Naturally, Liu Ke would not pay attention to such nonsense.

"Bongxian, lead your cavalry to wake up the Baekje king who is still sleeping!" Liu Ke said.

"The last general takes orders!" Lu Bu said.

Afterwards, [-] cavalrymen attacked, came to the city of Weili, and ran along the city wall.

While running, countless arrows rained down.

Wei Qiutai squatted down in embarrassment, his feet were full of arrows.

"Protect the king!"

The guards on the city wall were in a mess.

The rain of arrows stopped, and Wei Qiutai poked his head out to see that Liu Ke had already led the army away.

Did Liu Ke believe in the nonsense of no injustice and no enmity?

how can that be.

Liu Ke's target is those Baekje tribes who support Wangcheng!

For three consecutive days, no reinforcements entered the comfort city.

In the sea of ​​corpses and blood, Liu Ke built a Jingguan outside the city.

The heads of tens of thousands of Baekje warriors!

"My lord, if we do this, will the king of Baekje go crazy?" Tai Shi asked kindly.

"People who are not of our race must have a different heart. Just don't kill innocent people indiscriminately. As long as they support Weili City, and those who take up arms to resist, they will all be killed." Liu Ke said.

"Yes, my lord!" Tai Shici was not one to be indecisive either.

The killing was still going on, and the area around the city of comfort turned into an airspace.

Wei Qiutai hated him greatly.

"Damn Dongyanghou! Are you bullying Baekje?"

"Father, calm down, we are not Dongyanghou's opponents." Jane said.

Because of this, Wei Qiutai hated Yan Liu even more, wishing to kill him on the spot.

Yan Liu also knew that he was hated by others, so he didn't show up for the past few days, and he had to show up rashly today.

"Doctor Yan, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. You should go back wherever you came from." Jian Wei said.

Yan Liu bowed his hands and stepped back.

Wei Qiutai did not interfere with Jane's decision.After all, Yanliu is the envoy of Goguryeo, so it is not easy to kill, but he can't stay, so he can just drive him away!

Out of sight out of mind.

That night, Yan Liu packed his luggage and left, not daring to stay for a while.

The next day, Liu Ke began to divide his troops to garrison the gates of each city.It can be said that Yanliu's luck is very good, if it is a day late, he will not be able to leave.

After Yanliu was sent away, the crisis in Baekje was not resolved, and Wei Qiutai looked indifferent.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is arrogant and domineering, we can't sit still and wait for death."

"Father means... to take the initiative to attack?" Jane asked.

"This king has been silent for several days, which has already paralyzed Marquis Dongyang. Now he divides his troops to guard the four city gates, giving this king a chance to defeat them one by one," Wei Choutai said.

"My child listens to my father!" Jane said.

Therefore, Wei Qiutai mobilized [-] troops and raided the Beimen camp at night.

The Yangzhou Army's guarding force at the North Gate was no more than [-], but they didn't panic at all.

"Enemy attack!"

Zhang He immediately led his army to meet the enemy.

There was no panic.

The two armies suddenly fought together.

Liu is an expert in surprise attacks, and Zhang He also learned a lot when fighting Goguryeo.

The King of Baekje is really tricky!

Hearing the movement at the north gate, Liu Ke had already led his army to help, but he had no intention of supporting Zhang Xi, but kept staring at the closed city gate.

Half an hour later, Wei Qiutai knew that his surprise attack had failed, so he quickly withdrew his troops.

The moment the north gate opened, Liu Ke led his army to attack.

"Kill! Capture the city gate!"

There were tens of thousands of Baekje troops, how could it be possible to pass through the narrow city gate all at once, and suddenly crowded together.

"Let me go in first!"

"If you don't get out of the way, I'm going to kill someone!"

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