hunting Agreement, why should you protect your interests?

"It's just some cattle and sheep, no problem!" Gongsun Du said generously, as for the horses, they had already moved.

Not only that, Liu Ke was hateful, he also ordered the army to drive cattle and sheep through Xiangping.

"Thank you for the cattle and sheep of the Marquis of Liaodong!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison.

Gongsun Du on the city wall trembled angrily and almost vomited blood!

Liu Ke could see clearly through the telescope.

"This old tortoise is very patient!" Liu Ke sighed, such an enemy is more difficult to deal with.

Don't give you a chance at all!

But Liu Ke didn't care, and finally got something.

"Brother, since that's the case, we might as well scrape Liaodong three feet away!" Dian Wei said cheerfully.

"That's exactly what I mean, haha!" Liu Ke laughed.

"My lord, I found something." Zhao Yun said.

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