The southernmost Jiaozhi of the Han Dynasty is already Liu Ke's territory, and the northernmost is Goguryeo.

Liu Ke's enemies should not be limited to the princes of the Central Plains.

Liu Ke was already moved, but he didn't allow deception, and asked:

"Has something changed in Lelang County?"

Yang Yi looked surprised, she didn't expect her small thoughts to be seen through.

Facing Liu Ke, Yang Yi didn't dare to lie, and said: "Gaoguryeo has discovered the changes in Liaodong, and sent troops into Lelang County. If we can't make a strong counterattack, Goguryeo will definitely invade."

In other words, Goguryeo began to test the depth of Gongsun Du.

No wonder Gongsun Du was so anxious.

Yangyi's mission this time also has another purpose, which is to use Liu Ke's power to deal with Goguryeo.

If Liu Ke chooses Liaoxi and Liaodong counties, Yang Yi will ask Liu Ke to help clean up Goguryeo.

Now that Liu Ke is attracted to Lelang County, the result couldn't be better.

From Yang Yi's point of view, it is impossible for Liu to stay for a long time.The situation in Lelang County is very complicated, and there are many forces around it. Maybe after getting into the quagmire, as long as Gongsundu pays some price, Lelang County can be taken back.

Daifang County is just a small county with no strategic position, let alone mention it.

"My lord has surrendered!" Yang Yi reminded again, not wanting Liu Ke to persecute too much.

Liu Ke has a clear understanding of Gongsun Du's killing with a borrowed knife.

But if the target is Goguryeo, Liu doesn't mind being used once.

Goguryeo is a foreign enemy.

"Is Gongsundu really willing to cede the five counties of Liaodong to two counties?" Liu Ke said.

"My lord is willing!" Yang Yi said.

"Then I won't talk nonsense anymore. I want Lelang County and Daifang County." Liu Ke said.

Yang Yi cupped her hands and said: "My lord hopes to form an alliance with the Marquis of Dongyang to deal with Goguryeo together."

"This matter, I also agreed." Liu Ke said.

After agreeing on a time, Yang Yi went back to report to Gongsun Du.

Gongsun Du came to Xiangping in person, met with Liu Ke, and finalized the alliance.

"Dongyanghou, I didn't know Taishan before, so please forgive me!"

As soon as Gongsun Du came, he straightened his posture.And publicly declared that from now on he will only be the Marquis of Liaodong, not the King of Liaodong.

After being taught a lesson by Liu Ke, Gongsun Du has already opened up.

"Marquis of Liaodong, don't be too polite, Lelang County will still need your support in the future." Liu Ke said.

When it comes to the future, Gongsun Du finally has a little confidence. He has run Liaodong for so many years and knows it well.

"Marquis Dongyang is joking, we rely on you." Gongsun Du said.

The two sides negotiated for a while, signed the covenant, and Liu Ke withdrew his troops from Liaodong.

Gongsun Du has a new understanding of Liu Ke's personality. Once Liu Ke approves of someone, he will believe him.

Of course, Liu Ke is not worried about Gongsundu's repudiation.

The battle with Gongsundu is finally over, and Liu Ke's proposition can finally be implemented in Dahan.

Yangzhou publicized the matter, and Liu Ke's prestige rose to another level.

All the princes in the world are acting according to the rules set by Liu Ke!

Liu Ke accomplished an unprecedented feat, and the people sang his praises.

People in Yangzhou, in particular, erected monuments in various places to record this event.

Mi Heng wrote an ode to Liu Ke, and Sima Hui and Cai Yong promoted it, so various odes emerged one after another.

There are even more exaggerated rumors in the market that Liu Ke has accomplished what even emperors have failed to accomplish.

As a result, the news that Gongsun Zan was besieged in Beiping did not cause too much trouble.

Chapter 17 Chapter [-] Goguryeo

In the second year of Jianzhao (37 BC) of Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty, Zhu Meng from Fuyu established the Goguryeo Kingdom in Goguryeo County, Xuantu County of the Western Han Dynasty, and it exists to this day.

At that time, Xuantu County had a very vast territory, but it was later disturbed by Goguryeo and became a small county with almost no sense of existence.

Moreover, Xuantu County is too close to Goguryeo, so Gongsundu made it the front line against Goguryeo.

Perennial wars have made Xuantu County synonymous with poverty and backwardness.

On the contrary, another county adjacent to Goguryeo, Lelang County, developed very well.

Because Lelang County is an important county set up to rule the peninsula in the Western Han Dynasty, many Han immigrants live there.

Originally, Lelang County and Goguryeo did not border on it. Later, Goguryeo developed too fast and robbed the land of many tribes.

The Central Plains is in civil strife, and Lelang County is left unattended.

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