"This time, we must show Dongyang Hou a good look!" Gongsun Kang said excitedly.

An army of [-] is against an army of [-], and the outcome has been decided.

"Haha, what the young master said is that the Marquis of Dongyang actually ran to the west of Liaoxi, so deep, it would be very difficult to escape from our grasp." Yang Yi laughed.

For cavalry combat, Liaodong has studied it all his life, how could he lose?

What's more, the troops are completely crushed.The Yangzhou iron cavalry can be domineering only by being well equipped.

Thinking of the equipment of Yangzhou iron cavalry, Gongsun Kang's heart became hot.

After defeating Dongyang Hou and confiscating this batch of equipment, what is Goguryeo worth?

Without the obstacle of Goguryeo, Liaodong will dominate the north, and it is not an exaggeration to call it emperor.

Of course, the premise is to defeat Dongyanghou.

"You say, how will Dongyang Hou respond?" Gongsun Kang said. He had failed once, so he became more cautious.

"I'm afraid I will kneel down and beg for mercy!" Yang Yi said.

That said, although Gongsun Kang was happy in his heart, there was still dissatisfaction on his face.

"Be serious!"

Yang Yi knew that she was flattering too much, so she quickly said seriously: "If the Marquis of Dongyang enters Wuhuan, it will be very difficult for us to pursue him."

"We don't have much time, and Le Lang's tricks can only hide Goguryeo for a while." Liu Yi added.

How come you say that Liaodong has become a disadvantage?

Gongsun Kang was speechless for a while.

Gongsun Du, who had closed his eyes and rested his mind, spoke, and said: "A tiger fights a rabbit with all his strength. What's more, Marquis Dongyang is a wolf!"

"Father is right." Gongsun Kang agreed.

"Why don't we split up a group of troops and lay an ambush on the only way to Wuhuan in western Liaoning, what do you think, my lord?" Yang Yi suggested.

"How many troops do you think is appropriate?" Gongsun Du asked rhetorically.

Yang Yi just fell silent. If there were too few troops, he would be eaten, and if there were too many troops, he would not be able to keep the base camp.

"My lord is wise!"

"You don't need to play fancy things, just threaten Dongyang Hou directly and see how he makes a decision." Gongsun Du said.

It has to be said that Gongsun Du made a correct decision.

An army of [-] troops entered western Liaoning directly.

Zhang He, who was in charge of monitoring, reported the matter immediately.

Even in Yangzhou, it is difficult to come up with [-] cavalry.There is no way to hide such a large army.

"My lord, the King of Liaodong is approaching menacingly, we should avoid the edge for now." Zhao Yun said.

Naturally, Liu Ke would not be so stupid as to fight Gongsun Du head-on. Even if [-] Yangzhou iron cavalry could bite down on the enemy, his own vitality would be seriously injured. How many people survived in the end depends on God's will.

Cavalry is all about flexibility.

"The whole army is marching to the northwest." Liu Ke said.

The northwest is Wuhuan's territory, Liu Ke wants to determine whether Gongsun Du has the heart to fight decisively.

Therefore, the army entered the grassland, plundered along the way, and was self-sufficient.

Unlike Gongsun Zan's looting, Liu Ke only robbed supplies and did not kill people unless the Wuhuan tribe resisted.

The purpose of doing this, of course, is to leave clues for Gongsun Du.

However, Gongsun Du did not pursue it deeply.

"Gongsun Du is afraid. If I guess correctly, the threat should come from Goguryeo." Liu Ke judged.

"What does my lord mean, this matter can be used?" Zhao Yun said.

"Of course, Zilong, you lead [-] cavalry and go straight to Liaodong County to see if there is any chance to take Xiangping. If there is no chance, return immediately and join me." Liu Ke said.

"The last general takes orders!" Zhao Yun said.

"Gongda, inform Xingba to take down Fangxian County and see how Gongsundu responds." Liu Ke said.

As for the main force of the cavalry, they continued to roam the grasslands.There is no Wuhuan tribe here, so it is very safe.

Gongsundu's tent is full of quarrels at the moment, should they pursue it?

They have been discussing this issue for a long time without any result.

Gongsundu had a headache, and finally made a decision, saying: "Chasing!"

Therefore, Gongsundu's [-] troops entered the grassland and started a chasing battle with Liu Ke.

However, Liu Ke didn't care about them at all.

The scouts could always find out where the Dongyang Hou army was, but by the time the Liaodong army arrived, they had already disappeared.

After chasing and running, seven days passed.

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