Ebasu couldn't help but sigh, what kind of enemy did he encounter?

In the previous battle with Gongsundu, even if it was a battle of [-] people, it was impossible to lose so many people.

Must be running in the wrong direction!

Ebassu thought firmly.

However, as several days passed, no troops returned.

Epsil had to admit his failure!

This army has absolutely nothing to do with the King of Liaodong, Ebasu is very sure.

Gongsun Du, who has been paying attention to this matter, ate two extra bowls of rice when he heard the news.

After all, Goguryeo is his old enemy. Seeing Goguryeo deflated, Gongsundu was in a good mood.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although Ebasu is full of fighting spirit, what can [-] troops do?

He thought about it for a long time, and finally returned to Goguryeo with the remnant soldiers, and reported the matter to King Chuan of his hometown.

King Chuan of the old country knew what happened in the battle report, and now he heard it with his own ears, but he still couldn't believe it.

That's fifty thousand troops, not fifty thousand pigs!

It was gone in one raid.

"Your Majesty, it's all the fault of this humble minister!" Yibasu knelt down and said.

Now that he has already lost, how could King Chuan of the old country blame his prime minister for this.

"Three months' salary!"

This is also why Ebasu performed well in the past, otherwise King Chuan of his homeland would not be so tolerant.

"Thank you, my lord!" Yiba said sincerely.

"What should we do next? Should we give up Lelang County?" Guuochuan Wang asked.

"Your Majesty can't! If you give up Lelang County just because of one failure, it will damage your Majesty's majesty." Yan Liu said.

King Chuan of the old country thought about it, and it was true.

"But, Gu Lian doesn't even know who the enemy is!"

Speaking of this, Epsil felt ashamed for a while.

It is true that the Han Chinese attacked them, but the Han people are also divided into forces.

"I don't know the strength of the troops..." King Chuan of the Old Country added.

Ebasu lowered his head even more.

This battle was fought inexplicably!

If you lose, you lose, but you can't figure out the basic information, which is a big responsibility.

"Your Majesty, this matter is simple, as long as we gather an army, we will immediately overwhelm Lelang County." Yan Liu said.

"How do you say that?" said Guguo Chuan Wang.

"The reason why we don't know the enemy is because there are too few fights. As long as we put on a confrontational posture, the enemy will definitely take action. At that time, we will be able to figure out who the enemy is and how many troops it has. Before that, don't fight with the enemy." fight." Yan Liu said.

King Chuan of the old country thought it made sense, and he subconsciously looked at Ebasu.

"Your Majesty, this move is wonderful!" Ebasu agreed.

"That's good, you lead another [-] troops to station on the border." Guguo Chuanwang said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust!" Ebasu said excitedly.

This time, the [-] troops traveled without any concealment.

Liu Ke was recovering the rest of Lelang County, when scouts came to report that Goguryeo had dispatched [-] troops.

After leaving some soldiers and horses to garrison various places, Liu Ke led [-] horses to the border to confront Goguryeo.

In order to find out the news, Yibasu directly asked to meet Liu Ke, and Liu Ke agreed.

The two sides each brought fifty personal guards and met across a small river.

"The Han army on the opposite side, which army are you from?" Ebasu shouted.

One sentence reveals the intention.

However, Liu Ke didn't intend to hide it, and said: "It's the Marquis of Dongyang!"

Marquis of Dongyang?

Yibasu thought for a while, and finally remembered, didn't the Marquis of Dongyang defeat the Liaodong King's [-] army?

This incident spread throughout Liaodong.

It seems that he is the man who defeated the King of Liaodong.

"From now on, Lelang County and Daifang County will be my territories. Be honest, otherwise I will trouble your king." Liu Ke said.

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