Goguryeo was completely unaware that they had changed their opponents and were caught off guard.

Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Tai Shici, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei, which one is not a peerless warrior?

What's more, they are all elites like the Yangzhou Army, who killed Goguryeo in an instant.

Goguryeo is a new army that has not received much training. They may be able to hold on to the city walls, but now they have gradually lost this advantage.

Lu Bu and Dian Wei shouted at the same time, jumped down from the stairs, and seized the city gate.

"Go and open the door, I'll cover you," Lu Bu said.

"Why didn't you go?" Dian Wei objected.

"I'll kill these chicks for a while longer." Lu Bu said bluntly, Fang Tian swung his halberd across and sent dozens of people flying.

Got it!

Dian Wei no longer argues, the overall situation is the most important.

The gate of the city was opened in an instant, revealing a ray of dawn.


The Yangzhou iron cavalry who had been waiting outside for a long time rushed in, engaged in fierce street fighting, and another bloody killing.

Marutu Yamashiro, it's over.

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty Six

"Your Majesty! Run away! The army of the Marquis of Dongyang has already entered the city!" Ebasu said heartbreakingly.

Yanyou looked at Ebasu calmly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"You can't escape alone. This is the capital of Goguryeo, the safest place in the world."

A king who escaped from his own capital, is he still a king?

So, Yeonwoo can't act flustered.

He hasn't lost yet!

There is still a large army in the city, and Yan Liu is still leading the army to resist!

After a while, Yan Liu came to the palace in a hurry.

"My lord, our army is desperately resisting to buy you time, why are you still here?" Yan Liu asked.

Yanyou suddenly felt hopeless.

"Rumor, the lonely brother Wang was knocked out and taken away by you?"

Yan Liu suddenly didn't know what to say, to nod or not to nod?

Yanyou slowly walked down from the throne, despising Yanliu.

"You can't go alone, you belong to Goguryeo..."


Ebasu threw away the mallet in his hand, and shouted to the left and right guards: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and escort the king away!"

So everyone was in a hurry and escorted Yanyou out of the city.

The chief guard showed a look of disdain. These ministers really have a way. If the king doesn't leave, how can they have the nerve to leave?

Also directly knocked the king unconscious.

It is not so easy to be king.

However, because of this, the inheritance of Goguryeo was preserved, which is not a loss.

"Why don't you leave?" Yan Liu scolded.

Ebasu smiled and said, "Old friend, what about you?"

"I can't walk anymore." Yan Liu said, feeling tired.

He has already run around, and it just so happens that this is the capital, so there is no need to continue running.

In Yan Liu's eyes, the will to die was already revealed.

"The king's capital was captured, and we need someone to take responsibility, and I am the most suitable candidate." Yan Liu said, "The king still needs you, you can't die."

Ebasu was at a loss for words in an instant, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

Riding away.


There are gold and iron horses everywhere in Wandu Mountain City.

Although Goguryeo has a large number of people, its combat effectiveness is really not very good.

If this was not the capital of the king, they would have fled long ago.

Yet they cannot.

Goguryeo is their country and must be defended by them.

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