When Wei Qiutai wanted to introduce the rulers of the Three Hans, Liu Ke stopped and said, "Forget it, I can't remember the names of those crooked melons and dates. Give me a map to mark the places ruled by the Three Hans." .”

Wei Qiutai was speechless, but he did it anyway.

So, one hundred thousand Yangzhou cavalry set off and went straight to the nearest Mahan.

Wei Qiutai suddenly felt empty in his heart, and Dongyanghou didn't leave anything behind!

There was no army and no civil servants, so he just left so simply.

No matter how bad Baekje is, it is still a kingdom, okay?

What do you mean by being so disdainful?

Moreover, Baekje was still an enemy yesterday!

Although Wei Qiutai promised that he would not rebel, the Marquis of Dongyang really didn't have the slightest precautions.

Is this really good?

"Hou Dongyang is a real king, and one day, he will become the lord of the Central Plains!" Wei Choutai said with emotion.

"The king of Liaodong said that this place is just a barren land. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it a little bit." Jane said.

Wei Qiutai thought so deeply, and then led his army to set off, following behind the Yangzhou iron cavalry.

When the Baekje army arrived at Mahan, there were only corpses left on the ground.

The main force of Ma Han was wiped out!

How long has it been since?

Wei Qiutai didn't know what to say, should he be happy, or mourn for Ma Han?

"King Baekje, you are too slow. My lord has ordered you to clean up the battlefield." Xun You said.

"Where is the Marquis of Dongyang?" Baekje King asked casually.

"My lord has gone to Bianhan." Xun You said without any concealment.

So fast……

The King of Baekje led an army of [-] to clean up the battlefield. This is a fat job!

There are many things that Yangzhou can't use, but for Baekje, it would be nice to have an iron weapon.

"Father, the Marquis of Dongyang is marching towards Bianhan, you shouldn't stay here any longer." Jian Wei said.

This sentence reminded Wei Qiutai, after leaving [-] troops for Jane to take the place, he led the rest of the army to follow the Yangzhou army.

Half a day later, Wei Chou Tai came to Bian Han's territory, and the gloomy clouds here were also gloomy.

Bianhan's army was completely lost.

Wei Qiutai felt incredible, how long has it been?

A "baekje country" will be destroyed!

That is an extremely powerful Benhan!

"Baekje King, are you too slow?" Zhang He said.

Wei Qiutai silently cleaned the battlefield.

Liu Ke even killed Ma Han and Bian Han, but still failed to catch Yan Liu. This guy must have gone to Chen Han.

So Liu Ke led his troops to Chenhan.

As soon as Chen Han greeted the envoy from Goguryeo, Liu Ke followed.

An army of [-] is a big force wherever it is placed.

Who dares to underestimate?

Chen Han immediately detained the Goguryeo envoy and presented a surrender letter to Liu Ke.

The demise of Ma Han and Bian Han sounded the alarm for Chen Han.

Yan Liu was stunned, and after a while he shouted: "Goguryeo will not let Chen Han go!"

Chen Han was very knowledgeable, and Liu Ke didn't make things difficult for them.

After all, according to historical records, Chen Han was actually a commoner who fled here during the Qin Dynasty.

Up to now, they still speak ancient Qin dialect.

Liu accepted Chen Han's surrender and sent them an official seal. From then on, Chen Han became Liu Ke's younger brother.

Yan Liu was sent out by Wuhuada, Liu Ke sized him up and said, "Doctor Yan, why don't you stay in Goguryeo well, what are you doing here?"

Yan Liu was already desperate at this time.

"Dongyanghou, don't be complacent, I, Goguryeo, still have [-] troops!"

Liu Ke didn't take it seriously, and said: "Come here, untie Dr. Yan and let out a word, whoever dares to accept the Goguryeo envoy in this land will be destroyed."

Chen Han shivered beside him.

Before Yan Liu could be happy, he had to worry about the future of Goguryeo.

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