"I've decided my loneliness! I've dispatched [-] troops from the royal capital to support Yibasu!" King Chuan of the old country said categorically.

Yan Liu let out a long sigh.

After Liu Ke increased his troops by [-], Goguryeo, not to be outdone, increased its troops by [-].

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The reaction of King Chuan of the old country was very fierce, which was beyond Liu Ke's expectation.Not only dispatched all the power of the country, but also led the conquest.

Aren't you afraid that there will be no return?

The current Goguryeo occupies the Manchuria region.Here is full of black land, very rich.

It is said that people who went hunting in the mountains in those days only needed to sprinkle some seeds on the way, and they could harvest after a while.

Not to mention the countless minerals here.

Coupled with the fact that Goguryeo is sparsely populated and the resources are completely sufficient, it stands to reason that it would not be so crazy.

However, King Chuan of his hometown is a person who is very obsessed with the land, and he came here with an aura of Lelang County being his.

"Can such a person be a king? Has his head been kicked by a donkey!" Xu Chu said disdainfully.

"Hey, don't underestimate any opponent, at least he brought an army of [-]!" Dian Wei said, although he said so, his eyes were very disdainful.

They have seen a lot of battles of [-] troops, and they are past the age of making a fuss.

"Since that's the case, let the two of you go test the depth of the old King Chuan." Liu Ke said.

Xu Chu and Dian Wei left in high spirits, taking only [-] cavalry, and went to fight.

On the way, I encountered several waves of scouts, all of whom were mercilessly shot and killed by Yangzhou iron cavalry, and none of them survived.

Dian Wei saw that the Goguryeo barracks were closed, so he ordered someone to blow the horn.

Oh oh oh!

This movement was not small, and immediately alarmed the camp defenders.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" The defenders panicked and reported to Ebasu while strengthening their guard.

Yibasu quickly jumped up and looked at A, last time he was attacked by surprise, and he was disgraced, this time he can't fail again.

So he mobilized the entire army on alert.

"There is still a camp, otherwise we will be attacked again." Yibasu said with lingering fear.

Dian Wei seemed to see the mess in the camp, and couldn't help but sigh: "If brother directly raids, maybe it will succeed."

At this moment, the gate of the camp opened.

Goguryeo's army rushed out.

Dian Wei was taken aback, and quickly ordered the soldiers to retreat.

"My boy, there are at least [-] to [-] horses here?" Xu Chu said.

Fortunately, everyone is cavalry, so they are not very afraid of being overtaken.

"Who is so courageous to invade our barracks?" Ebasu shouted loudly.

Cooperating with the formation of [-] to [-] people, the average person would really be taken aback.

However, Dian Wei was unmoved, and sneered, "Dian Wei is under the Marquis of Dongyang's tent. When your grandson sees Grandpa, why don't you quickly kneel down and surrender?"

Yibasu seemed to be listening to the scriptures, and responded in the same way: "You are only waiting for a few thousand cavalry, and you dare to shout here? Do you want to die?"

Dian Wei took the lead and came between the two armies, saying: "Who dares to fight us?"

Yibasu didn't expect Dianwei to call directly. He is a Confucian general, and if he is allowed to play, he will definitely not be able to last a round.

"Prime Minister, the last general is willing to go!" A Goguryeo general with thick eyebrows and big eyes asked for his life.

Ebasu waved his hand and said, "Take his head, I will celebrate for you!"

Goguryeo carried a big sword and went forward bravely.

"Okay, that's the momentum!" Epsil clapped his hands and applauded.

"Should die!" Dian Wei suddenly clamped his horse's belly, and the horse's heart speeded up with a tacit understanding.

"Hey!" The Goguryeo man with thick eyebrows and big eyes replied.

This is also his last words.

Dian Wei cut him off with a single blow!

In an instant, blood was dripping.

"Hey, Goguryeo's general is vulnerable!" Dian Wei mocked.

Dian Wei followed Liu Ke all the time, and he often sparred with each other. After a few years, his martial arts became stronger.

Generals on the battlefield pay attention to quick battles and quick decisions. They can kill the enemy directly with one move, and there is absolutely no need for a second move.


Yangzhou iron cavalry celebrated Dian Wei with a unique horn sound.

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