Gongsun Du took it apart and looked, a mouthful of old blood spewed out!

"Father!" Gongsun Kang stepped forward to support Gongsun Du, and gently patted his back.

"I'm fine, but Fang County is lost." Gongsun Du said weakly.

"Did the Yangzhou navy do it?" Gongsun Kang said.

Gongsun Du nodded and handed the letter to Gongsun Kang.

Gongsun Kang saw that it was not only Fang County that was lost!

Xiangping is lost!

Xiangping is their base camp, and their wives and children are there.

Once the news comes out, the morale of the army will definitely be in chaos, and this battle will be impossible to fight.

"Father!" Gongsun Kang was in chaos.

"I lost a house, why panic?" Gongsun Du scolded.

Gongsun Kang lowered his head and stopped talking.

Gongsun Du was so angry that the Xiangping guard was so incompetent!

Originally, he left [-] troops to guard Xiangping, but because Gan Ning captured Fang County and threatened the counties, he even sent troops to support it!

Then Zhao Yun's [-] cavalry drove straight in, and took Xiangping with ease.

If it was lost elsewhere, Gongsun Du would not feel distressed, but Xiangping is his painstaking effort.

The treasury is sufficient, and the wealth searched is countless.

With the Yangzhou army's style of plucking the feathers of geese, there will definitely be nothing left...

Gongsundu didn't know how to fight the battle.

Both Yang Yi and Liu Yi are Gongsun Du's confidantes, so naturally they also read the content of the urgent report, and their jaws dropped in shock.

"My lord, let's go back to help Liaodong! Clean up Liaodong first, and then deal with Dongyang Hou." Yang Yi said.

Gongsun Du fell into deep thought. Indeed, he had been held back by Dongyang Hou for too long, and the situation of the battle was no longer in his favor.

Liu Ke also received the news, and Zhao Yun did not disappoint him.

"Zilong has made meritorious service," Liu Ke said.

"With Gongsun Du's patience, he will definitely return to assist Liaodong. Our chance has come." Zhang Yun said.

"Anyway, the enemy still has [-] troops, which should not be underestimated. If they form a group, our chances are slim," Xun You said.

At this moment, the scout reported.

"My lord, the Liaodong army has already retreated."

"So fast?" Lu Bu asked in surprise, he hasn't killed himself yet.

Gongsun Du acted quickly, and now it was Liu Ke's turn to make things difficult.

To chase or not?

"It must be a trap!" Liu Ke said with certainty, "This is to lure us into western Liaoning."

If tens of thousands of soldiers were ambushed beforehand, and when Liu Ke entered the west of Liaoning, he would attack back and forth, even if Liu Ke could escape, he would suffer heavy losses.

Xun You also thinks so, Gongsundu's retreat is certain, but the probability of fishing before retreating is still very high.

"How about this, let's enter Liaodong from Wuhuan and give Gongsun Du a surprise." Liu Ke said.

Go around in front of the enemy, by surprise?

Gongsun Du was afraid that he would be scared to death!

So the army set off and rushed to Liaodong as fast as possible.

However, in order to deceive others, Liu Ke left Zhang He behind, and was doing things in western Liaoning, creating the illusion that the Yangzhou iron cavalry was still in Wuhuan, so as to attract Gongsun Du's attention.

Gongsun Du mobilized [-] troops, and Liaodong had already become a big hole, and Liu Ke's whereabouts were not found.

However, Liu Ke did not go to Xiangping, but prepared to ambush Gongsundu.

Liu Ke looked at the map and chose a location with lush forests.

"Prepare a thousand cows, I have a magical effect." Liu Ke said.

It stands to reason that the Liaodong army has already arrived here, but it hasn't.It seems that they really set a trap and waited for a few days.

After the army was in ambush, Gongsun Du arrived here three days later.

Suddenly, a thousand fire oxen rushed out, disrupting the formation of the army.

"No, it's an ambush!" Gongsun Kang said in a panic.

Then, shouts of killing came from all directions, and it was impossible to know how many people came to Yangzhou.

The sound of drums, horns, the roar of war horses, and the shouts of soldiers... are intertwined.

There was also a big fire burning, creating countless thick smoke.

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