"The former king faced the most powerful princes in the Central Plains, and the defeat was not unjust!" Yanyou said.

This interface is found well.

"Not only that, the Marquis of Dongyang has [-] soldiers, and now he is in Lelang County, but he has only sent more than [-] troops." Yibasu said.

This information made Yanyou feel desperate.

Doesn't it mean that as long as the Marquis of Dongyang is happy, he can increase his troops at any time?

"Both of you are the pillars of Goguryeo. Let's talk about how Goguryeo will get through the difficulties now?" Yanyou asked sincerely.

"Your Majesty, our army should stick to Wandu Mountain City. It is true that the Marquis of Dongyang is strong, but there are also powerful princes in the Central Plains to check and balance him. As long as he sticks to it for a year or so, the one who should be anxious is the Marquis of Dongyang!" Yibasu said.

This suggestion is very pertinent.

Yanyou believes that it can be regarded as a safe measure.

"Your Majesty, we can surrender to the Marquis of Dongyang on the surface!" Yan Liu said.

"Don't bring this matter up again." Yanyou said.

Goguryeo was the strongest at its peak, and even the king of Liaodong was slightly inferior.

No more face?

If King Chuan of the old country was still alive, maybe Yanyou would suggest the same.

After all, King Chuan of his hometown needs Goguryeo, not face.

But Yeon Woo is different, he has just inherited the throne and has not cultivated his own loyal forces.

To put it simply, the King of Chuan in his old country endured the humiliation, but when he came to Yanyou, he must be betraying his country and seeking glory!

Want to keep the position on the butt, how can it be so simple...

Now there is Baqi who blatantly stands against Yanyou.

If Yanyou chooses to submit to Dongyanghou, Baqi will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

While the three were chatting and discussing, suddenly a messenger rushed over, panting, and reported:

"Report! Your Majesty, the Marquis of Dongyang has led an army of [-] and [-] servants into our territory."

Yanyou was startled, stood up and said, "Say it again?!"

"The Marquis of Dongyang has come to Wandu Mountain City." The messenger said.

The air suddenly became quiet.

Yanyou never expected that he would face such a threat from the Marquis of Dongyang not long after he ascended the throne.

"Your Majesty, fortify the wall and clear the field, stick to it!" Yibasu said.

"Is there any other choice for Gu?" Yanyou sat back on his throne blankly, his face ashen.

Liu Ke said that whoever accepts Goguryeo's envoy is his enemy.

Now that the envoys of Goguryeo have entered Goguryeo, they dare to ignore his ban. Isn't it just looking for a fight?

Originally, he planned to bring [-] troops, but both Baekje and Chenhan took the opportunity to send troops just to show their loyalty.

And take advantage of it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The big tree of Goguryeo is about to fall, and the fertilizer spit out is enough to feed everyone.

Therefore, Baekje and Chenhan both wanted to take advantage of the wall being pushed down by everyone.

Yan Liu turned around the peninsula, but in the end he still couldn't escape Liu Ke's pursuit.

When the army entered the territory of Goguryeo, Liu Ke had only one request, that is, not to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Since you are coming, follow my rules." Liu Ke said.

Some looting will definitely happen, but as long as the matter is not serious, Liu Ke will turn a blind eye.

"Everything is based on the will of the Marquis of Dongyang." Wei Choutai said, although he is a great king, there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

Liu Ke ordered Baekje and Chenhan to seize nearby towns, while he led his army straight to the capital of Goguryeo, Wandu Mountain City.

As the capital of Goguryeo, Wandu Mountain City is at most a bit taller than the county towns in the Central Plains. After all, the construction technology here is backward.

In the north, Wandu Mountain City is almost the largest city.

There are many cavalry here, and the population is dominated by nomads and tribes.

Who will attack the city like the Central Plains?

Siege will always be a feature of the Central Plains.

It is already remarkable that Marudu Mountain City can rise from the ground.

Even if it is Liu Ke, without any siege equipment at the moment, there is not much way to take Wandu Mountain City.

To be honest, Yangzhou's technology has always been very advanced. Using catapults and ballistas, Liu Ke is sure to break through the Wandu Mountain City within a day. Unfortunately, these two things are not easy to carry.

In order to fight quickly, Liu Ke led cavalry.

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