The two sides started to fight in a mess, and the chickens flew like dogs.

After a while, Wang Xu's dog legs were all rolling on the ground, howling continuously.

Seeing this, Wang Xu drew out his long sword, and said viciously, "You thief, die!"

Liu Ke held Diao Chan in one hand and a sword in the other, and played a sword game in the blink of an eye.

Wang Xu's clothes fell off, leaving only a piece of crotch cloth, but his feet kept shaking, and he swept the floor gracefully.

He screamed and disappeared into the night.

"Thank you, Young Master, for saving me." Diao Chan turned and left in a hurry, as if she didn't want to have anything to do with Liu Ke.

The next day, the entire palace was fine, except for the strange look in old man Wang Yun's eyes.

"Morning Situ!" Liu Ke greeted.

"Get out of here after breakfast!" Wang Yun issued the order to evict the guest.

so fierce? !

If I hadn't taken a fancy to your adopted daughter, I would have beaten you to the ground long ago!

Liu Ke slandered in his heart.

After breakfast, Liu Ke immediately went to Huangfu Songshuai's tent. At this time, the place was already full of people.

"Dingfang, sit here!" Cao Cao beckoned.

Liu Ke swept around, his heart was so cold, he didn't know anyone except Cao Cao.

So, he came to Cao Cao's side, and said pleasantly, "Meng Dexian's complexion is not very good, he seems a little weak?"

"Yes, last night there was a lot of singing and dancing, and there was even a beautiful woman playing the flute, so happy!" Cao Cao recalled.

Old color embryo!

Didn't this guy go to find Zhu Jun last night?Could it be...

"You don't call me for such a good thing, when is Brother Meng De going to pay back the food?" Liu Ke asked.

Cao Cao was speechless for a moment.On the contrary, Xiahou Dun argued: "Isn't there still a one-year deadline? Don't push yourself!"

Not much speculation.

Fortunately, Huangfusong came. First he praised the great situation, and all ministries have been rectified. It's time to take advantage of the victory and pursue.

Now the Henan Yellow Turban is divided into three major forces, one is Zhang Mancheng of Nanyang, the other is Bocai who retreated to Yangdi, and the third is Peng Tuo of Xihua.

"The enemy army is newly defeated and their morale is low. This is a good time to defeat them in one fell swoop." Huangfusong patted the table and said.

The action of slapping the table is very skillful and has the momentum of a king.

"Our army will divide our troops into two groups. The main force will go straight to Yangzhai to destroy Bocai, and the other way will contain Zhang Mancheng in Nanyang." Huangfu Song said, scanning the surroundings, and then said, "Then, who is responsible for containing Nanyang?"

Everyone bowed their heads.

No way, now is the time to grab the credit, to contain Zhang Mancheng?Isn't that the legendary soy sauce?

Moreover, this soy sauce is not easy to beat, and he is always on guard against the attack of the Yellow Turban.

Simply put, it is thankless.

If you lose, you will be given the name of any sinner through the ages, and it's free.

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Huangfusong was furious, did he really want to call the roll himself?

Roll call, how bad it is to say it!

Liu Ke immediately raised his head and raised his chest, and volunteered: "The last general invites you to fight!"

Everyone looked at Liu Ke with the eyes of a fool!

Huangfusong frowned, Dongyang Army's fighting power was second to none, and he planned to make good use of it.

However, none of the people below gave face, it was really difficult.

It's still Liu Dingfang who knows how to be a man!Seeing that I was in trouble, he deliberately said that, he is really a good person.

If the people under him took the initiative, he wouldn't be in such a difficult situation!

Yan Zhong, who was at the side, pondered his own general's thoughts, and said in a strange way: "Lieutenant Liu is dedicated to the country, and it won't take so many troops to contain Nanyang. Why don't you hand over the command of the trapped camp and the Dongyang cavalry camp, and go to Yangdi with the army. "

Hearing this sentence, everyone present felt sad for Liu Ke.Huangfusong didn't say a word, he seemed to think that what Yan Zhong said was reasonable.

Yan Zhong was even more complacent, and looked at Liu Ke provocatively. This complacency made his butt drip for some reason, which was very painful.

The eighty army sticks hadn't woken him up yet, and he was still living in a dream!

"I think General Yan Zhong has a great desire to fight, why not let him contain Nanyang!" Liu Ke said firmly, expressing his attitude.

Yan Zhong's face froze.

Huangfusong also felt that it was wrong, after all Liu Ke went to contain Nanyang, it was already a great sacrifice, at this time, he seized other people's military power, his conscience couldn't justify it.

"That's it, the whole army will attack without any mistakes!"

Chapter 47 Arriving in Nanyang

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