Thinking about it, Paqi suddenly had a flash of inspiration, why didn't he seek refuge with the Marquis of Dongyang?

Both Baekje and Chenhan made a decision, and Dongyanghou also accepted it.

This is the best sign.

If the refuge is successful, I don't have to live a life of fleeing in exile.

So Baqi turned around and returned to Wandu Mountain City.

Liu Ke was very surprised by Baqi's arrival.However, what is the value of a Goguryeo prince?

Liu Ke didn't plan to support idlers, and was about to expel them when he suddenly thought of a brilliant plan.

Liu Ke is well aware that the situation on the peninsula is unpredictable, even though Baekje and Chenhan are honest now, as long as Liu Ke is weak, he will definitely be bitten back.

Goguryeo is also annoying, and after a few years of raising it, it will come out again.

Liu Ke doesn't have the time and energy to destroy Goguryeo now, so he simply supports a force to fight against Goguryeo. Paki is a good candidate.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Greetings to Marquis Dongyang!" Baqi saluted respectfully.

"Goguryeo and I are not friendly, right?" Liu Ke said bluntly, "There is no need to show such a big gift."

"Marquis Dongyang is joking. Wars are wars. You are a benevolent monarch. It is reasonable for me to salute you on behalf of the people of Wandu Mountain City." Ba Qi said.

"War is war, your idea is very suitable for me." Liu Ke said, "Tell me, what are you coming back for?"

When it came to business, Ba Qi looked solemn and said: "I am willing to surrender to the Marquis of Dongyang!"

"You are just a Goguryeo royal family with no power and power. What use is it to me?" Liu Ke asked.

Although he already had a draft in his heart, it was necessary to beat Baki before that.

Baqi knelt down and said, "I am willing to offer my loyalty to the Marquis of Dongyang!"

"Your loyalty is too light." Liu Ke said.

"I also ask Marquis Dongyang to make it clear that as long as we do it, we will definitely not refuse!" Ba Qi said.

"Why did you rely on me?" Liu Ke said.

"Because I want to regain my power. If Marquis Dongyang is willing to help me become the king of Goguryeo, then everything in Goguryeo belongs to you," Baqi said.

He made no secret of his ambition.

Liu Ke appreciated such a talent very much, and said, "This is not difficult for me."

Bucky was very excited immediately.

"But, what do you use to prove your loyalty?" Liu Ke said.

This question immediately made Bagchi embarrassed.

Under normal circumstances, marriage is the best choice, but what is Dongyanghou's identity?

The gap between the two sides is too large.

"Dongyanghou was joking, you are so powerful, those who resist you have become dead souls, how dare I step into their footsteps?" Baqi said.

"This is my business. What about your own determination? You want to cheat a throne with just one sentence. How can there be such a simple thing in the world." Liu Ke said.

"If I become the king of Goguryeo, the heir can only grow up in Yangzhou, and offer three million gold tribute every year..."

Baqi put forward a lot of conditions, and almost changed his surname to Liu in Goguryeo.

These things are insignificant to Liu Ke, but this is all that Goguryeo can provide.

Three million gold a year, for Goguryeo, whose tax revenue is only four to five million gold, is simply fatal.

"Is such a king interesting in public?" Liu Ke asked back.

Baqi was silent, Dongyanghou was so difficult?

In fact, it wasn't Liu Ke's intention to make things difficult, it's just that under such harsh conditions, in a few years, Bachi would be torn apart by the angry people.

So, what's the use of helping him up?

"Let me tell you straight, in addition to the first one, add one more, that is free trade." Liu Ke said.

Leeks must be cut slowly, uprooting will do no one any good.

To Baqi, this sentence was like the sound of heaven.

When Liu Ke was not careful, he gave him a favor without spending anything.

"I will support you to become the king of Goryeo. It is not Goguryeo. The territory is within the range of Wandu Mountain City. You will become a barrier in the north of Lelang County. I will not help you destroy Goguryeo. It depends on your mood. Of course, if you can I don't object to doing it." Liu Ke said.

The amount of information in it was too much, and Baki thought about it for a while, but he agreed directly without sorting it out.

He didn't bother to care about the difference between Goguryeo and Goryeo.

"Thank you Dongyanghou!" Baqi said.

"From now on, you will be the King of Korea." Liu Ke said.

Therefore, Liu Ke made a delivery on this place, and after evacuating the Wandu mountain city, handed it over to Baqi to rule.

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