It has to be said that Gongsun Du is very capable in Liaodong, so he has firmly secured his position as the king of Liaodong.

It's a pity that I met Liu Ke.

The same goes for Goguryeo. It defeated the Han Dynasty, captured most of Xuantu County, and defeated a small country like Buyeo. It developed very rapidly.

It's a pity that I also met Liu Ke.

So, why did Yanliu ask Baekje for help?

In fact, Goguryeo and Baekje are not only hostile, but also have some in-laws.

Although Goguryeo expelled the Buyeo people, they believed that Buyeo was also a branch of Goguryeo.

Although King Baekje never admitted it.

After going through all kinds of hardships, Yanliu came to Baekje and had an audience with Weiqiutai.

"Your Majesty, your in-law, the King of Liaodong, was expelled from Lelang County and Daifang County. This is all caused by the Marquis of Dongyang." Yan Liu told Liu Ke and Gongsun Du's grievances, causing Wei Qiutai to fall into deep thought.

Daifang County changed its owner, and Gongsun Du had already sent someone to notify him.

Wei Qiutai expressed his willingness to help Gongsundu regain the territory on the spot, but was rejected by the envoy.

The reason is that the Marquis of Dongyang is very powerful and no one dares to offend him.

Wei Qiutai naturally didn't believe it, but he kept an eye on it.When Goguryeo's [-] troops invaded Lelang County, he was also prepared. Once the defenders of Fang County left, Wei Qiutai would attack without hesitation.

However, it is regrettable that the Chishui Army in Daifang County did not leave, and what followed was the news of Goguryeo's defeat.

Wei Qiutai finally believed it, the Marquis of Dongyang must not be offended.

As soon as he arrived in Liaodong, he defeated the king of Liaodong, and soon defeated Goguryeo.

The two most powerful forces nearby were taught a lesson by Dongyanghou.

Commanding a small Baekje country by himself, how can he fight against the Marquis of Dongyang?

Yan Liu observed Wei Qiutai's expression, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Your Majesty, as long as you send troops and unite with us, you will surely defeat the Marquis of Dongyang. At that time, you will bring Fangjun to you."

That being the case, we can only know it for profit.

Wei Qiutai smiled and said, "Even if the Marquis of Dongyang is expelled, Daifang County is still the territory of the King of Liaodong. What promise does Goguryeo make?"

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that we will guard Lelang County. You and the King of Liaodong are separated from each other. Don't worry. What's more, the King of Liaodong has already ceded Daifang County to the Marquis of Dongyang. If you take it back from the Marquis of Dongyang, the King of Liaodong is also reasonable. Yes." Yan Liu said.

Wei Qiutai's heart skipped a beat.

Yan Liu took the opportunity to say: "Not only that, we will also contact Silla, and the three of us will send troops together, so why worry about Dongyanghou not being destroyed?"

Silla is stronger than Baekje, but Silla's forces are scattered and internal discord makes it not even a country.

"What you said is too simple. If the king of Liaodong can participate, this king can consider it." Wei Choutai said.

Older gingers are more spicy!

Wei Qiutai's words made Yan Liu feel intimidated, as if a lie had been exposed.

In Yanliu's view, Baekje can be used as long as it can be used, and if it is not used in the future, it can be killed.

"To tell you the truth, think about it, if the King of Liaodong participates, what benefits do we have? Once the Marquis of Dongyang is defeated, will he give up Lelang County? Even the smaller Daifang County is not willing to cede it. Go." Yan Liu said.

"If the king of Liaodong does not participate, this king will not believe Goguryeo's nonsense." Wei Qiutai said firmly.

This is overkill.

Yan Liu was at a loss for words, thought for a while, and said with a sneer, "My lord, don't you think about it, Dongyanghou is so powerful, will he let the weak Baekje go?"

Wei Choutai was finally moved. He could not care about the interests of short sellers, but he could not ignore the safety of the country.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace, that's what you're talking about!

Now, the entire peninsula is in turmoil.

The [-] cavalry of the Liaodong King were defeated, and the [-] army of Goguryeo was also defeated.

Baekje is just a small precarious country with only [-] troops. How can it resist the attack of the Marquis of Dongyang?

Moreover, the King of Liaodong and Goguryeo alone were unable to resist Dongyang Hou.

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Baekje is not as good as Goguryeo now...

Not only that, Baekje is just behind Daibang County, threatening Daibang County geographically.

It is self-evident who Dongyang Hou will solve first.

"Your Majesty is a smart man, we can only win together if we cooperate." Yan Liu said, and then preached the Dongyanghou threat theory for a while.

Wei Qiutai was still afraid after all.

"The king will think about it again."

Wei Qiutai waved his hand and asked someone to take Yan to stay.

When Yanliu left, he was proud of the spring breeze. He knew that the King of Baekje would definitely agree!

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